View Full Version : Worst beer ever?
02-11-2003, 05:12 AM
Andriana Duskrose
02-11-2003, 05:31 AM
American is the worst beer.
02-11-2003, 06:30 AM
Schlitz--that stuff is disgusting I don't know how anyone could drink it.
Nmok Soulblighter
02-11-2003, 06:45 AM
It was labelled "Beer" or "Lite Beer" and was brewed at the Falstaff brewery in Kansas City. Was Generic plain label stuff in Albertson's. Tasted like shit, but it was cheap and when in college I had little money to spend. It cost about $3.00 for a 12pack and $5.00 for a case. Who wouldnt drink that?
02-11-2003, 06:56 AM
milwaulkies (sp?) best..was pretty much like nmok said, cheapest thing on the shelf. nicknamed milwaulkies (sp again?) beast for a reason
02-11-2003, 07:25 AM
Anything American and mass produced is total crap. American Bud, coors, miller etc. although I'm sure that 5 dollar two-four beer mentioned previously is much worse. There's also a Canadian beer called Lakeport that sucks pretty seriously.
Anything that uses cheap ingredients like rice and wood chips, is a total loser for sure. ;)
but.. If you want to pick on an entire country id say overall canadian mainstream beer much worse than the american stuff=p. Always gets me how canadians think they are beer gods with ther labatts blue and molson lol. Specially since alcohol sales is somewhat regulated by the goverment and they cant even get 98% of the real american beers. If its not a major distribution company canada wont have it. =p
02-11-2003, 07:50 AM
I'd take a labatts or a molson over a US coors or Miller ANY day. Might not be amazing beer but at least it's not wimpy 3.2 percent alcohol ;) The government doesn't regulate alcohol sales in all provinces, probably just Ontario.
02-11-2003, 07:52 AM
Labatt Blue indeed is shit, however very few people drink it here Rika. It's almost impossible to find it on tap at any bar, and even a lot of liquor stores barely stock it. And which Molson's beer are you saying sucks? Molson Canadian (I think it's the same as Export in the US) is a pretty damn good beer really. Nothing special about it, but nothing all that bad either.
And it makes sense to me that we don't get most American beers. We also don't get most European beers. And I am sure the US doesn't get most Canadian beers. I doubt you can get Big Rock beer in most parts of the US, despite it being extremely popular up here, and not to mention very damn good (I bought a variety case a few weeks back, it was so good :D).
02-11-2003, 07:56 AM
Actually Tilea, the whole American beers have less booze in them thingy is sorta false.
I believe that in the US they rate their alcohol content, by weight. Whereas in Canada it is by volume. So, since alcohol is lighter than water, a lower alc/wt rating is equivalent to a higher alc/vol rating. For example, I think 4.1% alc/wt is about the same as 5% alc/vol, or very close to it anyway. So most people have the mistaken impression that American beer has less alcohol content, when that's not true.
At least, I think that's how it works.
02-11-2003, 07:59 AM
If you take, for example, a Budweiser brewed in Canada, and compare it to one brewed in the US, the Canadian one is noticably stronger alcohol wise.
02-11-2003, 08:06 AM
I'd have to agree with Nexten. The worst beer ever would be Milwaukee's Best.
Luucas Maximus
02-11-2003, 08:30 AM
skol. nats piss. Like 2.8% or something.
although anything less than 5% tends to be minging - Carlsberg, Castlemain, Fosters, Carlsberg etc.
02-11-2003, 08:44 AM
There is a few cheapo beers out here that are kind of gross. Lucky Lager, Old Style Pilsner, and Black Label to name a few.
They are probably the equivalant of Pabst blue ribbon or what's that other one called in the states reindeer beer or something.
02-11-2003, 08:51 AM
I would Have to say Papst Blue Ribbon
If you take, for example, a Budweiser brewed in Canada, and compare it to one brewed in the US, the Canadian one is noticably stronger alcohol wise.
Totally wrong. There are laws in some states for alcohol beverages to contain more than 3% alcohol they must be sold in a liquor store. They cant sell them in gorcery or conveinince stores. So bud and the other companys make differnt batches for differnt specs for certain states. Unregulated budweiser i know for a fact is 5%.
Looking on the label of a budweiser can purchased in Texas you will see that it is 5% alcohol. You hit my very point Eomer, its easy to harp on the mass marketed beers of a country, typically they all suck. Heineken, St Pauli, Becks, Dos Equis, Tsing Tao, the list goes on. However, you can't jsut sum up an entire countrys worth of beer in their mass marketed crap. Specially american microbrew beer. Our only competition for the just about every style of beer in world ratings and competitions is Belgium. To think that there is not someone or a group of people capable of brewing amazing beer in just about any part of the world is silly, and its more silly to disregard this. There is probably well over 25,000 types of beers. To sum it up by picking three of the worst and calling american beers all shit is rude. =p
02-11-2003, 09:24 AM
I would say the worst beer I can buy in Edmonton would have to be Club, Big Bear (7% 40oz, drank it all the time in grade 8), or Colt .45
02-11-2003, 09:27 AM
/agree with Rika
02-11-2003, 10:38 AM
Black Label.
02-11-2003, 10:40 AM
yeah I forgot about Black Label. That stuff IS nasty
02-11-2003, 10:41 AM
It's pretty gross, that and lucky lager are about the same.
02-11-2003, 10:50 AM
only on very, VERY few occasions has drinking a beer actually made me cringe and shiver. Black Label was one.
For me it was Elephant.. that stuff was so bad i had to force myself to drink one. Then the other 5 sat in the fridge for 5 months. Eventually, I pawned them off to guests (unsuspecting). Dont know if they liked it or not, but somehow i doubt it!
Nmok Soulblighter
02-11-2003, 11:06 AM
That's just mean Rika, but I have been known to do the same thing. Friend came to my SuperBowl party with a 12'er of The, guy makes 6figures and he shows up with that shit. He then proceeds to drink other ppl's beer and not touch his. Now I am stuck with this shit in my fridge, I think I will do the same thing you did, pour it in a glass and pass it off to my friends.
P.S. Colt .45 is not beer, its Malt Liquor.
02-11-2003, 12:48 PM
Well yeah, it tries to be beer though :D
Nmok Soulblighter
02-11-2003, 12:52 PM
02-12-2003, 07:48 AM
Taste in beer is like asswind. Everyone has at least one. Just because one of you biscuitheads wants to believe whatever "boot-flavored" dark beer is "the bomb" does not mean that my Pfeiffer isn't great tasting to me - and neither of us would be wrong.
Nevertheless - I still remember the yellow cans of alchohol we could get at the army surplus - it was labled, "BEER" and for the most part, was pretty nasty.
02-12-2003, 09:58 AM
Beer sucks! Its that simple. While all you boozers try to find the one that doesnt suck as bad as the others the fact is they are all NASTY.
People tell me its an aquired taste, well if you want to aquire the taste you need to start sniffing the mens urinals at a Nascar race. Its the same!
My favorite drink is pure taquila with the salt licked from a womans boozum or neck, and the limon held with her teeth!
Thats party time! WOOT
Nmok Soulblighter
02-12-2003, 10:45 AM
You must not drink much tequila...... :P
Sorry, couldn't resist.
02-12-2003, 11:33 AM
Your right. Its been 2 years at least! hehe
Nmok Soulblighter
02-12-2003, 11:50 AM
You must be taking lessons from Grim and Rhedd then......
02-12-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Lista
Beer sucks! Its that simple. While all you boozers try to find the one that doesnt suck as bad as the others the fact is they are all NASTY.
People tell me its an aquired taste, well if you want to aquire the taste you need to start sniffing the mens urinals at a Nascar race. Its the same!
My favorite drink is pure taquila with the salt licked from a womans boozum or neck, and the limon held with her teeth!
Thats party time! WOOT
hahhahaha omg that almost made me fall out of my chair! And I have to agree with you, that tequila image definitely says "Party Time" to me. ;) Although I doubt I'd be licking my salt from a woman's breast... but the point is good tequila is always a PARTY!
02-12-2003, 01:18 PM
I like Tequila Rose a lot.
02-12-2003, 03:19 PM
Tequilla is the devil. The deviiiiiiilllll.
02-12-2003, 09:36 PM
They do make for probably the best shooter though, tequila and lime. I don't like those sugary ones. Mind you I can only handle 2 with a few other drinks then that's it for me.
02-12-2003, 10:33 PM
Michelob Ultra....... There is no beer worse... Natty lite or the Beast (yes yes, I am still in college) don't even compare... Ultra goes down like water and foams up on its way down, then starts a fight with anything in you, and tastes like shit.... I still shiver at the thought of having to drink another one someday, I'ld prefer to remain sober all night then be at a party drinking that crap.
02-12-2003, 11:58 PM
02-13-2003, 07:37 AM
vestax will you pee in my beer?
02-13-2003, 01:34 PM
Black Label and Schlits Light are the worst. No doubt.
But however bad they are, they are NOTHING compared to any flavor of Maddog 20-20. Jesus....christ...on ...a crutch. Normally when you drink and get hella drunk, liquor starts to pretty much taste know, hard liquor doesn't burn, and vodka starts to not taste like eating flaming wood? ...
..but drunk, off my ass, Maddog 20-20 still tastes just as shitty as ever. Luckily at that point I didn't care..and drank it anyway.
02-13-2003, 01:38 PM
I think the only time those beers would be agreeable with me, is if it was a hot day, digging a ditch( or some other form of vile work) with the sun beating down on my back. And then a black label would be ok, provided it's icy cold with condensation on the side of the can or bottle.
02-13-2003, 01:39 PM
Hmmm East Coast generic shit I recall. Might been back round 86 87 that my friends were going as cheap as possible. Little liquor store that served us had cases of it for $4.99. Was the worst shit I ever had, especially when my bud passes it to me in the middle of summer from under his drivers seat. Talk about gag.
Red White & Blue - worst beer I ever had.
My buds knew I hated it so much, that when I threw my decorate the tree parties every year for Xmas, they would always bring the cheapest nastiest ass beer dujour(year) on hooks as their contribution to the tree. My mom would come over to visit, see my tree and laugh her ass off at the shit we drank.
Have to agree on Black Label too - if I recall, that was brewed near Balto Co. and a friend of mine father worked there. He always had a shed full of the cheap ass shit they brewed. I remeber our Senior Week from High School, he gave us these horse feed bags full of Black Label & these wine coolers w/ no labels. Thank god I had already picked up 15 or so cases of Bush. I knew that sucked, but at least it was a bit better then that gawd awful stuff.
-btw 3 years and not a drop as of this Feb =)
02-13-2003, 04:28 PM
Nmok - have you tried the Boulevard Beer in Kansas city? Yumm
02-13-2003, 07:04 PM
Ugh, tequila is the WORST shot possible, unless you have something to chase with (or lemon/lime). I can shoot any other liquor better than tequila, ugh.
Ever had bottle caps Zarx? I have no idea what they are, but they are one of those shooters where you drop a shooter into a glass then drink it, they are fucking delicious. I could probably do them non-stop till I fell over, it's yummy. I think they are kinda sissy drinks tho, all limey :/.
Or if you really want to punish people, get an Irish Car Bomb. It's half a glass of guinness with I think kaluah (how the hell do you spell that?). I liked it, but the other 6 people all looked like somebody kicked them in the nuts.
Or of course, Prairie Fryers. Those are always popular.
02-13-2003, 07:17 PM
Don't think I have had bottle caps. When I go out though my friend likes the tequila shooters as do. So we usually stick to those with a bit of salt and lime on the side.
Nmok Soulblighter
02-14-2003, 06:41 AM
Yes Gemmi I have...Another good one that is from down here in the ATL is Sweetwater. Sweetwater 420 is da good. If you can find it, I would highly recommend it. I love finding new beers and giving them a try. There was a place in Omaha in the Old Market called the Dubliner. Had over 90 beers on tap and 350 more in bottles. Stuff from all over. I did try to drink everyone in the place, had some friends who did. The general consensus was that Indians CANNOT make beer...its more like perfumed water. Tasted like shit and smelt like it too.
02-14-2003, 06:58 AM
if you don't like straight Tequila you'd like Tequila Rose probably. It's tequila with a strawberry cream liquor, it's pretty tastey.
"Ever had bottle caps Zarx? I have no idea what they are, but they are one of those shooters where you drop a shooter into a glass then drink it, they are fucking delicious."
Sometimes during NHL playoffs, we'll get a big party going. If your team is playing that night (or if theyre not just pick a team!), while watching the game, we have a little drinking game thrown in. You take a full glass of beer (any kind you like), and a shooter of Amaretto. Whenever your team scores a goal, you drop the shooter into the glass (shot glass and all) and then chug the whole thing. Wicked way to get hammered while watching the game :D
02-14-2003, 04:28 PM
Heh Tilea - sounds like a old friend of mine. We used to rim the amaretto w/ 151 - light it then drop it in. Flaming Dr. Pepper. Geeuzs they were good, until you were doing them all night. I still dont care much for Dr. Pepper`s today. Hmm wonder why.
02-15-2003, 08:14 AM
02-15-2003, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by hostyle
Oh no even worse than Coors, is Coors Lite :rolleyes:
Which reminds me, years ago I had a roommate and her boyfriend came over a lot (practically lived with us) and while I always stocked the fridge with good beer (Redtail Ale, Red Nectar Ale, Guiness, etc.) this asshole would come over and drink my beer and replace it with Coors Lite! /rawr! OMG how I hated that jerk. :mad:
02-15-2003, 10:46 AM
vini go answer your email instead of speaking of beer on forums !
02-17-2003, 06:52 AM
LOL Vini, you needed to put your foot down!
"Heh Tilea - sounds like a old friend of mine. We used to rim the amaretto w/ 151 - light it then drop it in. Flaming Dr. Pepper. Geeuzs they were good, until you were doing them all night. I still dont care much for Dr. Pepper`s today. Hmm wonder why."
I'm not sure what 151 is? But that sounds awfully good :)
02-17-2003, 09:38 AM
151=very strong rum generally, Jamaican!
I dunno if 151 is a specific brand, but 151 proof = you hitting floor fast.
02-17-2003, 10:09 AM
Oh, ok. Hehe.
If I ever wanted to get drunk REAL fast I would do poppers. Tequila poppers etc. Problem is though, the combination of pops like sprite and hard liquor does NOT sit well with the stomach.
02-17-2003, 10:39 AM
I had a pale-ale at a friends this weekend. Was the first beer I ever poured down the sink after drinking half. Can't remember the name of it.
02-19-2003, 08:49 AM
Just for kicks - since I think I recall someone mentioning beer drinking games. Anyone ever play or hear of Robo Pound? I was introduced to it during my high school senior week in 88 at the beach. Was by far the cruelest meanest beer drinking game I ever played, to your sobriety that is.
02-19-2003, 01:50 PM
Never heard of robo pound =\ Toughest drinking game I ever played was also a very simple one. Can involve any amount of players. You take a deck of cars, and you have one "dealer". Dealer asks the first person to pick red or black, then flips the card over. If they guess wrong, they drink. if they guess right, they make someone else drink. Then on to the next person, and around and around. Haha, very simple and you just NEVER stop drinking.
02-20-2003, 08:45 PM
02-24-2003, 11:15 PM
Tilea if ya like quarters games, robo pound can be alotta fun, or very nasty. Ill lay out the basics of the game in a 1 on 1 scenario. You need a good quarters table that can stand alot of beer spills for starters. Next you need 6 coffe mugs, rocks glasses or any other small type glass/cup that can hold 3 or 4oz of beer or so. Fill all six of them up the same level and place them in 2 rows of three back to back. You will need a 7th cup - the big one. You know, the old Moose cups or anything that resembles the BIG plastic cup you get from the local fastfood joint. That takes a full beer - we usually filled it. Anyways - the game. Each person would get a quarter. The object would be to be the first person to make a quarter into one of the smaller cups. If you make it, the other person has to give you their quarter and drink the cup with the quarter in it. As soon as you get the quarter from the other player, you are free to start shooting again. There is no limit to the number of shots you can take. If you miss and quarter goes on floor etc you need to get it back and keep shooting. Meanwhile your opponent will be shooting at the cups. So basically its a race to clear the six cups. When your opponent gets a quarter in the cup - you give them your quarter and drink the cup with the other quarter in it. Once you get that quarter out of the cup - you can resume shooting. Ok so now all the little cups are gone - onto the big one. The person who makes it into the 6th small cup obviously has a advantage as they get first shot on the big one. Whoever makes it in - the other has to chug. We made many variations on this game....12 cups, Big cups with 2 beers etc - Teams sooo much fun. I remember we played this back when the bash bros w/ Oakland A`s were big. Me and my bud were such goons - we won all the time and everytime we would mash forearms and scream Fuck Yeah ! Lol youth. But imagine this game - in the span of 1 minute, if you get rolled, your drinking 2 beers easy ...and prolly pukeing after your 5th or 6th straight run at the table ...
02-25-2003, 06:59 AM
My ass ain't drinking anything thing with money in it, unless said money has been bleached!
Hmm, turns out fomite doesn't look to be a word, thought it was. Anyone know what the word I am thinking of is? Basically it refers to anything that is often transfered between people that is a medium for carrying disease and filth, more or less. Thought the word was fomite :/
02-25-2003, 08:33 AM
fo·mite n.
An inanimate object or substance that is capable of transmitting infectious organisms from one individual to another.
02-25-2003, 08:36 AM
wtf, Meriam Webster online doesn't have it in their dictionary. Amateurs!
02-25-2003, 08:45 AM
haha read the history of Webster's and you might find out why that is. :p I trust American Heritage and of course the OED. is pretty decent since they use a number of reputable sources.
02-25-2003, 09:57 AM
O come on Eomer ! Hehe as drunk as we would get and the things we would do, that was the least of our concerns! Hehe my one friends folks used to lets us party at their place. They had a big basement and one of those long fold out tables that was perfect for robo pound. We used to line up 10 12 14 cups and have multiple people playing teams. Hehe infections...Once guy one night tore off across the basement and slid into home across the table with all the beers on it - he was definatley out. One girl dropped off the rope swing out back that extended over a 20 foot drop down the hill to a bunch of rocks - she broke her arm and we sepnt that night drunk at the hospital with her. Gezzus from all the hooking up, Im fairly sure no one ever considered what might be passed from the quarters...We usually picked up a keg for these events - alot of times it was 10 of us or so. I think the smallest number we had playing robo pound and finishing the keg was seven. I know one night 2 of my friends & I played, the one guy had his younger sister and few friends with us - LOL they were cute, but we were so gooned up that we stayed up ALL night to see if we could make each other drink a case of beer. It was round robin robo pound - in the morning over 3 and a half of the 4 cases were gone. Im sure the girls basically drank token beers that night. Ugh, Im sure my alcholism was the worst that I aquired from the game & one ungodly reputation.
02-25-2003, 10:09 AM
Heh, don't get me wrong, I do tons of stupid shit while drunk, and a lot of it I am sure is disgusting and unhealthy (we used to do Freeway Runs, the name is pretty descriptive. It really fucked us up when they added like 3 lanes, fuckers)
But money is one of the dirtiest things around, and ain't no way I would drink something with coins in it.
I remember when I worked at Blockbuster I used to wash my hands religiously because the money gets yer hands all nasty.
02-25-2003, 10:18 AM
you can always drink from a different cup...and still play
02-25-2003, 11:31 PM
Was almost a art form for develoeing speed in drinking and getting the quarter out. Cant tell ya how many times a game was paused because someone swallowed a quarter in their haste...
02-25-2003, 11:44 PM
definately steel reserve... great for getting you blasted (has like twice the alcohol of budweiser) but tastes terrible...
03-01-2003, 05:34 PM
Worst beer by far has to be Natural (light, ice or any of the brand) sometimes it is sold cheaper than the beast! (Mil. Best)
But truthfully i think amstel light tastes the closest to piss/balls out of any beer imaginable.
And best beers i would have to say would be Bischoff... and most beers by sam adams, pricey though...
03-01-2003, 09:13 PM
my god, arrogant bastard ale......sickest shit ever made.
03-03-2003, 08:13 AM
" and most beers by sam adams, pricey though..."
I tried their Boston Lager, it's pretty good. Still though, haven't found any american beers that can compete with the best Canadian ones, like Creemore Springs and St Ambroise.
Nmok Soulblighter
03-03-2003, 08:29 AM
Tilly you poor deluded Canadian you :D You need to get into the microbrews to find good American beers. Unfortunately most of these are not sold outside of the city they are brewed in or only in certain states. Fat Tire for instance is pretty much only Arizona, Colorado and maybe parts of cause the beer owns. SweetWater 420, a beer brewed here in Atlanta is damn good too, but can not be found outside of the city. This is the issue you are running into up there, you are getting for the most part our mass produced swill....which is horrible in comparison to the best Canada has to offer. It like comparing Apples to Oranges, doesn't work.
Nmok Soulblighter
03-04-2003, 08:13 AM
Pearl Light is a close tie to Natty Light IMO hehe
03-05-2003, 07:41 AM
I wasn't comparing Canada's best beers to crap like miller lite or anything. I was comparing it to Samual Adams Boston Lager, which is probably one of the best US beers available in Ontario. I understand Three Floyds and other brands from the states are really good, but not available here. As good as they are though, I'm sure St Ambroise would measure up. That stuff is rapidly becoming my favorite beer :)
03-07-2003, 08:15 AM
Sam Adams does not equal one of America's good beers Im afraid hehe. Samual Smiths (all of em, Nutbrown Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Taddy Porter), Abita Turbodog, pretty much anything from the New Belgian Brewery is awesome (Fat Tire, Sunshine Wheat, Porchswing, ect...), Siera Nevada of any type is really well made, allthough I dont particularly like hoppy beers myself, so Pale Ales arent my thing, Left-Handed Saw Toothed Ale rules, and there are several others I cant think of. But I can understand you only get certain ones in Canada to compare too. Its really a shame too, American brewers have a lot to offer that most of the world, and even certain parts of the country cant get a hold of to enjoy.
My favorite beers are Maredsous 8 (Belgian), Staropramen (Prague), and Paulaner Heifiweisen (sp?) (German) personally :)
03-07-2003, 12:57 PM
haha, check the "world's worst beers" section on for kicks some time. There's an american beer called... American Beer! rated 16th worst in the world, haha.. and Michelob Ultra is the lowest rated, full alcohol content beer in the ENTIRE world. That's something to be proud of. There are non alcoholic beers with better scores.
Nmok Soulblighter
03-07-2003, 01:18 PM
Michelob Ultra tastes like I would imagine licking the sweat off of a donkeys balls would taste is that nasty.
03-08-2003, 08:49 PM
Keystone light... sux, every party all i see is that keystone light crap, i stick to the hard liquor i cant stand the shit ne more....
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