View Full Version : Wireless Keyboard and Mouse

02-23-2003, 07:40 PM
So, I am in the market for a new keyboard and mouse, and I figure I may as well go wireless. I have never used either before, are they pretty good? Any big downsides (other than batteries)?

For the mouse I was looking at one of those Logitech MX700's, looks to be a damn fine mouse, and it comes with rechargeable batteries no less.

As far as the keyboard goes, I don't really know. Logitech makes one as well, although on their website (http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm?page=products/details&contentid=5010&crid=1&detail=2&countryid=2&languageid=1) they say the range is only 6 feet on it. Maybe they are being a bit conservative, but if not that's just too damn short. Anyone have any experience with that particular one? Or others that are good?

And I am not overly concerned with the price. I figure that my current keyboard is probably 5-6 years old, and my mouse is about 2. I expect the new ones to last at least that, so it's worth it.

Also, on another topic, anyone have any experience with the AIW 9700 Pro? I am gonna grab one of those, most likely at some point in the next 3-6 months (or perhaps the newer version) to use my computer with my TV (gonna get a nice HDTV one and use that as my primary gaming system). The amount of stuff the AIW 9700 comes with is pretty staggering really, is most of it pretty good? The TIVO-like shit looks very cool, and the RF remote would also be super handy.

And last but not least, what's a good sound card for the system? What would the best solution be for setting up a home theatre system? Is there a soundcard that can act as a receiver for a Dolby system? I don't plan on getting any ridiculous woofers or anything, as I will most likely be living in a condo, but would a Audigy with all the bells and whistles work for something like that? Or would it still be best to get a standard receiver? I would prefer to just have the computer and the TV, to be honest, but I also want it to sound halfway decent.

02-23-2003, 07:45 PM
I typically like to use my computer 20ft away from my monitor because squinting is fun! :D

02-23-2003, 09:14 PM
WTG genius!

to use my computer with my TV (gonna get a nice HDTV one and use that as my primary gaming system)

02-23-2003, 11:45 PM
Don't do it Eomer.... I have a pretty nice wireless kb and mouse and they pretty much suck. Pain in the arse to keep batteries around for them and they run out a lot faster than you'd hope. Plus, I find that I don't sit any further from my computer than I did before I had wireless stuff. :\

If I could go back- I'd buy a comparable wired kb/mouse and also extra cabling so you aren't tied down, instead. :D Buuuut, now I'm stuck until I have $$ to buy new mouse and keyboard. ><

Oh, and the range really is a little within 6 ft. from what I can tell, outside of that you get spotty coverage, you type like your keyboard has dried sticky pop all over it. :(

02-23-2003, 11:50 PM
Personally I use this: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm?page=products/details&CRID=1&CONTENTID=5061&countryid=2&languageid=1

The keyboard is quite awesome, the extra controls are quite useful, in particular the multimedia ones. It supports most multimedia players out there, and can be made to work with the lesser known ones (which I happen to use). The mouse is kinda feh, but only if you care about precision in games and such, or buttons (this has total of 4). I got the set for a nice $20, so I plan to get the mx700 when there's a good deal for it.

The AIW 9700 is probably the best gamer OR multimedia video card money can buy. You probably read all the reviews on it, so there's not much to say.

In terms of sound, AFAIK, you can't do without a receiver if you use powerful speakers, or plan to have a standalone device that needs it, like a dvd player. Though if you use speakers intended for computers (Klipsch, Logitech, etc), it should be fine. As far as the sound cards themselves go, there are quite a few nice offerings out there, depending on a few factors like price, game sound support (eax, a3d, etc), and features. Whatever you do, do not get an audigy1/2 or anything made by creative for that matter.

Look for offerings such as stuff by Terratec (http://www.terratec.net) like the Aureon Space 7.1, or the M-Audio Revolution (http://www.midiman.net/products/consumer/revolution_page1.php) which is the best sound card for the money, and then some. Both cards are widely suggested on HydrogenAudio (http://www.hydrogenaudio.org), probably the best place for computer audio related stuff.

02-24-2003, 01:59 AM
The MX700 is the best mouse I have used so far. Far superior to the Internet Explorer mouse I was using before the MX700. Also because it can be recharged you never have to worry about fresh batteries (unless you forget to stick it on the charger)

02-24-2003, 06:32 AM
Yeah, it kind of sucks, it seems that all the best logitech cordless keyboards come in duo packages, and I don't want the shitty mouse that they come with. How much range you get outta yers Parak? Unless they are reliable out to 10-15 feet, I doubt I would get one.

And yeah, last night I was doing some digging and discovered that I am going to be needing a receiver virtually no matter what. No biggy I guess (I plan on getting something like the Klipsch SP-1 speakers my family has now, with built in woofers. More than enough bass for me personally). I was looking at one of the Audigy 2 cards, the platinum one with the extra drive bay for all the ins/outs. I have had SB products on every computer I have had, and yeah, they are pretty buggy. And their support is the shits (I am still bitter about my old Nomad MP3 player being basically useless since they won't release software for XP, fuckers). I will just have to dig around for a big and find me a soundcard that does optical out.

02-24-2003, 07:57 AM
I can't test the range too well, since the pc is in a relatively small room. I'll check though when I get home today.

Both of the soundcards that I suggested have digital out, though only the aureon has optical, the M-Audio uses coax. Also, you might want to look at the DMX 6fire 24/96, also by Terratec. It's older card than the aureon space, and doesn't do 7.1, but might be more obtainable. Have a review: http://www.tech-report.com/reviews/2003q1/soundcards/index.x?pg=8

Found where to get the terratec cards; list (http://www.terratec.net/ttus/sales/wheretobuy.htm) , here's one example (http://www.jdsound.com/store/category.asp?SID=2&Category_ID=51&Page=2)

02-24-2003, 11:01 PM
I have a cordless keyboard and mouse and I love them both (logitech). The only downside to them is the batteries. If you constantly ignore the "your batteries are low - change them" message and decide to go on a hate raid and your keyboard decides to go out on you while you are OTM and you die somewhere off the pathway to your camp spot causing an unusually long CR and massive train, that could be a reason to either stay with the cords or buy a large supply of AA batteries.

*throws his keyboard* payback be0tch.

02-24-2003, 11:17 PM
Another solution is to get some of these (http://www.batteryspace.com/product.asp?3=38)

02-25-2003, 01:36 AM
I have a hercules fortissimo 2 sound card, it has optical digital in and out on the card, and a multi port thingie. has worked great for me