View Full Version : trials
02-24-2003, 11:17 AM
Not sure if you guys help others from outside guilds but thought I would give it a shot.
If anyone is doing trials, which I am sure most of you have gotten flagged from PoJ already, is there anyway I can tag along or get some of you guys/girls to help me get mine?
I am a 58 monk not sure if I am high enough yet but wanna try all my options.
02-24-2003, 11:32 AM
I am trying to get my friend's cleric flagged as well, so send me or Umop a /tell in game.
02-24-2003, 12:32 PM
I assume you have gotten your flag from PoJ so you would know what we need.
Would you want to try it tonight if at all possible?
Give me a list of what kind of class and lvls we would need and if you can't get the required people needed I will try to see if any of my friends are on that can assist if they meet the requirements.
Thanks for the offer too!
02-24-2003, 01:00 PM
Weeknights are bad unless it is before 7pm CST.
We need major DPS, like a ranger and rogue.
03-05-2003, 06:03 AM
Are you still up for the trials? I can get a 60 rogue if we need. Maybe even some of the following...62 shaman, 62 bard, 62 cleric, 61 monk, 65 mage.
Let me know what we need and when you want to try it.
03-05-2003, 06:07 AM
I am usually bored out of my mind at nights from exping and working all day long. Give me a tell in the game, and I will be able to help ya out with the trials. Btw, 65 monk.
Nmok Soulblighter
03-05-2003, 06:12 AM
Shoot me a PM real fast, have a couple of questions for ya.
Nmok Soulblighter
03-05-2003, 06:15 AM
Would love to have your help! I am going to be out of town for a few days, but perhaps we can get this together on Sunday?
03-05-2003, 07:53 AM
Sure thing Thanapur, and give me a few minutes Nmok, at work and not supposed to be online! :D
Nmok Soulblighter
03-05-2003, 08:45 AM
I will help ya too. Let me know which char you need. I have a 61warrior and a 65shammie.
Nmok Soulblighter
65 Ogre Prophet
03-05-2003, 09:49 AM
I am back to 57 again due to a bad accident in Cabilis with factioning and never got a rezz =/.
Jacais the uber monk i used to always bother in Lguk for help! How you been bud? Haven't seen you in is Symbi the paladin from way back when.
Nmok thanks once again for you help!
You all are true companions to this game. I have a lot of questions and most of em you all have been able to answer for no other reason than being a fellow player.
I am good any day after 7pm est time Monday thru Friday. And saturday and sunday from mornings to about 8pm est sometime later depending on what the boss, i mean lady, says.
Anyhow wanted to thank you all for your help and everything else. If anyone ever needs a 57 (soon to be back to 58) partner to fill a spot or go on some raids I am up for anything. My equipment is pretty good but not the best due to lack of zones I am able to experience.
So if you all can pick a day that is most convenient for you all I will make it a date and convenient for me as well.
Jacais, u ever bother doing the Whistling Fist quest? Do you think it is worth it? My weapon atm is a Zehka Katar and fist. Let me know.
03-05-2003, 09:51 AM
What classes you all think we can need to do this? Give a few different scenarios so I can try to get smoe friends to help.
Sorry I lack some knowledge here I am still learning the upper game.
I'll bring Qaed for a 10k fee!
03-05-2003, 10:32 AM
Hey bud :) . Doing well, and been trucking it still for a while.
The weapons out there now just blow away the Whistling Fists. I actually had a MQ done with this from a friend of mine. The only reason I would even think about doing it, would just to have that quest that you have done. If you have the Zeh. Katar, and Fist, look into getting the Entwood mace or something in that range. But if you are the quest type person, most defintely go for Whistling Fists, its not hard, but does take quite a bit of time if you haven't started with the Shackle quest yet :) .
If ya need any more help on anything monk related, feel free to drop me a tell. Might not be the best, but I know a bit of something ;)
03-05-2003, 10:38 AM
Ah, crap! Forgot to answer your question on what you need.
Well, for the execution trials, you honestly don't need much Crowd control if you have a slwoer. You kill 4 mobs, that need to be killed in under 2 min, with each one being killed in under 30 seconds. You have 4 waves of either Rocks, who tash, and Razors, which slows.
You can banish the Rocks, and the rocks can't be mezzed. Razors hit harder, but have less hp, and Rocks hit less, and have more hp.
Every class distributes something. So you can't really put down the what do you need, ya just need high dps is all. I'd prefer at least having a cleric, or shaman who has Abolish Disease for the slows, a cleric with a high enough mana pool to last 14 minutes of healing, and a group that knows how to assist the tank to get the mob killed asap.
Nmok Soulblighter
03-05-2003, 10:45 AM
And someone who isn't shouting "WE LOST" in gsay every time the fookin prisoner lowers his head...glares at random person.
I can bring either Nmok or Filo, the requirements of playing each is a little too much in the trials and therefore prohibitive to 2 boxing. Let me know which you need.
03-05-2003, 11:45 AM
not to be the bearer of bad news but just because your gonna get flagged doesnt meen you automatically get a group... im not saying you wont gget groups but this is how my night goes in PoV ... /ooc 61 bard lfg 5 seconds llater a 65 bard shouts for group and u know your not gonna get picked.I think that maybe after you get flagged you should still try to level to 60 in normal tier 1 zones. just my 2cp .... good luck in trials and if you need a 61 newber bard i can come.. see you in pov soon mauphin maybe we can group:D
03-05-2003, 11:57 AM
Hell, I can hardly find a PoV group being a 65 monk. I have to cheat the system and box a shaman so I can be babied into the group :( .
And yes, its going to be tough getting a group at that level anywho. Even tho it IS nice to have the flags, I would also recommend even doing Velks, as well as PoN, PoI, and PoD before attempting to look for groups in PoV before even level 62 :\
just a few words, SCREW am3 rangers, rogues, and wizards. why so have to out damage me! :mad:
03-05-2003, 12:39 PM
You are all correct on the lvl requirements. I won't even assume PoV until I am atleast 62. I just thought that since I dont have many peeps in EQ or my guild doesn't have the power I would try to see if some of the top guilds have people that are willing to help. So I took a chance to get flagged even though I am low, I can get it out of the way, and I met all you guys, and even if I don't get flagged I got to chat with a nice bunch.
So let me know what day you all want to do it.
since I probably won't see many of the high end zones anytime quick I have to strive for the Whistling Fists. It is my only option at this time to get a nice weapon. Maybe one day I can head on some open raids to ToV or somewhere good and get a nice drop.
I am sure all you guys spend most time ni PoV or other 2nd tier+ zones, but if any of you guys are hanging in old school land and want a 58 monk to join please with all means give me a tell.
03-05-2003, 01:09 PM
Cool. I can guide ya through the Whisting Fists quests, even tho I had it MQ'ed, I still did it again for the hell of it. Only problem you will remotely have is doing the Shackles. They are a pain, and I hated it~ Other than that, it was fun running in a full spawned PoF to do the turn in, with Cazic even aggroed on you :o
03-05-2003, 05:41 PM
watch for the death touches jacais!
-the board stalker
If anyone is flagging I've been trying to get flagged and not finding many people willing / able to do it
I'm on mostly ever day CST Nights, M / F most of the day (no classes)
Zeol 61 War
03-07-2003, 04:01 AM
ogre ;|
wait till tonite! (friday).
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