View Full Version : Outstanding applicants?

02-26-2003, 09:15 AM
Howdy folks, if any of you know me from a hole in the wall I'd be awfully surprised. Anyway I've heard good things about Hoss, and while I don't even come close to meeting the membership requirements yet I would like to become a member of this fine guild someday. For those of you who think I might be a level 5 cleric, please note "someday". Now that being said, I was reading your application form and it said that the AA requirements were frequently waved for "outstanding applicants". What makes an applicant stand out? I was going to post this on the application forum, but I figured if I was curious others might be as well.

/me crosses his fingers and hopes it's not equipment based

Sejanus Romae
lvl 45 wizzy

02-26-2003, 09:35 AM
Applicants with very strong references within the guild, usually. the demand for their class, their previous experience etc all play a role too. Please keep in mind it did say though, that it's assumed they would aquire the missing aa's on the duration of their guest/trialee status. :)

02-26-2003, 09:51 AM
Good question =)

Since equipment is something that we end up providing to people we end up trialing, no, that's not really something that would make an application "outstanding".

Off the top of my head, things which can contribute to an overall "outstanding" package:

- Communication skills, as demonstrated in the application or in conversations on IRC/in game. The ability to speak (type) and listen are important when there's 50 people all trying to come together to accomplish a goal.

- Maturity. Do you deguild over a loot decision you don't agree with? Do you bitch and complain after failures? Do you try to solve problems instead of create them?

- Personality. Are you someone most of the server knows to be an interesting, fun, nice person?

- Initiative. Can you think for yourself on raids? Do you know what your class can do, and don't have to be told what your role is?

- Reliability. If you say you'll be there to help Kerrmitt get his epic, do people know without a doubt that you'll be there?

- Class visibility. Are you a frequent contributor to your class' forums? Do people on other servers know you by name as a good player, without ever having played with you? Also, are you known on Druzzil as an excellent X

- Tradeskills. If you have all your tradeskills maxed, you've obviously made some AA sacrifies, but still have the necessary high playtime

- AA selection. Even if you don't have a lot of points, showing that you know what are the best skills to purchase is important.

I'm sure there's more, anyone have any I forgot?

02-26-2003, 10:02 AM
Ok, so this isn't about being outstanding, but is related to applications in general, and resumes in the real world as well: effort.

If you want a job, or want into a guild, show that you're willing to put in the effort to get hired/join. When I'm reading an application, the FIRST thing I notice is the layout. Are the questions bolded or distinguished in some way? Does everything run together in one hard to read paragraph? Do you go into detail, or answer each question with one sentence that really doesn't give me any insight into you?

Ok, you get the picture.

02-26-2003, 10:25 AM
Well thank you very much, I feel much more confident about my ability to meet your requierments. I won't give you a bio here, but I will start looking for you folks in game and saying Hi. I realized that I forgot to stick one of these :p after the cleric comment. I hope it wasn't taken as one of these :mad: . :) One last question before I resume being quiet and unspoken. Is there a channel in game that you folks use besides guildchat? I spend more time in EQ than I do checking boards and IRC'ing but I do like to keep in touch. =)

02-26-2003, 10:29 AM
Only private ones, there's no public hoss chit chat channel that I know of... but maybe there is and they just don't want me there! =p

02-26-2003, 10:49 AM
I'll chat with you. then people will think I'm important. I can say:
"So what if you soloed Agnnar. I know Lola from Hoss. Yah you heard me.

/me dances around %t thumbing his nose at them"

Sejanus wishes it made know that he's not normally this silly.

02-26-2003, 11:26 AM
If you say you'll be there to help Kerrmitt get his epic, do people know without a doubt that you'll be there?

Fuk Kerrmitt! He doesnt deserve!

02-26-2003, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Lola
Only private ones, there's no public hoss chit chat channel that I know of... but maybe there is and they just don't want me there! =p

The channel Killlola had no password last time I joined it. So I consider that a public Hoss channel.

02-26-2003, 01:19 PM
I just had another thought, do you have your guild policies, rules, guidelines, mission statements, little red book, or what have you posted somewhere no name schmucks like myself can read them. I hope there not posted on the main site in a really obvious spot, but knowing me they probably are :)

02-26-2003, 01:26 PM
Our mission, and yours should you choose to accept it...is to kill all paladins and Vidmers...many times preferably.

That is all.

02-26-2003, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Maegwin
Our mission, and yours should you choose to accept it...is to kill all paladins and Vidmers...many times preferably.

That is all.

hahaha Yay! ;)

02-27-2003, 07:21 AM
I will accept your mission, but please don't make my computer self destruct.

02-27-2003, 11:09 AM
Ahem, the real mission is to belittle rangers.

Kattoo Tacit
03-02-2003, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by Vidmer
Ahem, the real mission is to belittle rangers.

Normally, if you leave them to their own device, they accomplish this on their own.

03-02-2003, 02:07 AM
Ahem, the real mission is to belittle rangers.

Should I start casting CH on the ranger for your raid tomorrow? Or is it already too late?

not good enough yet, but I'll work on it

03-02-2003, 03:56 AM
it said that the AA requirements were frequently waved for "outstanding applicants".

Heh, if I had my way, this would be removed for every class except cleric, no exceptions. An "outstanding" player would be able to obtain our already low standads for AAs just fine.

And no, I wouldn't require anyone to do a tradeskill. /ponder Lola