View Full Version : More beer stuffs!

03-16-2003, 10:21 AM
Yeah I know, alcohlol is my hobby and I just can't let the topic go! I had a chat online with someone from the US who was asking about Canadian beers and what not. Well I've tried a LOT of them recently, mostly the more unheard of (and expensive!) ones. If you want to try out good Canadian beers, and you can find these in your area, I recommend all of the following:

Creemore Springs Premium Lager : It's a lager, duh! very smooth, made from spring water and very tastey!

Now I still have a grudge against Quebec for all the shit they put the country through with their referendum crap, but I have to admit they make the better beers in the country. All of the following come from Quebec:

St Ambroise Oatmeat Sout : I don't care much for Guinness but I LOVE the above mentioned Oatmet Stout. It's like Guinness but with a chocolate/coffee flavor and is a real treat :) Rated Canada's #1 beer at ratebeer.com.

St Ambroise Pale Ale : Blonde Ale with a very unique taste. One of the nicer aftertastes I've had in a beer. Very good! It's an American Pale Ale style.

Pretty much anything made by the Unibrou brewing company. Their stuff is all over the best Canadian beers list. Some examples:

La Fin Du Monde (the end of the world!). It tastes like a citrus beer, and is very nice! Tastes WAY too good to be a 9 percent strong beer, you can hardly tell. It's style is called an Abbey Triple, and the triple I learned is because it goes through 3 fermentation periods. Has a shelf life of around 8 years, haha.

La Maudite (forget what it means.. something like the destroyer?) : Like the other one in a lot of respects, more spicey. Also an 8 percent that tastes like candy!

Trois Pistoles (3 pistoles!) : Very dark brown Strong Belgian Ale. Fruity and spicey taste. Not something you drink to get hammered, although it is another 9 percenter. It's something you drink for the taste, and is too damned expensive to get loaded on anyways. $51.80 Canadian for a 24... ouch!

La Terrible : Haven't tried it, but it's also by Unibrou and apparently their best. Hard as HELL to find. Not available anywhere in Ontario. :(

All of those Unibrou beers are fermented with yeast and what not. So the yeast collects at the bottom of the bottle and you need to be careful not to let it pour into your glass or... bleck. I made the mistake when I tried my first one, hehe.

So there you go! Nothing wrong with Labatt Blue or Molson Canadian etc. But if you want to see what Canada has to offer, that stuff is among our very best! Cheers :)

Nmok Soulblighter
03-17-2003, 01:16 PM
So Trois Pistoles would be about $2.50 American? :P

Nmok Soulblighter

03-17-2003, 01:21 PM
Smartass ogres :rolleyes:

Well it's almost 20 bucks more than a 24 of labatt blue so that in my books is damn expensive!

03-19-2003, 04:18 AM
alcohol is u hobby.?.....uhm

come to germany :)

we have more than 1000 different beers here :D


03-19-2003, 06:31 AM
I love German beers! Never tried one I haven't liked. Let's see... Becks, Bitburger, Dab, Berliner Burgerbrau and Holsten are the brands I've tried.

03-19-2003, 06:56 AM
St Ambroise Oatmeat Sout ( - Awesome beer

As a comparrison, try Samuel Smiths Oatmeal Stout ( sometime, also really good if you like the St Amroise, little bit different taste.

03-19-2003, 06:59 AM
Oh and hey Tilea, if you have the means and are able, look for a beer from Prague called Staropramen ( Doesnt rate very high, but its one of the few hoppy beers I like. Very smooth and clean tasting. And best of all, in Prague it sells for about $0.07 ($3.75+ US) a pint hehe.

All of those Unibrou beers are fermented with yeast and what not. So the yeast collects at the bottom of the bottle and you need to be careful not to let it pour into your glass or... bleck. I made the mistake when I tried my first one, hehe.

Haha, try this one sometime if you can find it Cosendonk Brown ( Same thing with the yeast. My friends and I used to call this the chunky beer hehe. Its damn tasty though. Trick I found was to pour about a quarter of the beer, then swirl the bottle a few good times and pour the rest :)

03-19-2003, 07:54 AM
The problem with living in Ontario is that the government in the province controls all alcohol imports. So there's a LOT of really good stuff we just can't get. Can't get anything from Samuel Smith, or Three Floyds, or the good Chimay stuff and on and on. Sucks, and nothing we can do about it either.

That Staropramen you mentioned it listed on the lcbo (liquor control board of ontario) website, so that one I can pick up on my next visit. :) It's available to us only in 500ml bottles, and sells for $2.00 which is around the average for a 500ml.

03-19-2003, 08:53 AM
Thats really too bad about the other stuff you cant get :(

Check out Staropramen though when you get a chance, lemme know what you think :) Great summer beer, and 5%ABV never hurt anyone hehe.

And just out of curiosity, would it be possible to get mail order beers and stuff there? Or someone mail you bottles, would that be possible?

03-19-2003, 10:00 AM
Hehe, funny you ask that. Bolien tried to mail me some of his favorite beers from where he is, in Switzerland. They made it onto the ship to Canada but never arrived here. So chances are it wasn't allowed in.

03-19-2003, 10:48 AM
Well, that may be due to the fact that it came from overseas. All overseas product goes through customs. Not all Fedex/UPS shipments to Canada are I think hehe.

03-19-2003, 01:52 PM
Nowadays custome checks almost everything coming from the US to Canada and vice versa. With war coming you can bet they'll increase it even more.

03-19-2003, 03:56 PM
Damn, does that mean by 5 kilos of high-test colombian flake won't make it through customs? WTF am I supposed to snort off the ass of my 9 year old thai boy-slave I bought before 9/11? :mad: