View Full Version : London... need info

03-21-2003, 12:25 PM
Hi, all
Im not sure if anybody, who visit this boards live in UK, and even if you dont, but been in London befor, you might be able to help me with my questions.

On march 27, I will be traveling to Germany (Munich) to visit my friend. Im taking British Airways and going to make stop-over in London. When Im flying to Munich that stop-over is only hour and half, but on the way back on to US (March 31), I have to stay in London for 9 hours. And the kicker is that, Im landing at Heathrow at 10pm, and my next flight to US is only at 8am. So I have to spend whole night in London. But since its my first visit there, i dont want to just simply check-in into the hotel and go to sleep.

Basicly my plan was take an express train to Downtown and walk around there for couple+ of hours, taking night pictures with my tripod and camera. I like to start my tour at Buckingham Palace, continue to Westminster and then to Trafalgar Sq (all pretty common and well-known tourists attractions), where there is a night bus can take me back to airport. All the information on the web describes how beautiful and historic London is, but nothing tells me, is it safe for lone woman walk around there between 11pm and 2am. Plus I dont know which streets are mostly populated at that hour, and i dont know how realistic this night tour can be, consider curent world situation. Anyway, if you know ansver to my questions, and have some advice, I would really-really appreciate it. Thank you :)

03-21-2003, 12:42 PM
Is ANYWHERE safe for a lone woman to walk around during those hours?

03-21-2003, 02:05 PM
Hi there

I am from england, and in all honestly i wouldnt advise walking the streets in londons centre by yourself male or female, local or tourist!! Yes pretty and lively, but extremely danagerous... If you do get there at a reasonable hour i would go to chinatown, which you can get to with a little walk if you travel to victoria station.... great place to see at night and to eat..... Im sorry i havent been much more help but in all honesty i would discourage your idea....

Hope you have a lovely holiday =)