View Full Version : Thank you

03-21-2003, 03:09 PM
Getting back into EQ. Just got PoP. Been stuck in tier 1 which reminds me of old school karnor's castle(krazy train castle). Been trying to do tier 2 trials and failing. Well the other day I was in PoJ failing at trials and saw Sendain in trial prep. Old friend from L'malla. He said there was a group coming and he asked if i could join them. So Poppa and llain another old l'maller let me join them and Lasgo and Vinen buffed us. More old friends. needless to say we kicked arse thanks to lhite). Just wanted to say thank you for the help. After turn ins Poppa took us to PoV and immediately I'm bombarded by tells and ooc from peeps I didn't even know still played. Was a blast. Was great to be among friends again. Nice to see how helpful you guys can be. Thanks alot for making EQ fun again. If you ever need anything tell me. Big hi to any other old buds who might read this. Seeya later.
Leggo my eggo

03-21-2003, 03:45 PM
Gimme back my circlet of shadows I let you borrow!!!

Zoott Landerr
03-21-2003, 03:52 PM
Welcome back Aggonee!

btw this message board is going to be taken over by X lmallas :P

03-21-2003, 03:57 PM
WB Agg! =)