View Full Version : The 10 Commandments of FilePlanet

03-25-2003, 12:47 PM
This cracked me up...my personal favorite was the: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ping. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's GeForce FX, nor his Klipsch speakers, nor his flat screen. Even with all the gold of the Pharaoh, thou can not buy skillz. "

Truer words never were written.

Turn with me now to the Book of Bandwidth, chapter 13, verse 37. "And the Lord of Games spoke onto Dakota, giving onto him the Ten Commandments of FilePlanet:

Thou shalt patch.

And often shalt thou patch. Thou shalt patch thine games, thine demos, and thine drivers. If thou forsaken thine patching, thou hath forsaken thineself and shall be pw33n3d in Mine eyes.

Thou shalt demo. Thou shalt download demos of shooters and RPGs, racers and RTSs, sports and adventure games. Thou shalt drink deep of the cup of demo until thine hard drive runneth over.

Thou shalt not whine.

Thou shalt not lament the absence of innovation in established franchises with one breath and revile the bugs in innovative games with thine next breath. Be not displeased with all games, lest thou be teh suck.

Thou shalt connect thy PC to one download server. FilePlanet doth not cappeth thine download. Therefore, thou doth not need to Bogart the pipe.

Thou shalt not send Dakota pictures of thineself, lest thou be truly hot.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ping. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's GeForce FX, nor his Klipsch speakers, nor his flat screen. Even with all the gold of the Pharaoh, thou can not buy skillz.

Thou shalt not camp. The Lord of Games is a vengeful God and will smite the spawn killers. Camp and thou shalt be smote.

Honor thy phat pipe to gaming. Thou may subscribe to FilePlanet. If thou doth not subscribe, thy time will be spent in line.

Thou shalt not commit virtual adultery. At the very least, thou shalt pretend to watch the volleyball.

And it was good."

03-25-2003, 01:46 PM
he he, that is pretty funny, maeg :)

"And it was good." :D