View Full Version : More PSP fun
04-02-2003, 11:17 AM
I think I am addicted to PSP.
Here is another image I threw together,
04-02-2003, 11:40 AM
Guys, I really hate telling you this, but lense flares are to image editing what hair metal was to rock music. Just let it go!
04-02-2003, 11:50 AM
If you want real quality, you will want this. There is no discussion. It is the best. You will win the game under my banner.
04-02-2003, 11:57 AM
A little white box with a red x in it, go Tari! :D (
well, it was just slow to load, nm! ><)
I do agree, that lens flares are typically overdone... but, used correctly they look nice. :)
04-02-2003, 12:11 PM
sakekak one ups me
04-02-2003, 02:11 PM
Rofl tari lolzlmaololhehehehehehohohuhuh you one crazy son of a fak
04-02-2003, 03:09 PM
Oh, Sak that is beautiful! BTW, you're like 1/2 a point from can5 :D :D
Guys, I really hate telling you this, but lense flares are to image editing what hair metal was to rock music. Just let it go!
And I think that's being generous.
04-03-2003, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by Tarissa
sakekak one ups me
You know, it's interesting that the guy in his picture doesn't have pants, or legs and arms really for that matter, but he has a perfect axe and shield! rofl, what was important? :D
04-03-2003, 06:41 AM
Also its spelled Hoss, not HoSS. :|
04-03-2003, 06:55 AM
thought hoss stood for something? like heros of the seven suns or some crap
04-03-2003, 07:23 AM
The Original HoSS did stand for Hereos of the Seven Suns.. however after the recreation on Druzzil, or at some point, it was changed to just Hoss. Hoss does not stand for anything, it does not represent heroes of the seven swans its just Hoss..
It does however stand for everything uber= \
04-03-2003, 07:55 AM
Ok, I tried one lens was good for a bit. But yes they quickly get old. You'll notice in my later creations there are no lens flares!
04-03-2003, 07:57 AM
And clearly Sakekak's picture depicts Tarissa using a PGT ( Polished Granite Tomahawk ) and wearing rubicite boots against a green duck...thing... who is using a Keg Popper and wearing blocks of ice on its feet.
( Yes Tari, I remember when you started Nettle and were running around Misty Thicket smashing things with your keg popper /sniff )
04-03-2003, 07:58 AM
Hey Nwinn =o
You're still playing Sak? hehe I just had Tari cancel the account the other day. Feel free to get me cann5 before it goes away though. :D
I'd still play EQ, but obviously I'm spending too much time on MS Paint art.
04-03-2003, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Rhedd
The Original HoSS did stand for Hereos of the Seven Suns.. however after the recreation on Druzzil, or at some point, it was changed to just Hoss. Hoss does not stand for anything, it does not represent heroes of the seven swans its just Hoss..
No no no no no...
When HOSS was first formed on Solusek Ro, the name did not stand for anything - it was just HOSS, which was a word that one of the people the group played with used to refer to things, ie, "That's pretty hoss". The guild name was originally created as all caps, and at the time of forming, the members feared that it would be mistaken as an acronym by GM's, so they came up with several acronyms to tell the GM's when creating the guild name (Heroes of the Seven Suns; Homo's of the Solusek Server; etc.), just in case.
I'm not sure if the Heroes name was given to the GM that created the guild or not, but several months after being "HOSS", they were contacted and informed that acronyms were not allowed and they would need to change the name of the guild. This is when Heroes of the Seven Suns was created.
Some of the more paranoid founding members thought that they wouldn't find "Hoss" (or HOSS) acceptable as a plain old guildname. So, we made it all caps, and pretended it was an acronym to sneak it through the system (yes, entirely unecessary and stupid). So, when the acronym rule was handed down, we had to come up with a full name to change it to - Heroes of the Seven Suns.
I went /anon for months in protest of the stupid long name after that.
04-03-2003, 11:19 PM
you can't cancel sakekak! :( :( :( :( :(
PM me if you want me to keep it active for you until you can play at a later date! :D
I like to think of it as having a secondary meaning. So my stubborness refers to hoss as heroes of the seven suns on some level. Personally even tho the name is long i think that is the best guildname ever. I would not mind for a change, flying the long guild name for a spell. I think it would be very interesting and quite fun to run with that name for awhile. Just my opinion.
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