View Full Version : Dear Hoss

04-16-2003, 01:25 PM
PLs stop Griefing the server, and hand over to me ZP and Hailie pls. Thx :)

Buazag Bonesteel
04-16-2003, 02:00 PM
<---is starting to think Eadan might be a stalker.

Back up off our Hoss womenfolk mister :D

04-16-2003, 05:23 PM
u guys greifed yourself w/ this crappy web design a long time ago

04-16-2003, 05:30 PM
Holy shit. 21 cleric...15 wizards and 12 warriors. I think i saw like 11 necros too...for christs sake~.

04-16-2003, 05:39 PM
Damn....Dunno 95% of them ppl. BUT back to my point, Gimme ZP and Hailie pls :)

04-16-2003, 05:44 PM
hehe i remember when i found that website, made me laugh :o

Buazag Bonesteel
04-16-2003, 06:07 PM
ugh...now that just hurts.

I've been lucky I guess. 98% of my EQ career was spent in 2 guilds both of which had nice looking and easy to use message boards.

Much more important than most people realize ;)

Herakles Moltenbrau
04-18-2003, 06:37 PM
Wow, that was a blast from the past. 20 out of 175 of those people are still around, myself included. A lot of them were people's double box chars or alts. Hell, I don't even remember everyone listed. But I remember Rhedd , he was my squire.

04-18-2003, 08:32 PM
Hehe hows it going Herak

04-24-2003, 12:50 AM
Just saw this....back to the topic at hand.....ZP and Hailie PLZ.....give'em up and make it easy on yourselves, we have you surrounded....

ps. Lola, sk > pally'z rawR!

04-24-2003, 03:54 AM
We will give you Tanzen and umm....Dusteon for them!! Good deal!! :)

04-25-2003, 06:16 PM

that was with selice still active..haha the many laughs i had about her !

Neuan RL
04-29-2003, 06:22 AM
You still in Switzerland, Bolien?

04-29-2003, 01:06 PM
Ya, those days when The Aftermath got rolled into ML were pretty funny. I was so disappointed when Neuan and Selice left me in the dirt. Fear the borg.

/mourn Aenro


Neuan RL
04-30-2003, 08:06 AM

Aenro...dark elven Chick Cleric with EM Pants, right?

I remember the details...it wasn't pretty. *sigh*

Seeing that it's all over with now, though...I could divulge some interesting information regarding this whole Aftermath Debacle.

04-30-2003, 08:25 AM
Spare us the drama please..

04-30-2003, 09:37 AM
yes am still there. Am not actively playing atm tho.

I dunno what else you could tell us which I wouldn't know about the Aftermath thing but I know it kinda brought me to Hoss which was good in the end:)

04-30-2003, 09:38 AM
hey aenro:cool:

04-30-2003, 09:49 AM
PM me the drama please Neuan.


05-01-2003, 12:38 AM
Dont Hijack mah thread doomit!!! Hoss, Gimme ZP and Hailie!!! ><

Neuan RL
05-01-2003, 08:25 AM
I did it all for the Wookie

Kenju Weeple
05-02-2003, 03:50 AM
haha, the aftermath :/ that was one of my funner points in time during eq. i was on the *gradually migragte into ML list* but joined HoD instead. plz send me hot Aftermath Debacleist gossip! or was it all really just for the wookie; if so, damn, you gotta have some low standards to do it all for a furry overgrown beast.

05-02-2003, 08:33 AM
hehe, well feel free to send it over to me aswell. maybe theres something funny i didnt know about yet:)
some other reason than promised loot? i doubt it though lol