View Full Version : Canadian national anthem boo'd in Philly?

04-22-2003, 04:21 PM
I've given some thought to this and am curious to the feedback that this post gets as I know there are a good number of canadians with strong views that patrol these forums and some americans too.

How can the american public possibly stand their own hipocracy? I am watching game 7 of the Toronto vs. Philly series and we get boo'd. Now I understand this did happen in canada but by the french. Now just cause their french doesnt justify it but, they are french and consider themselves seperate from the rest of canada. Who really considers their opinion substantial anyways?

A game which we invented, popularized, and excel at in every way and we get boo'd. This is such red neck behavior I would imagine that you would feel like a dumb hill billy just because you share your nation with these people (the majority of the arena). Not once in Toronto has the american national anthem been boo'd, probably not even one word of slander uttered.

If anyone dare say this has anything to do with the war consider it happened in the New York Islander series last year in the playoffs. I'm tired of the hipocracy and one sided ness of the media and how they treat this issue. I'm tired of the slander and if any of you boo either anthem and i'm in ear shot you can bet I will start knocking your ignorant heads to the curb.

As you might be able to tell it makes me very mad and it should make you just as mad if you have any decency or pride in your own nation.

edit: spelling

Buazag Bonesteel
04-22-2003, 05:06 PM
Sadly sporting events do not bring out the best in people. I would like to think that Americans in this case...but people in general would have the class to not boo another country's anthem no matter what the circumstances. After several 5$ plastic cups of watery beer whatever vestige of class was there goes out the window :rolleyes:

04-22-2003, 05:27 PM
I hadn't heard it happened this year at all. I read about it in NY last year, they also burned a Canadian flag in the parking lot, believe it or not. It wasn't a large flag or anything, but apparently the guy who sang the Canadian anthem had a small flag on his car, and when he came out he was a few dozen fans rip it off and burn it, cheering.

If the American anthem is booed at a sporting event in Canada, we never hear the end of it. Yet it seems that it is becoming habit in the US. I went to the Oilers vs. Dallas game on Saturday, and the American anthem got very large cheers. About three seats away two guys had brought a large American flag and unfurled it and stood with it during the anthem (which was an excellent photo op for the mayor who was sitting directly in front of them). The one Vancouver game I caught on TV in Van also had large cheers for the American anthem. In light of all that, it further chaps my ass that the Canadian anthem continues to get booed.

04-22-2003, 05:54 PM

You know what Canada did a few weeks ago? a CHILDREN'S hocky game was hosted between a US team and a Candian team in Canada. You guys booed our anthem during a fucking little league game. Not only that, you shouted a bunch of anti-american sentiments, gave CHILDREN the finger, cheered when the bus left, etc. Some parents took their kids and left early.

The news article doesn't exist anymore, or I'd link it.

04-22-2003, 05:58 PM
Big deal, no doubt some american will reply about those comments made by Canadian politicians about "american bastards", and bring up any other possible anti-usa comment made, of course mention how Canada didn't send in many troops to Iraq, blah blah blah.


04-22-2003, 06:48 PM
Well I would be more then interested in seeing that article Torrid.

I do like the constructive STFU however, plays into the exact attitude I was refering to. My aunt and uncle were down in florida and their friends car was vandilized because it had a Canadian plate.

One incident, I cant verify it, I cant prove it to you. Please dismiss it with another STFU because I dont believe for one instant what you say is entirely true. There are three sides, the winners, the losers and the truth. Unfortunately I'm sure that article was written by the losers.

Unless you can actually constructively phrase a defense please keep your meaningless prattle to yourself.

Bauzag I do believe there is truth in what you say, you cant expect much out of sporting events. You can in Toronto, and many other cities in Canada that Eomer mentioned, Quebec I discount just because they are french and we know the french stance.

Myztlee I do believe there is some deal to be made. This is not political, this is called respect. I said it before, the american media makes a deal of it but it acceptable for americans to boo canada. That shows a lack of respect.

04-22-2003, 07:07 PM
Seems fair, really. I have very little respect for americans, why should they have any for me?

04-22-2003, 08:11 PM
We should make an all Canadian guild for Warcraft Worlds:)

We would have all the true champs of EQ myself, Drakky, Eomer, Myzt, Andriana and Tilea.

You are from Toronto right Mam?

Unless you can actually constructively phrase a defense please keep your meaningless prattle to yourself.

Heh Torrid be constructive? lololololololololol

04-22-2003, 08:23 PM
This is fun watching you guys play my country could beat up your country

04-22-2003, 08:53 PM
this is odd im happy I dont really care about anything :||

04-22-2003, 10:22 PM
I am not going to hold a grudge or anything, but these incidents are not isolated incidents Torrid. It has happened a few years in a row in the NHL (I wonder what the majority of the players on NY and Philly who are Canadian feel about their own fans).

I also heard about that incident you mentioned Torrid, and I believe it. I can't remember where it happened off hand, was it in Quebec? Like everyone says, Quebec IS nearly a different country. Totally different politics and people there man. If it wasn't Quebec, then I am surprised. Also, that was what, half a dozen asshole parents? A shitty ref too if I remember right. Maybe a dozen or two dozen people? And it happened once? This anthem booing at hockey games involves thousands of people in multiple occasions. It's not a valid comparison.

But like I said, I won't be holding a grudge or anything. I intentionally did not use a word like "angry" or "pissed" in my original post. Like I said, it just kind of bugs me is all.

04-22-2003, 11:40 PM
But Torrid, I thought the Canadians are good, respectfull, innocent, caring ppl. I dont think they could ever do something like that. :)

04-23-2003, 12:23 AM
Well we are. Then there are the Quebecois.

04-23-2003, 01:31 AM
"constructively phrase a defense"

Like beating someone in the head? To the curb no less, wow that'll hurt.

"Now just cause their french doesnt justify it but, they are french and consider themselves seperate from the rest of canada. Who really considers their opinion substantial anyways?"

Could it be lack of R-E-S-P-E-C-T, that they feel this way? Naw....

Go troll somewhere else....I hear Safehouse is good for people like you.

You know, the red neck hillbilly-type that like to make idle threats on a message board....

04-23-2003, 03:36 AM
Philly is a rough town.. no arguments about it..

Hell.. they CHEERED 2 years ago when a football player on an opposing team suffered a career ending leg injury.

The only thing you can accurately predict in social studies is the stupidity of a large body of people. The intelligent people aren't out vandalizing cars, or so forth..

The story about the little league hockey game is quite true.. I remember reading it in my local paper, AND it was covered quite extensively on The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News. You might try looking for info on it there..

It's truly deplorable the way people are acting on both sides. If you don't like the way your neighboring country is acting.. fine.. but STFU about it when dealing with people not directly associated with the respective actions.

I'm disappointed in Canada.. but that's the extent of my emotion there. France, Germany, and Russia can all suck a fat cock. France especially.. All of their protest is a big game of CYA.. it has nothing to do with protecting the sovereignty of an established nation. Fuckers.

04-23-2003, 05:09 AM
Well I do appreciate everyone verifying the story and Eomer pretty much sumed that up. The only thing to add is exactly how the media takes these stories. Americans boo'd in Canada - Front Page exciting news. Vice versa - who cares? And that is what this thread was supposed to get across.

It is pretty clear there are a good number of canadians who are upset with this, not because it was an isolated incident but because it is becomming habit and acceptable in major american cities. God forbid someone point out a flaw in the american way? Especially if it involves actually thinking about your own code of ethics.

As for any lack of respect canada holds for quebecios is a different story something that most americans know absolutely nothing about. How do you treat a region of your country who has tried to seperate three times and nearly succeeding? Its disheartening to say the least. Not to mention they have language police who regularly patrol the cities to make sure every single sign is written in french and if any english is visible you are forced to take it down. ie. Jacques Ville-neuve for those of you who remember.

As to forty and my idol threat ... Forty I would like to take you back to grade school and teach you how to read for meaning but I will just simply explain that that particular comment was meant to convey the feeling I had about the issue and my 'trolling' has now officially stopped that my point is clear.

Thanks to all for your input.

04-23-2003, 06:23 AM
wow your a tard. talk about a hypocrit, heh.

at least when i say screw you and your friends too, I mean screw you and all your canadian and american friends. When calling someone a hypocrit, you should be VERY careful of not becoming one yourself, it's a very common uh, I hesitate to say mistake, because usually it just means your a tard that doesn't want to accept that some people have views that you don't like.

So what someone hates canada anyways? Do you personally, feel affected by this? Does the dipshit burning that flag, have any bearing on the direction your life will take (he's probably 40 years old working in the deli making sandwiches anyways, most intelligent americans dont do this kind of thing, no offense to anyone that may be 40 and working in a deli that is intelligent :p)

and zarx...
what is this "Warcraft World's" of which you speak:rolleyes:

04-23-2003, 06:49 AM
Maybe they were just booing because the Leafs suck SO bad? :) Mwahaha.

Doesn't matter cause Colorado is out now and I lub Sakic :( :( :(

04-23-2003, 07:02 AM
I do like the constructive STFU however

I do not like your constructive whining.

I'm sick of the "wah! America hates us" crap. You guys do the same shit, and you don't see me starting threads about it. Youre damn right I'm going to tell you to shut up when your country does the same exact thing you are complaining about, and from what I read, even worse.

04-23-2003, 07:23 AM
It's not our country though! It's a region speaking a different language that is associated with our country. Said region also tries to leave our country once a decade or so as well, occasionally partaking in terrorism to do so. I am being only half sarcastic.


The FLQ Manifesto called for non-democratic separation to be brought about by acts of terror. From 1963 to 1967, the FLQ planted 35 bombs; from 1968 to 1970 they planted over 50 bombs. By the fall of 1970 the terrorist acts of the FLQ cells had claimed 6 lives

Our PM at the time declared martial law to crack down.

04-23-2003, 07:47 AM
I have to say, I think the original poster is either a troll or a whiner. I'm Canadian, and I don't care about being boo'd at a hockey game. Sports fans are not what I'd call the best example of humanity in the first place. They boo specific players, they boo specific teams, why not boo specific countries too. Anything to demoralize your oppononents. Big fucking deal.

The whole "thanks for the responses, you proved my point" is just as annoying. So high and mighty, all-knowing, never wrong. All too familiar. If you knew this is the response you'd get, why bother posting in the first place?

Take it somewhere else, this serves no purpose. We can go back decade by decade, finding things any country has done to disrespect any other country. Using hockey games is the last place to start.

Oh, and just so nobody thinks I'm only bashing Canadians now, americans still suck.

04-23-2003, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by Eomer
It's not our country though! It's a region speaking a different language that is associated with our country.

And it wasn't me booing you or anyone at Hoss Mami, it was hockey fans omg! I second Torrids STFU.

04-23-2003, 08:36 AM
Apparently you missed the part where I said I was being sarcastic Ktul.

04-23-2003, 08:46 AM
Sorry Eomer, I qouted you because you had a point, my stfu was directed at Mami...I did say that too =D

Buazag Bonesteel
04-23-2003, 08:57 AM
Not sure why I find myself posting on this thread again other than once again I find myself kinda bored and surfing the web hehe.

Aside from what I mentioned before about sports fans really not being a good representation of anything aside from fanatic loyalty to their team....

Someone posted on the front page...and I'm paraphrasing here...about people being respectful, caring, compassionate etc. One on one you will find that most people have these qualities to at least some degree. Even if it is just a matter of accountability. If a single person...for the sake of argument we'll say an American...goes out and starts walking the streets of Toronto with a burning Canadian flag and a sandwich board that says "I wish all Canucks would eat shit and die," Then all the attention media and otherwise will be on him. Therefore you don't see this very often....most (again just as an example) Americans don't feel this way and certainly not to the degree where they would do something like this.

The fact is that ALL people from EVERY country are self serving and narrow minded. Even the best of us cannot possibly see things from every possible perspective. We first view the world and its problems as they pertain to us personally and form opinions based on that. Beyond that we see things as they pertain to our specific community, then our country...and so on

Take that fact and add to it the mob mentality that occurs when a lot of people get together and you have the atmosphere needed for a bunch of Americans or Canadians to boo the other county's flag at a hockey game. The anonymity of being in a crowd engenders a lot of unfortunate things. I'd be willing to bet that very few of the people who have been involved in those flag bashing hockey events really has strong feelings about it...they just got caught up in that mob frenzy.

Hell it's even been evident here on the boards where most of us are friends at least to some degree. We have a lot of Canadians. We have a lot of Americans. Even just in jest there has been prodding from both sides....and I won't even bother mentioning the whole French deal. Deep down all people like to think that they are better than their neighbors. We all like to be able to stand on our little soapbox and point out to the world that we are justified in that because yadda yadda yadda {insert finger pointing here}

Maybe someday we'll get invaded by some big green nasty guys from Rigel 7 or something and our soapbox will expand to the point where we all stand together as people of Earth. I'd like to think that I'm wrong but I think that that is what it would take :rolleyes:

PS~ Everyone sucks...it's all about perspective :D

04-23-2003, 09:06 AM
Torrid is mah new hero!

04-23-2003, 09:09 AM
"A game which we invented, popularized, and excel at in every way and we get boo'd."

Um, hockey is a French Canadian sport....Hello Windsor.

So basically it’s ok if the French Canadians leave since you already stole their sport? Wow, no wonder they want to leave.

"As to forty and my idol threat ... Forty I would like to take you back to grade school and teach you how to read for meaning but I will just simply explain that that particular comment was meant to convey the feeling I had about the issue and my 'trolling' has now officially stopped that my point is clear."

Haha, you're a hypocritical clown. Read that for meaning.

04-23-2003, 09:14 AM

04-23-2003, 09:33 AM
Despite all this debating, one fact remains:

The Leafs SUCK

04-23-2003, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Tilea
Despite all this debating, one fact remains:

The Leafs SUCK

Hear, Hear!

Go Sens Go!

04-23-2003, 09:39 AM
hehe Til, you didn't honestly expect them to make it past the first round did you?

04-23-2003, 11:02 AM
Canadiens hate Americans, Americans Hate Canadiens...ok say what you want, but who here can name the largest unguarded border in the world?

Honestly if youre worried about someone boo'ing youre national anthem all i have to say is boo fucking hoo, cry me a river. You should be more upset over the fact we keep accidentally killing youre soldiers on training missions, or dropping bombs on accident over youre soil then the fact we *gasp* boo'd youre national anthem.

P.S i blame canada for celine dion, plz if youre going to crack down on french terroist, inlcude celine dion among youre top 10 most wanted, for she is a terrorist of 2 countries radio stations.

Buazag Bonesteel
04-23-2003, 11:10 AM

I actually kinda like Celine. Generally speaking...not the style of music I will listen too a lot....but she does have a really good voice and more importantly sings with a lot of passion. I almost hate to admit that I watched her recent 30 minute special that took a peek at her new circe de soleil(sp) show but I did....and I liked it :D

04-23-2003, 11:13 AM
Canadians goddamn you! NO FUCKING E! We are not a hockey team!

04-23-2003, 11:17 AM
Canadians have issues, First you get all pissy cause someone boo'd youre national anthem, now ya get all pissy because someone mispelled the pluralization of canada citizens.

I got two words for you, Anger Management!

04-23-2003, 11:24 AM
lol, I was laughing about that, way back in the day when I was in CN some of the people in the guild always said Canadien on purpose (kaxmax where are j00).

But I think the original posters point is that if the American anthem gets booed, it's pretty big news, but when the tables are turned it's just a bunch of drunken hockey fans. Whatever.

04-23-2003, 11:30 AM
Was it printed in papers all over youre country that we boo'd yall, if so then why bitch that when yall boo us its all over our papers.

Frankly media is the scum of both of our countries, specially TV journalist who dont have one iota of dignity.

04-23-2003, 11:41 AM
Erm, because...we live in america, and most people probably care what happens to hurt americans more than other countries...just as EVERY other country on earth. Country is also just a larger place for smaller groups to have their own differences, States hate each other and think they are better than the one next to them, counties they are the best in the state, and every city/town in the county wants to be #1 in the next high school flapjacking contest.

So...that's what makes the news, because well, that's what sells, and newspapers are not governmental publications, so they are there to make a profit (for the most part, there are a few non-profit newspapers of course).

And hey guess what, I can gaurantee you that canada is the same way. Any civilized nation will be, we have nothing better to worry about really. If you were a starving Ethopian, you would probably not care all-to-much that some Atlanta Braves player farted in public and made national news.

Anyhoo, all this bickering has left me wanting to watch Canadian Bacon. I believe it makes plenty of fun of both countries and anyone that takes it seriously needs to buy bigger underpants.

Oh and uh, Go Blackhawks? =////

04-23-2003, 11:44 AM
Hadn't even heard about the booing, but to be honest I think most rational people from either side dismiss booing by sports fans.. in either country. And lets face it.. it happened in philadelphia.. the damn city had to install a jail in its football stadium for christ sakes. 2 fans last year of the eagles (been fans since they were teens, born and raised in philly) were beaten fairly badly because they are hindu and happen to wear wraps on their heads (apologies for not knowing real name for it).. not muslim, not terrorists.. but hindu.

Sports fans are passionate and sometimes let judgement fall out of the car on the way to the stadium. Best to just ignore it and move on.

edit: I think the more troubling incidents are the ones where baseball fans are throwing batteries and coins, etc at outfielders of opposing teams... happened in football in the UK this year and the player was injured rather badly (well missed a game anyways)

04-23-2003, 11:47 AM
Actually, believe it or not, the only place I have heard of the booing this year is here. It hasn't been in a single major Canadian publication. It's not a big deal here, from what I can tell. Last year with the NYI and Toronto, it was mentioned a few times, but mostly in sports columns, and generally mentioned in the same breath as talk of how violent and nasty the series was (which it was).

04-23-2003, 12:24 PM
Further to Buaz's comment on mob mentality, don't forget you're talking about a DRUNKEN mob mentality. While this certainly does represent a great deal of the american public, it is also quite indicative of canadians as well, if you believe the beer commercials. But it is not representative of either the entire country, or any one single person in that mob.

Who has not done or said something while drunk that they would NEVER do or say when sober? (Thinking it doesn't count) Now put a bunch of you together. Street riots, vandalism, violence and death has all been done in the name of alcohol and sporting events. Anyone that is concerned by, let alone even listens to, anything these yahoos may do or say needs a perspective adjustment.

04-23-2003, 01:39 PM
Actually yeah I did expect the Leafs to beat Philly. They usually don't fall flat onto their faces until the 2nd or 3rd round.

Lots of good teams are gone already... Detroit, Boston, Colorado.. guess Ottawa and NJ are the favorites for sure now.

04-23-2003, 01:45 PM
Canucks just put the Blues out lastnight =)

Gooo home team!

04-23-2003, 03:23 PM
Speaking of Riots, Dint Canadians riot because the lead singer of metallica burnt his hand and then axel rose wouldnt sing. Why yes i do believe that was canada (so yeah id say the whole drunken thing applies to canadians as well as americans :)

04-23-2003, 03:29 PM
Not sure how this turned into a debate on who riots more often, but whatever.

Yeah, just recently in Vancouver Axl Rose cancelled a show just before it was set to start, and a riot broke out. In '94 or '95 when the Canadiens last one the cup, Montreal rioted. Hell, Edmonton had a riot on the main party strip a couple years back just cause.

04-23-2003, 05:37 PM
You should let Quebec secede then the US and the rest of Canada can mend their problems by bombing the shit out of Quebec together. Although I am not entirely sure that Canada has an airforce.

04-23-2003, 05:46 PM
We do indeed sir! 20 year old F18's, half of which are grounded! The other half the US Air Force wants nothing to do with, since they don't have secure communications etc. And we would need to borrow some bombs again, like Kosovo.

04-23-2003, 07:58 PM
pack some pinecones with gunpowder and drop them from the F-18's I KNOW you have pinecones

Buazag Bonesteel
04-23-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Eomer
And we would need to borrow some bombs again, like Kosovo.

Lol...I've been chuckling over this for like 10 minutes now....not sure why it strikes me so funny ;o

04-24-2003, 06:50 AM
The incident Burnem is talking about was back when Metallica and GnR toured together with... faith no more I think. Anyways, That was when James Hetfield caught fire, and then GnR cancelled their set. Big riot broke out. This was ALSO in Quebec.

"You should let Quebec secede then the US and the rest of Canada can mend their problems by bombing the shit out of Quebec together. Although I am not entirely sure that Canada has an airforce."

HAHA that is the best idea I've heard of in years! But we just finally got a govermnent into Quebec that doesn't thoroughly suck, so there's hope for them still.

As for our airforce, like I said before..... you take our ancient Sea King helicopters, load them with explosives and then just fly them into enemy territory. They'll crash pretty soon, all on their own, detonating the explosives on impact. Probably with as much accuracy as any global positioning warhead! New Canadian military strategy, the enemy won't know how to counter it.

I'm sure the US could give us a couple thousand bombs to drop on Quebec that they wouldn't even miss. Old ones that are nearing the end of their life anyways. No wonder all their new bombs are designed with an indefinite shelf life. :)

04-24-2003, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Inizen

Oh and uh, Go Blackhawks? =////


WTF has happened to our Hawks...../shrug

Go Cubs I guess.

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee

Hehe, I love that tune, But America's anthem is still better :p

04-27-2003, 11:26 AM
bombing Quebec ... bwahahahaha you wish


look.. here are some facts :

1- the USA arent really good at discerning and understanding different cultures and languages. their specialty is to evolve on the science domain.

2- Quebec = not European frenchs.

3- Quebec = indeed boo ed some americans at a hockey game. Its not low to do so i think, but it is to forcefully involve kids in politics and do em high fingers and such.

4- Canada = not exactly with the americans eithers. a good portion of the english canadians that are for the war are scared of economic setback by the US. You can see protesters in Quebec saying ' peace, not war ' while you can see protesters in toronto that says ' support the USA, i love money '

you do the math. or close you eyes and wish you would bomb us +)

04-27-2003, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Horsemen
bombing Quebec ... bwahahahaha you wish


look.. here are some facts :

1- the USA arent really good at discerning and understanding different cultures and languages. their specialty is to evolve on the science domain.

2- Quebec = not European frenchs.

3- Quebec = indeed boo ed some americans at a hockey game. Its not low to do so i think, but it is to forcefully involve kids in politics and do em high fingers and such.

4- Canada = not exactly with the americans eithers. a good portion of the english canadians that are for the war are scared of economic setback by the US. You can see protesters in Quebec saying ' peace, not war ' while you can see protesters in toronto that says ' support the USA, i love money '

5- imagine a dude going to the hockey game. Imagine him overweighted, eats plastic hot dog and beer at the game, picture him boo ing the american or canadian flag, and then imagine talking some sense to him. -- good luck!

you do the math. or close you eyes and wish you would bomb us +)

04-27-2003, 12:09 PM
All this because fans in PHILLY boo'd the anthem?

This is the same city that held an Easter Egg hunt before a baseball game and BOO'D the kids who didn't find many eggs.

This is the same city that CHEERS when an opposing player gets injured, then BOOS when/if he gets up.

And you're shocked that Philly fans boo the Canadian anthem before a Stanley Cup Playoff game? You're lucky they didn't shoot the guy singing it.


Andriana Duskrose
04-27-2003, 12:13 PM
1- the USA arent really good at discerning and understanding different cultures and languages.

And neither is Quebec.

04-27-2003, 04:47 PM
1- the USA arent really good at discerning and understanding different cultures and languages. their specialty is to evolve on the science domain

Wooptee fucking do! Wow I so want to learn more about French-Canadian culture it sounds really interesting but I am apparently unable to learn about other cultures because I'm American. Oh well this concept of "other cultures" is making the right side of my brain hurt we should bomb you for that.

2- Quebec = not European frenchs

No shit. France lost Canada to the English in The French and Indian War. At least that's what it's called in the US. There is also this small body of water called the Atlantic Ocean seperating Quebec from France.

3- Quebec = indeed boo ed some americans at a hockey game. Its not low to do so i think, but it is to forcefully involve kids in politics and do em high fingers and such.

Ok I can't argue with you about this.

4- Canada = not exactly with the americans eithers. a good portion of the english canadians that are for the war are scared of economic setback by the US. You can see protesters in Quebec saying ' peace, not war ' while you can see protesters in toronto that says ' support the USA, i love money '

Ok apparently you think my post had something to do with the war in Iraq. It does not. I am well aware that many Canadains of non-French descent are against the war. Many Americans are against the war as well (including me). In reality my post had to do with the fact I have no respect for Quebec or it's people. Furthermore I think your province is a blight on the rest of Canada and they would do well to kick you out. Finally I dislike your province so much that I think that the US and the rest of Canada should join forces to obliterate it. So tell me will your culture be able to shield you from carpet bombing B-52's or possibly from Paveways dropped from other aircraft? Or perhaps the residents of Quebec would shout "Sacre Bleu ze Americans and Canadians zey bomb us and our cultural shielding does notteeng".


04-27-2003, 05:11 PM

The thing I don't like coming out of quebec is all these squeegee people, I mean wtf is up with all the bums? And they are INVADING vancouver!

Other then that they are ok:D

04-28-2003, 07:47 AM
jebus, I was in Victoria for four days, there as so many bums there it's incredible. I guess Edmonton's cold weather has some beneficial effects, like keeping the bum population down. But it was ridiculous in Victoria. At least here they are only in certain areas, in Victoria there were fucking everywhere. I was expecting them to canvas house to house.

04-28-2003, 07:55 AM
Aye same as downtown Vancouver, and a huge squeegee people population( alot of them are quebecois). There seems to be less drug related problems around , but bums are everywhere.

It's sad really.

04-28-2003, 08:28 AM
at least you have the chance to have your windows cleaned at every stoplight.

04-28-2003, 09:28 AM
Well, in Victoria I just got accosted by rude bums every 5 steps... none offered to clean my sunglasses :/

The thing that bugs me though, is that the vast majority of them were able bodied young people with a cute fucking dog beside them. Mentally ill? Disabled? Fine. But the majority of the ones that I saw are the way they are out of choice, so fuck them if they think I am going to throw change at them just because they don't particularily feel like working or going to school.

Erinonz of Crystal O
04-28-2003, 10:43 AM
Finally sat and read through all this hoohaa...and though I have a strong opinion, I will keep it to myself because 1...it ain't gunna change anything, and 2...it will only give some other person whom may or may not be my friend or think that I am a wonderful person regardless of nationality...to state thier opinion, of which I could care less given that I have my own opinion already =P

what I wanna know...is if Canada can "disown" Quebec...Can't the US just "Disown" Philly for the bunch of no thinking, beer guzzling, rednecks they are? Then we can all get back to hawt sex0rs and good times as friends right?


04-28-2003, 10:57 AM
Well first, most of the comments about Quebec were sarcastic or not 100% serious. But Quebec isn't just a region of Canada. It is a distinctly different area of Canada, that speaks a different language, has different laws, different people, different culture, it goes on and on. I don't think the US has any region that is analogous to Quebec. You would need to look back over the history of 400 years to see why.

04-28-2003, 12:26 PM
We do, we call it 'West Virginia'...

During the Civil War the south says 'We don't want em, YOU take em' and the north has been trying to give them back for a looong time..


PS - yes, I know I am playing fast and loose with history, and I know how West Virginia came into being. This is called a 'joke' and isn't to be taken seriously.

Erinonz of Crystal O
04-28-2003, 12:39 PM
<---from WV goobah!

hehehe =P


04-28-2003, 08:48 PM
Philly was the heart and soul of the American Revolution, we can't get rid of them. If we are going to get rid of a city I think it should be one that is diametrically opposed to the reasons for the American Revolution. Therefore I propose that we boot Washington DC out of the Union.

BTW Erin is that your real pic? If so /purr

04-28-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Erinonz of Crystal O
Then we can all get back to hawt sex0rs and good times as friends right?

I've been missing out :(

Erinonz of Crystal O
04-29-2003, 08:16 AM
umm yeah it is thuggo hu...thought you had seen that already?

btw purring ogres skeer me =P


04-29-2003, 01:04 PM
Hate being so late to this kind of post...

Now I understand this did happen in canada but by the french. Now just cause their french doesnt justify it but, they are french and consider themselves seperate from the rest of canada. Who really considers their opinion substantial anyways?

We are different. Does that matter to me? No. Different can be good. And unless you didn't get the clue, the last 2 referendum didn't pass. That means more people in Quebec want to stay in the Canada than more want to leave. But when I read a dumb fuck statement like "Who really considers their opinion anyway?" it reminds me that maybe I should re-think my current opinions...


You know what Canada did a few weeks ago? a CHILDREN'S hocky game was hosted between a US team and a Candian team in Canada. You guys booed our anthem during a fucking little league game. Not only that, you shouted a bunch of anti-american sentiments, gave CHILDREN the finger, cheered when the bus left, etc. Some parents took their kids and left early.

The news article doesn't exist anymore, or I'd link it.

I think the parents should be sent to jail for racism or something like that (need a motive...).

I also heard about that incident you mentioned Torrid, and I believe it. I can't remember where it happened off hand, was it in Quebec? Like everyone says, Quebec IS nearly a different country. Totally different politics and people there man. If it wasn't Quebec, then I am surprised. Also, that was what, half a dozen asshole parents? A shitty ref too if I remember right.
Well we are. Then there are the Quebecois

I agree with the asshole parents but don't get holy with me Eomer. This incident could happen anywhere...

It's not our country though! It's a region speaking a different language that is associated with our country. Said region also tries to leave our country once a decade or so as well, occasionally partaking in terrorism to do so. I am being only half sarcastic.

Just to set the record strait, the FLQ was originally a polical party that did commit crimes but those acts weren't supported by the province...

Our PM at the time declared martial law to crack down.

Yeah and they violated humans rights while doing so. FU Trudeau.

P.S i blame canada for celine dion, plz if youre going to crack down on french terroist, inlcude celine dion among youre top 10 most wanted, for she is a terrorist of 2 countries radio stations.

Celine Dion to me is like McDonalds: The product sucks but the marketting is so good everybody want's it.

Yeah, just recently in Vancouver Axl Rose cancelled a show just before it was set to start, and a riot broke out. In '94 or '95 when the Canadiens last one the cup, Montreal rioted. Hell, Edmonton had a riot on the main party strip a couple years back just cause
Speaking of Riots, Dint Canadians riot because the lead singer of metallica burnt his hand and then axel rose wouldnt sing. Why yes i do believe that was canada (so yeah id say the whole drunken thing applies to canadians as well as americans

It was between '90-'92 actually and it was in Montreal. The lead singer of Metallica did burned something and Axl Rose went on the stage and said something like "Fuck You" to the crowd after making people wait for about 90mins and left. Now, keep in mind what age group would go see Metallica and GnR in '90-'92 and you have a better view so the events. I had friends there and I was suppose to go but something had come up :/

You should let Quebec secede then the US and the rest of Canada can mend their problems by bombing the shit out of Quebec together. Although I am not entirely sure that Canada has an airforce.

FU you racist asshole.

HAHA that is the best idea I've heard of in years! But we just finally got a govermnent into Quebec that doesn't thoroughly suck, so there's hope for them still.

The PQ doesn't suck in general. I actually thought they had a better compaign and a better program then the PL. And I can't stand Jean Charest. The only problem with the PQ is the ever pending doom of yet another referendum.

Here's Quebec politic 101:
- We use to have 2 politicals party. 1 seperatist (PQ) and 1 not (PL) A new one is starting to fly now. They are not seperatist for now. They are trying to stay on the fence trying to get more votes.
- So if we are unhappy with the current government, we vote for the other party. So eventually you (use too) end up voting for the seperatist government.
- There are pure seperatist though. But referendum proves it's not the majority of Quebecois.
- Another reason we'd vote for the PQ is if we are unhappy with the current PM. So to piss him off, we give him the PQ to deal with. that's less true now since there is a seperatist party at the federal (BQ). A total waste of vote though since they will never get elected to do anything. So they just stay there and whine about everything. But then, it's not like there's a lot of good choice at the federal level either.

Well first, most of the comments about Quebec were sarcastic or not 100% serious. But Quebec isn't just a region of Canada. It is a distinctly different area of Canada, that speaks a different language, has different laws, different people, different culture, it goes on and on. I don't think the US has any region that is analogous to Quebec. You would need to look back over the history of 400 years to see why.

Well, I'm almost touch at this...

Finally sat and read through all this hoohaa...and though I have a strong opinion, I will keep it to myself because 1...it ain't gunna change anything, and 2...it will only give some other person whom may or may not be my friend or think that I am a wonderful person regardless of nationality...to state thier opinion, of which I could care less given that I have my own opinion already =P

/hug Erin
I always knew you were a smart girl. ;)


04-29-2003, 02:29 PM
Hey a Quebecer! I said I wouldnt return but didnt expect to see a rational defense even if it isnt pertaining to the original topic. Mostly because I didnt think there was anything that was worth defending as everything was a joke or fact.

Which came first the chicken or the egg? Who started the hate first, Canada or Quebec? Last I checked Canada did not try and remove Quebec, it was the other way around. Before you think everyone hates you consider that history your province has. Consider how it feels to be told that your neighbour wants nothing to do with you and would prefer to leave then continue any relationship. I honestly love being a tourist in Quebec, I love the history and the area - i dont necessarily like being a pedesterian in quebec as the motorists have a way of letting you know they have the right of way - I love the people and the culture too. It hurts all that much more to have 40 odd percent tell you that they want to be left alone. Consider possibly that not everyone wants to walk back into Quebec with open arms to be kicked in the jewels.


Forgot to add that the american comments about bombing should not be taken seriously and I do agree with shooting them down in that. Its unfortunate the only answer the US has to any situation is bomb the crap out of it. That is sarcasm with a ring of truth in it for all of you who are about to flame it. Please do it anyways though.

04-29-2003, 02:35 PM
My problem with Quebec isn't so much that they want to protect their culture, or their different opinions. I can respect that.

My problem is that it seems a lot of Quebec is so completely ungrateful for what they get out of Canada. Billions upon billions every year get dumped into Quebec (and to a lesser extent the Maritimes) more or less directly from Alberta and Ontario. And yet we get pissed in the face every chance they get.

I would love to be the accountant figuring out the terms of Quebec's departure, it would be interesting to see how many hundreds of billions they would owe the rest of Canada.

04-29-2003, 02:58 PM
Last I checked Canada did not try and remove Quebec, it was the other way around.

True, but when England came into posession of Canada, it did try it's damn best to force us to speak English only. All of the position of power were given to English speaking. You can understand why we try so hard to keep our language. If I were to move to Spain, I'm pretty sure I'd have to learn Spanish. If someone move to Quebec (move mind you, not visit), they could live very well not ever learning French but it's the polite thing to do to learn French imo.

Before you think everyone hates you consider that history your province has.

Historys point of view all depends on which side you are.

Consider how it feels to be told that your neighbour wants nothing to do with you and would prefer to leave then continue any relationship.

I understand that part. But let me put it this way. Let's say 25% of the province is seperatist and 25% is not and 50% have no opinion/don't care/are idiots. The vote will be determined by how good both sides are to try to convince the 50%. Now, we are talking about a 50% that don't know and doesn't really care.

It hurts all that much more to have 40 odd percent tell you that they want to be left alone.

Well, another problem with this 40ish% you bring out is partly explained above and another part is that the 25% of people that wants to seperate will go voting for sure, the 25% that do not will also go voting. But it's not obvious that the 50% that don't know/care/have a clue will go voting.

So don't worry if you come and visit that 4person out of 10person you meet will kick you in the nuts. Hell, even that 25% wont ;)

04-29-2003, 03:04 PM
My problem is that it seems a lot of Quebec is so completely ungrateful for what they get out of Canada. Billions upon billions every year get dumped into Quebec (and to a lesser extent the Maritimes) more or less directly from Alberta and Ontario. And yet we get pissed in the face every chance they get.

I would love to be the accountant figuring out the terms of Quebec's departure, it would be interesting to see how many hundreds of billions they would owe the rest of Canada.

Well, my problem with both governments (provincial and federal) is that they take half of my salary in income taxes and in sales taxes and then I hear and see horror stories about millions of dollars wasted left and right.

04-29-2003, 03:48 PM
And most of it is wasted in Quebec!

I wish I could find that quote where Jean Chretien basically says it's okay that millions of dollars are outright missing, because Quebec is happy.

04-29-2003, 04:29 PM
FU you racist asshole.

Here's a news flash dipshit French is not a race it's a nationality. Another news flash fucktard French-Canadian is not a race either. You can take your smug superior attitude and pack it in your ass Mkai.

I think it was Eomer (not to flame Eomer) who said that the US doesn't have a region like quebec with it's own unique culture etc etc etc. The US has lots of different areas with different cultures and yeah parts of the US do speak different languages Miami is not like Seattle which is not like Chicago which is not like New Orleans which is not like Kansas city which is not like Honolulu. The only difference is you haven't seen large portions of the US calling for secession in about 135 years. This is true for many countries around the world. You see Americans as well as people of other nationalities are able to have both a national and a regional identity and not feel that either of them are compromised. Apparently this is something approximately 49% of the citizens of Quebec are unable to do.

On a final note if I was running a bombing campaign against Quebec I would aim for your house first Mkai.

04-29-2003, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Thuggo

On a final note if I was running a bombing campaign.

What is this the american dream to run a bombing campaign? I can see Madonna's newest song. Bombing the crap outta everyone who doesnt agree with our everyword.

04-29-2003, 05:04 PM
I would bomb your house second Mamilia.

04-29-2003, 06:04 PM
I wonder if Thuggo thinks everyone is smug and superior and has that attitude around them because he in actuality is a slack jawed redneck.

Tell me Thuggo, was your sister and your mom pregnant at the same time by the same man?

Do you often find new and innovative ways of cooking squirrel?

Do you have more then one broken down automobile in your yard?

Welcome to the "I'm gonna bomb your country" thread.

04-29-2003, 06:24 PM
You should be banned from this board for stupidity Mamilia.

04-29-2003, 06:30 PM
Mamilia you must be missing a chromosone or something. Why don't you go post on a South Park fan-site about how Trey Parker and Matt Stone are insulting Canada too you whining child.

04-30-2003, 12:31 AM
Actually they don't want to totally separate... its called Sovereignty Association. They want to run the gov't and collect taxes (without sending a portion of taxes to the Canadian govt), but want to use Canadian dollars, and still get a percentage of money from Canada. Add to that, they want all treaties, and negotiations prior made (think nafta) to include them under current rules.

Gotta admit that it takes some brass ones to think this would even remotely have a chance and that it is anything less than the spoiled child wanting more candy. Would be funny to see the reaction if any part of canada outside quebec tried to fine someone for having a sign outside their store where french letters were larger than english (in Quebec french letters must make up more than 50% of the sign).

Argue all you want that these measures are needed to protect the French-Canadian culture, it all boils down to one group wanting better treatment than everyone else. Kinda like womens groups that argue no club should be men only (think augusta in the U.S), but find no problem with women's only gyms. People don't want to be equal, they want better treatment than the other person.

on a side note: Mamilia... thuggo was merely reacting to an idiot that accused him of racism (without actually even bothering to look up the definition of the word, Mkai you need to buy a dictionary man.. or at least use the net for a sec to look up shit before you respond to posts). You then made up some nonsense about it being the american dream to bomb people.. nice sweeping generalization. Its not the american dream... its the Thuggo dream. Then he of course replies to your stupidity, and you start calling him a redneck. This is of course likely because rather than read a book or take a class or something, you have decided to earn your education in front of a tv... too bad you just watch old reruns of jeff foxworthy, and garbage music videos. Try the discovery channel, or TLC, or something...

Man stupid people give me a headache

04-30-2003, 12:36 AM
I done growded up watchun T.V. wutchu talkun about p0 educurtion.

04-30-2003, 12:51 AM
These political posts can get quite amusing actually. If you like this kind of stuff there is some more blood-boiling political arguments at druzzilro.com in the battlefield section.

It can provide for some good entertainment when you see some of these guys frothing at the mouth defending what they believe to a total stranger in this world of EQ. I know Thuggo was joking around, but there is some people on the DRO board that do get serious. I think Eomer get's their blood boiling, but he makes good posts =)

Buazag Bonesteel
04-30-2003, 06:27 AM
People don't want to be equal, they want better treatment than the other person.

Damn right Varran. This right here is at the core of probably 90% of the worlds problems today. I could dig up 75 or so examples but I haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet ;)

On a side note....I know that any debate...but for some reason especially any type of politcal debate...can get people's blood hot. But why the need to get personal? No finger pointing here...but especially in the last few pages people have veered away from stating opinions on the thread topic and dipped to flinging poo at each other.

On the one hand the evil troll in me loves a really well thought out and witty flame. On the other hand....when your opinion is backed up by insults of someone else as opposed to facts then it loses a little validity.

Ahhh screw it.....having thought it over I realize that if there wasn't any flaming going on then this thread would have justifiably died quite a while ago :rolleyes:

Not sure how well this comaprison applies...and also not sure but that someone will of course take it the wrong way as is usually the case but I'll give it a go anyway.

People always seem to have vastly different opinions when it comes down to specifics vs. generalities. Other Canadians about Quebec. Americans about Canadians, Canadians about Americans etc....the generalities expressed here probably in no way represent the opinions that any of you have based on what actually effects you on a day to day basis.

It reminds me of a friend I had at my last place of employment. There was something I didn't know about him right off the bat becaue it just didn't come up right away. As it turns out he was raises in a rural type area that was almost entirely white. There were as he later told me...only 2 black kids that went to his school and they were persecuted pretty badly. My friend was not only a part of it but he actually still thought it was funny. He was almost without thinking about it...a pretty huge racist. He threw the word Niggar around and actually MEANT it. Having grown up in a thoroughly mixed school in the city I had never been exposed to anything like that before and quite frankly didn't know how to react. Aside from that he was a decent guy.....but he had a broad general opinion of Blacks as being inferior to him. Now the point at which this becomes relevant is now.....we both worked at the same plant and we had some black co-workers. While my friend had those general opinions that I found so detestable...he had no problem being friends with those black co-workers. He knew them as people instead of an idea. I never could understand how he could have such differing behavior regarding this and even when I put the question to him he couldn't really explain it either.

In short....the problem we as the human race have is this. We are far to apt to view certain things from too broad a perspective. If the scope gets too big we lose track of who may or may not be affected. Using the war in Iraq for example. If CNN broadcast footage of an American soldier gunning down an Iraqi woman and her child...there would be a huge public outcry at the inhumanity of it. If that same woman and child were killed but it was during the same fight that several hundred others were killed....there very well might be a reaction but it would be diluted. It is harder to emotionally connect with a large mass of people that it is with just a few.

So anyway like I said...I haven't finished my first cup of coffee and this may or may not make sense to anyone....including me later in the day heh. It couldn't hurt though to always take a moment to stop and think before you post something that is directly aimed at another person. I know it's just a message board and that anyone who registers for ANY board should grow some thick skin as some flames will invariably come there way....but that doesn't mean we can't TRY to at least be civil.

****goes back to his coffee

04-30-2003, 10:38 AM
Here's a news flash dipshit French is not a race it's a nationality. Another news flash fucktard French-Canadian is not a race either. You can take your smug superior attitude and pack it in your ass Mkai.

on a side note: Mamilia... thuggo was merely reacting to an idiot that accused him of racism (without actually even bothering to look up the definition of the word, Mkai you need to buy a dictionary man.. or at least use the net for a sec to look up shit before you respond to posts).


Main Entry: 3race
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza
Date: 1580
1 : a breeding stock of animals
2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics <the English race>
3 a : an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species; also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a group b : BREED c : a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type
4 obsolete : inherited temperament or disposition
5 : distinctive flavor, taste, or strength

On a final note if I was running a bombing campaign against Quebec I would aim for your house first Mkai.

That because you are too chicken and you'd have to hide to do your actions.

04-30-2003, 10:40 AM
html code must of cut down the last part so I'll retype it:

2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics "the English race"

04-30-2003, 10:49 AM
lol buaz makes this really long, sensible contemplative post and then its followed by two 'fuck you too''s that ignore it and just return fire

Now that is the comedy of humanity in action!

04-30-2003, 10:57 AM
a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics


Seriously, maki or whatever the fuck your name is....read your defintion...Then try and use it in a sentence. Its the HUMAN RACE not the fucking english race, french race, chinese race. Those are nationalities not different races.

I can't believe you were the fastest out of the 100,000 sperm.

Your a dipshit end of story. So fuck off

Erinonz of Crystal O
04-30-2003, 11:02 AM
So I take it tis means Friendship and hawt sex0rs are out huh?

On a serious note...I firmly believe that every person has a right to thier opinions... to think them, believe them, voice them and act on them,....and collectively opinions have the power to influence great actions...BUT individually our opinions will not change anything except the freindships we have formed and treasure when we turn on one another in a message board thread that in all honesty, serves no greater good and no purpose other than to inflame people and cause strife for the entertainment of one insignificant little worm...so how bout we find the common enemy, join ranks and do away with this little ass named Mamilia, who apparently has no life other than that derived from other peoples misery?

THEN the hawt sex0rs can resume =)

Luv yall


04-30-2003, 11:03 AM
read your defintion...Then try and use it in a sentence. Its the HUMAN RACE not the fucking english race, french race, chinese race. Those are nationalities not different races.

It's not my definition, it comes from webster. Race isn't just about color. You'll go to bed less stupid tonight.

Seriously, maki or whatever the fuck your name is....

I can't believe you were the fastest out of the 100,000 sperm.

Your a dipshit end of story. So fuck off

when intelligence fail, try insults...

04-30-2003, 11:13 AM
Your still here? I thought i told you to fuck off.

Who said anything about color besides you? Your the dumbass who has no idea what he's talking about. Walk up to someone and said Hi i'm from the AMERICAN RACE they'll look at you and think what a fucking dumbass this kid is and hopefully punch you in the face for being so stupid.

Intellectual giant strikes again!

when intelligence fail, try insults...

use proper spelling next time.

04-30-2003, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Daisiee
Your still here? I thought i told you to fuck off.

Who said anything about color besides you? Your the dumbass who has no idea what he's talking about. Walk up to someone and said Hi i'm from the AMERICAN RACE they'll look at you and think what a fucking dumbass this kid is and hopefully punch you in the face for being so stupid.

Intellectual giant strikes again!

use proper spelling next time.

I knew spelling would be next. Read back you previous post. (defintion). I didn't want to bring it up because it's childish...
As far as saying hi I'm American race, it does sound weird but it's valid. I understand it's hard for your brain to comprehend this.
Maybe in a couple of years you'll understand. Then again...

I'm pretty much done with this thread. There was some serious French-CDN bashing and I wanted to bring light from the other side. Some completly ignore the whole subject just to try to look cool because it's important for them to look cool in front of their friends. I'll admit I did that too in the past (15years ago) but I'm past that now. So go ahead and flame me if you think that will make you look smart/cool.

04-30-2003, 12:44 PM
my main problem with that whole thing mkai is that you talk of french-canadian bashing... I have absolutely no difficulties with people that call themselves french-canadian other than the fact that france has nothing to do with them.

I have problems with quebecers and the impression they have that the country owes them something merely because they speak a different language. Your culture is very similar to mine, in fact I would not hesitate to say that it is identical except for the fact that we speak a different language (I say this assuming you are one of the persons with french as their first language).

The culture of "french-canadians" is a misnomer. You are a Canadian the same as I am, and trying to preserve a language in our country is a vastly different thing than trying to preserve a culture. Don't worry... they serve poutine at Harvey's... you've done your job, now let me put the specials sign outside a restaurant in English in Montreal s'il vous plait.

You can use a minor codicil in a dictionary to try and prove french is a race but it isn't. To use the same codicil would mean that people that live in Montreal are their own race, or that people in an apartment building are their own race.. or hell even people that play everquest are their own race... its nonsense and you know it.

There have been some errors in US politics of late that blur the politics of France with that of people that speak french in Canada, and I, to be honest, find it kind of funny. Jean Cretien may be from Quebec, but his policies are nothing to do with being from that province... they are because he is both a coward and an idiot that rules by opinion poll and not ethics.

As far as I am concerned, go ahead.. separate. More power to you. In the meantime, you can take all the Quebec politicians with you, you can make your own money, we're taking all our head offices back (Via Rail, Air Canada, etc), and all the passports that allow you acceptance into a myriad of other countries based on the Canadian reputation are ours we want them back too. Good luck with separation... let me know how it works out for you.

and before you bring up the fact that the last referendum failed... let me remind you that the vote was 50.6 percent vs 49.4

04-30-2003, 02:18 PM
Well, since Varran is posting something sensible, might as well add to it.

my main problem with that whole thing mkai is that you talk of french-canadian bashing... I have absolutely no difficulties with people that call themselves french-canadian other than the fact that france has nothing to do with them.

So I guess you use french-cdn for french speaking canadian outside Quebec. Well, It's true they don't have anything to do with France now. But the language does come from there. I'm a little confused with your statement. People from Quebec don't have anything to do with France now either. Hell, we can't even stand them most of the time ;). But french-cdn does include the people who speak french in Quebec because last I checked, I was still paying taxes to Canada.

I have problems with quebecers and the impression they have that the country owes them something merely because they speak a different language.

You are making a serious generalization. Only the hard core seperatist might think like that and I doubt it's the main issue. And they don't make 49% of the population. I doubt they even make 15%.

Your culture is very similar to mine, in fact I would not hesitate to say that it is identical except for the fact that we speak a different language (I say this assuming you are one of the persons with french as their first language).

Well, we do share a lot of things but I do think there are some differences. But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing or that I think you owe me anything. And yes my first language is French. That's why you'll see some typos sometimes /shrug.

The culture of "french-canadians" is a misnomer. You are a Canadian the same as I am, and trying to preserve a language in our country is a vastly different thing than trying to preserve a culture.

I get your point and it's valid. But I still think my culture is somewhat different then yours. Just like someones culture from Ontario would be different then someone from PEI.

Don't worry... they serve poutine at Harvey's... you've done your job, now let me put the specials sign outside a restaurant in English in Montreal s'il vous plait.

LMAO !!! I hate Harvey's though ;) BK all the way!
I'm not up to date with the current laws but I think the French has to be bigger than the English and that's all. I'm fine with that.

The main reason the government is putting up all theses laws about keeping French is to "protect" Quebecers from themselves, not to annoy English Canadians. Maybe French would be a second language here now if it wasn't for those laws. I totally agree that it's almost keeping French alive artificially since most people near MTL speak both language and that's like half the population of the province. Is keeping French alive a bad thing, that's another debate but let me just add that I like the fact that I speak 2 languages and I'd love to learn some more, if I could find the time...

You can use a minor codicil in a dictionary to try and prove french is a race but it isn't. To use the same codicil would mean that people that live in Montreal are their own race, or that people in an apartment building are their own race.. or hell even people that play everquest are their own race... its nonsense and you know it.

Heh :)

As far as I am concerned, go ahead.. separate. More power to you. In the meantime, you can take all the Quebec politicians with you, you can make your own money, we're taking all our head offices back (Via Rail, Air Canada, etc), and all the passports that allow you acceptance into a myriad of other countries based on the Canadian reputation are ours we want them back too. Good luck with separation... let me know how it works out for you.

Read my previous posts and you'll noticed that I'm not a seperatist.

I do have concern though: I would really like to have 2 governments that can manage their spending with a bit more intelligence though. I worked at the federal government while I was a student ( I did 2 agencies ) and I have a friend that works at Environment Canada and it's absolutely amazing to see and hear the money that's being wasted. Just for starters, they have a budgets and if they don't spend it all they lose some of it, so they end up buying a shitload of crap just to be right on the mark.

Basically, I'd like both my government to be run like private companies internally and they I'd have 0 complaints. My salary is somewhat around 70k/year. I have about 40k left after income taxes from both government went thru it. And for everything I buy, I have to pay an additional 15% sales taxes. I'd like to either have a bit more money in my pocket or have a lot more for my moneys worth than I have now. But that has nothing to do with seperatist or hating Canada; I love this country. It has to do with common sense imo.

and before you bring up the fact that the last referendum failed... let me remind you that the vote was 50.6 percent vs 49.4

I never said the mass was intelligent...
A lot of people really thought that if they voted yes, it would be business as usual and the end result was that they'd have more.
Bunch of clueless fuck...

04-30-2003, 08:07 PM
Excellent job of selective copying and pasting Mkai here's the whole relevant part of the page.

race1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rs)
A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
A genealogical line; a lineage.
Humans considered as a group.
An interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms differing from other populations of the same species in the frequency of hereditary traits. A race that has been given formal taxonomic recognition is known as a subspecies.
A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.
A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine.

[French, from Old French, from Old Italian razza, race, lineage.]
Usage Note: The notion of race is nearly as problematic from a scientific point of view as it is from a social one. European physical anthropologists of the 17th and 18th centuries proposed various systems of racial classifications based on such observable characteristics as skin color, hair type, body proportions, and skull measurements, essentially codifying the perceived differences among broad geographic populations of humans. The traditional terms for these populationsCaucasoid (or Caucasian), Mongoloid, Negroid, and in some systems Australoidare now controversial in both technical and nontechnical usage, and in some cases they may well be considered offensive. (Caucasian does retain a certain currency in American English, but it is used almost exclusively to mean “white” or “European” rather than “belonging to the Caucasian race,” a group that includes a variety of peoples generally categorized as nonwhite.) The biological aspect of race is described today not in observable physical features but rather in such genetic characteristics as blood groups and metabolic processes, and the groupings indicated by these factors seldom coincide very neatly with those put forward by earlier physical anthropologists. Citing this and other pointssuch as the fact that a person who is considered black in one society might be nonblack in anothermany cultural anthropologists now consider race to be more a social or mental construct than an objective biological fact.

Well holy shit would you look at that, it's one hell of a caveat. So unless you are a strict proponent of phrenology I still refuse to consider French or French-Canadian as a race. Although after reviewing the posts of the Quebecanese or whatever you call yourselves I would be willing to concede that many of you carry the gene for stupid.

As for a bombing campaign, well I have changed my mind. Using a bomb which costs several thousand dollars on your home, which is probably worth about $5.00 Canadian, would be a waste. Instead I think I will hide your wallet and your checkbook under your workboots. Obviously you would never think to pick these up and you would face the slow death of starvation.

Buazag Bonesteel
05-01-2003, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Tarissa
lol buaz makes this really long, sensible contemplative post and then its followed by two 'fuck you too''s that ignore it and just return fire

Now that is the comedy of humanity in action!

/sigh :rolleyes:

I guess I am up on a bit of a soapbox...and my opinion is only my own. I just don't see the point of personal attacks vs> actual debate.

If someone states an opinion and your response is fuck you, you're wrong and your Mom's ugly....how does that in any way actually disprove his thoughts or start a discussion on them? People throw flames, pick on spelling and grammar and resort to refuting others ideas by simply saying you're wrong because I said so.

That's supposed to be the heart of the American ideal right? I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the last your right to say it?

When your arguments consist of flames (and this is a blanket statement...no finger pointing) then all you can hope to get out of it is that feeling of glee when you tear someone up on a message board with no fear of repercussion from him since neither of you actually know each other. That and you might manage to amuse some people if your flame is witty enough...but hell if you want to make people laugh post a joke :rolleyes:

Rule of thumb I have is that if I wouldn't say it to his face then I don't post it. If some of the stuff I've read here in this thread is stuff you would say to anyones face then maybe you need to work on social skills ;)

05-01-2003, 12:22 PM
Rule of thumb I have is that if I wouldn't say it to his face then I don't post it. If some of the stuff I've read here in this thread is stuff you would say to anyones face then maybe you need to work on social skills

I think the same Buaz, I am sure alot of people that are overly vocal or agressive in posts don't act like that in real life. Nothing worse then some scrawny little 98 pound weakling in EQ trying to act tough heh.