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09-01-2001, 09:33 AM
The cool sea air swept over my face as the ship approached its destination...Qeynos. I had been there only once before when my father came, and as before, I wasn't very impressed. Sure it was a different city than Erudin, but it left a foul taste in my mouth and a rotten stench in my nose.

"Would you like to buy a leather tunic?" a vendor had asked me.

I just mumbled something under my breath along the lines of "Take a look at what I'm wearing jackass." and moved along. The city was sparse with activity that day. There were several people milling about the clock near the center of town.

"The gnolls have been stealing our crops and slaying our animals for their food! They have marched on us long enough! We must rid this evil from our lands!!!"

As I edged through th e crowd I could see who was making all the racket. It was some busybody human from the farming district who was crying about gnolls. He had blood in his eyes and it seemed to me that he wanted to hire some people to do his dirty work. There were several tables lined end to end with some more busybody humans signing people up and handing them coin for scalps and weapons they had returned with from the gnoll lair. Adventurers were forming raid parties and using their magics to protect and serve them for the fight ahead.

I wasn't too impressed. Humans have always seemed a bit excitable in my opinion. It was amusing however, when the staunch little farmer approached me.

"Well well well, look what we have here. It seems even the vile Erudites creep and slither out of the sewers at the mere mention of money. Tell me dark knight, what makes you think you can do anything against the gnolls! You are weak! You carry a club for crying out loud! You..."

I held up my hand over his mouth. He looked at me with nervous eyes.

"First off...I'm a priest of Quellious. Secondly, if you really want to keep insulting me, do it from the bottom of the sewers gutter trash."

He stared at me for what seemed to be an eternity.

"I am sorry friend, but I am enraged and I did not mean to take it out on you. Do you forgive me?"

"Quellious forgives you, I however am not as tolerant. Piss off."

I smiled and headed towards the gates. There were several people of various races just hanging around. Some rangers were sparring off to the right of the gates, some warriors discussing who could drink the most and that is where I met my new friends. Malamian and Entariene were looking for a cleric to go with them to the dreaded Black Burrows...

I felt that I'd go, just to see what all the fuss was about. As we began to adventure more together, we made new friends and had a steady crew that aged and battled together. After several seasons, it was time to move on to bigger and better things. To find our fortunes to the East. It was time to head to Freeport...

(to be continued)
