View Full Version : Gnomeball

04-28-2003, 07:05 AM

there has been some interest showed that this would be a nice break from raiding and such

so here's the deal

make a gnome, twink him out, get him between lvls 6-9

Hand in your book to the Priest of Discord and get your pvp flag

find a group of friends, 12 members to make a team max 20 members for a team.

decide on a team name or if it's an all guild group tag them with their guild

make one a team captian

have him PM me on the dro boards with all this info including name of the gnomes, lvl and class, teamname(or guild) and team colours

That's it, your team will be added to a list I created and once I get two teams I'll let the team captians work out a good time to hold a game.

Going to be needing some volunteers, being 2 Ref's and 2 Clerics that can rez, and a gnome.(unless teams want to bring their own cleric)

for those that don't know what Gnomeball is about here's a breif description

we Sacrafice a gnome /salute...there's our ball

two teams go into a zone agreed upon before hand and place clerics at opposite sides of the zone

teams get 6 people as draggers name them off to the ref and then the sac'd gnome will consent 14 people, 6 from each team and the two refs....

team members zone out on each side of the zone, ref places corpse somewhere in the zone.

ref will call for them to zone in and then once everyone is in the zone, play ball is called and all hell breaks loose. First team to drag the ball to the cleric and the cleric to sucessfully rez that gnome, point scored. Teams zone out and ref places corpse somewhere else, game resumes.

play till a set time is reached, team with most points wins.

fair play...

still working that out, place your comments on the dro board on what would be fair play

If you dont have 12 members PM me anyway, if you want to play and don't have a team PM me anyway I can fill in the gaps and let the captian(s) know.

Other than mass amounts of gnomes pummeling each other and lots of booze, items and coin are to be announced....

04-30-2003, 04:41 AM
No respect for gnomes =/

04-30-2003, 05:49 AM
Don't hesitate!

04-30-2003, 07:50 AM
Don't mess with gnomes $@)(*$@)!&# you'll get owned~~~

04-30-2003, 08:42 AM
tonight on Fox!
good gnomes gone bad!

04-30-2003, 11:17 AM
Healzz! :D

Erinonz of Crystal O
04-30-2003, 11:21 AM
rofl hehehehe get em Healzz!


04-30-2003, 11:35 AM
Healzz can kick the ass of 100 men with one swing =/

05-01-2003, 11:12 AM

05-01-2003, 01:57 PM

05-01-2003, 02:11 PM
OMG Healzz is soooo cute!

/em resists the urge to munch the gnomes... :eek:

05-02-2003, 09:57 AM
so does that mean your going to play? :)

05-02-2003, 10:57 AM
oh oh pick me i wanna play!

05-02-2003, 11:12 AM
zp pushes old people down stairs.

05-02-2003, 12:28 PM
JUST BECAUSE ZAPPO HAS GREY HAIR, IT DOES NOT MEAN HE IS AN OLD PERSON!!! But yes, i do enjoy pushing him down stairs :(

05-02-2003, 03:57 PM

05-03-2003, 06:36 PM
These games promote racism :\ Its not fair to make fun of other's races

Sows McBuff
05-03-2003, 06:49 PM
dorfs v. gnomes for the world gnomeball cup!!~

(ok, i just want to see a buncha slaughtered gnomes and dwarfs)

05-03-2003, 11:04 PM

Kenju Weeple
05-04-2003, 03:43 AM
Weeple`Weeple ... Transexual imbreeding at it's finest!

05-04-2003, 09:47 AM
yes kenju!
because every other weeple bayed or quit i had to breed with my self &#%*

05-04-2003, 04:42 PM
die shortys!