View Full Version : hi, post some more screenshots and storires pls :)
09-03-2001, 03:46 AM
Imissed the beta testing, so i have to look at screenshots and msg boards to get a feel of the game. Please post some more stuff Lronius, its always fun to see stories/pictures from what ppl explore in a new game like this hehe
Soooo, I started an elf ranger, and travelled to a city called Tir Na Nog, here's a cute lil screenshot of a building in it:
After runnin around in the city for a while I decided to go out and slay some viscious beasts!
After a lil while of runnin I found a mushroom on the ground that looked reeeaaally really tasty. So I ate it!
Then things started spinning..
Soo, I ran around for a while hopin for the effects to wear off, which they didn't:
And from there.. things just started getting worse :)
The first screenshot is a real one, the 2 following ones have their colors screwed up, I get a kinda funny graphical error when I try alt-tabbing out of daoc, and then come back in.. that's how it looks :)
Oh, I almost forgot, HI DANISH GNOMISH.
Lronius de la Mancha
09-03-2001, 04:17 PM
I love the color skew!!
It looks like candy land on crack or something =)
I'll post some more screenshots soon! I also have a few more tales to share.
09-05-2001, 07:55 AM
Just pre-ordered the game, hopefully i will get it around the release date in US ;)
Looks like a good alternative to EQ till we get Luclin, not much left to do in EQ as it is now hehe.
Will there be "servers" like there is in EQ or will it be one big server where everyone plays. And how is this realm vs realm working, wont it be a pretty boring endgame to play Hibernia when Midgaard is ruling the world?
I mean, playing StarCraft gets very boring when u can feel the opponent is pretty much owning you, no matter what u do u just get slaughtered by him hehe
Why would Midgard rule the world?
I think players will be evenly split up between the realms, and if one realm is lacking people, I think people will go play there just for the challenge, like Hoss did in beta, they picked Albion because Albion were the realm with the least high levels, which gives a bigger challenge.
I'd rather play on a realm that has a disadvantage than bein in the realm that has absolute control of most zones, I think it will just ruin the game for those that's in the realm with the control.
09-05-2001, 10:53 PM
Midgard was just a guess hehe, only reason i will pick midgard as my first realm is its where im from irl ;) Either way it seems to me the game is gonna be "unbalanced" in the end, hard to tell if it will be fun to be on any of the sides till u have tried it :)
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