View Full Version : People in PlanetSide beta

05-06-2003, 07:26 AM
If you read the beta site like you're supposed to :D then you already know this:

"Warning! Impending Character Wipe!

Either tomorrow or the next day (Tuesday or Wednesday) we are going to wipe all characters and reset the world state.

A lot of things have changed since the last character wipe and we'll be watching xp gains, gameflow, beginning character experiences, etc. from a "Day One" setting once again.

Just FYI so you expect it coming...but it's coming. Be ready."

I know there's quite a few playing this game, likely scattered on all 3 servers. Let's pick one for after the character wipe (which is likely today!) and play together there until the beta ends. :)

Any objection to the Dalton server? Currently I've been playing the NC the most. The pheonix is just too much fun :eek:

05-06-2003, 07:50 AM
just make an army of tr max ai :[
havent tried the poenix yet been playing inf much tho pretty fun tbh

well pick wutever you like and put your name there so i can come over kick your butt ;p

05-06-2003, 09:50 AM
I'm in the beta but I need 256 more ram before I can really even think about playing....bad frame rate severly gimps you in this game.

05-06-2003, 10:02 AM
ye i get bad comps must be damn annoying for ps

wut you peeps been playing

was playing a inf/hacker/engy here putting boomers around and hacking crazy stuff around

05-06-2003, 11:11 AM
sniper/reaver/eng/infil...uh, pretty much messed around with everything =o

05-06-2003, 11:43 AM
Dalton server is fine.

I will make a character named Rhedd

right now on Citrine I have a br 15 adv. engineer. adv. medic, harrasser pilot

05-06-2003, 12:54 PM
I've tried everything except medics (since they're useless), and snipers (since they seem boring).

Only ground vehicles I've used are the utility ones really, AMS and ANT. Haven't tried the bigger stuff yet. Reavers and Mosquitos are fun, but you're not really playing along side anyone in those.

Have played as Vanu and NC. Not TR yet.

Ok so we pick Dalton (previously known as Emerald). What side does everyone wanna play? Personally I'd prefer not Vanu, since I've played em to death, even though they have the coolest uniforms! The TR are too strong to be any fun, so how about NC?

I'm most likely to stick with the name Libra.

05-06-2003, 01:27 PM
NC Is good all Ive played is VS =o

And Medics are not useless!

Ill prob. play an adv. engineer/medic/adv. hacker

05-07-2003, 12:08 AM
was planing to play nc here also
will be there as : boost/fortuna/mae
wutever name is free first ;)

prolly gonna try mess around with the phoenix :|

05-07-2003, 06:43 AM
Dalton never came up last night, so we picked Emerald instead. If you wanna play with us there, we're on the NC side. If you wanna play on Emerald against us.. it's your loss :D