View Full Version : Creed - To Suck or Not To Suck..
05-14-2003, 08:42 PM
OK.. so it's like.. cool or something to hate Creed.. I don't.. I find them pretty decent actually, but I never shy away from controversy.. so I'm asking.. Why does Creed suck? Oh.. and if you give me the "He's ripping off Eddie Vedder" answer.. I'll send Zappo to live at your house for a week.. cause that's just fucking stupid.
05-14-2003, 08:59 PM
I think they are ok, they have some good tunes. Most of the critism I have seen has been either the lyrics and some don't like the singer( I can't recall exactly why). I have some of their stuff and it's ok but it's no led zep or deep purple or anthing like that.
Oh and speaking of thing's that suck. Anyone see that mtv Metallica tribute? I can't remember what cover Avril Lavign did of their songs but talk about cheese! Actually alot of it was kind of bad except Korn and maybe one other band.
05-14-2003, 09:31 PM
I just hate their music, can't get into it.
05-14-2003, 09:52 PM
.. I'll send Zappo to live at your house for a week
the women will thank you later elidroth
05-15-2003, 06:53 AM
Musically I think Creed is fine, I like their guitar work. It's pretty standard angst rock stuff really, which I don't have a problem with (I quite like Godsmack, and if there is any band out there that is derivative, it's Godsmack).
My main problem with the band is their image and their attitude. For one, I can't stand the lyrics. I hate being preached to, and that's what I feel like Scott Stapp is doing. It's great that he can preach about loving and being at peace with ourselves and god is great, when he is a fucking alcoholic that shows up at his shows so blasted he can't even perform.
Also, the band made some disparaging remarks about Pearl Jam when they got fed up with the comparisons. I can understand their frustration, as I think the comparisons are bullshit as well, however you don't go cutting down one of the best bands to come out in the past 15 or so years. Basically, they said that because Pearl Jam doesn't sell cubic assloads of albums anymore, they suck and are past their prime. I thought it was one of the most arrogant things I have heard.
But this is the main reason why I hate Creed: their videos. I know, I know, they probably have nothing to do with the videos and even less influence. But I just cannot stand how Mark Tremonti always manages to find a monitor, rock, or crawling groupee to get his one leg up on so he can really "thrash". Nor can I stand Scott Stapp looking up at the camera with his big, brown angst filled eyes, making a painful expression as he raises his one hand to the sky. They are just so full of cheese, it boggles the mind.
I dunno, I guess I just think that Creed is a perfect example of what I dislike about a lot of rock music lately: it's style over substance.
05-15-2003, 08:43 AM
I personally usually like a Creed song when it comes out. Then they overplay it and all i can picture is old men wheezing out the vocals and it just turns me off.
05-15-2003, 08:44 AM
omgz 500 posts =/
Buazag Bonesteel
05-15-2003, 09:20 AM
I kind of like Creed myself. Not enough to have rushed out to buy any of their stuff but when they're on the radio I get into it.
Anyone who really knows me knows that I am about as unreligious as they come....but the fact that they do put out a good message is actually kind of nice especially seeing as they do it while still having a good sound. I don't follow or know nearly enough about them to know whether they are being hypocritical or not.
Like I said....I'm not big on organized religion(whole other topic that I could go on for pages about ;) ) but I definitely prefer music with a message of goodness, hope and whatever other "cheese" might be involved as opposed to the pop a cap in your ass, fuck your little sister type of message prevalent in so much of the "gangsta" music that's so popular now.
Eminem springs to mind as someone who has a message in his music that really just plain sucks. He is hugely popular and I am not even saying that I dislike....or like for that matter, his music. I haven't listened to enough of it to really form a solid opinion.
Comparing the two though....if Im picking between them for just basic how do they sound....I pick Creed. If message is important....I also pick Creed.
05-15-2003, 09:42 AM
zp bashed creed,
im staying with her for a week
05-15-2003, 09:49 AM
Actually, I think you totally misunderstand Eminem, if you think he is giving out a message of being violent and popping caps in people's asses. If anything, he is a satire or parody of all that. Just listen to the lyrics at the very start of "Criminal". I will paraphrase what I can. Oh wait, I have the mp3.
People ask me, stupid fucking questions.
A lot of people think that what I say on a record,
What I talk about on a record
I actually do in real life
or that I believe in it
or if I say that I wanna kill somebody
that I am gonna do it
or that I believe in it
well shit, if you believe that
I'll kill you too
Then later on, after a brief skit where he kills a bank teller for the hell of it, he says:
shit, half the stuff I just make it up
to make you mad
so kiss my white naked ass
and if it's not a rapper I make it as
it'll be a rapist in a jason mask
Eminem/Slim Shady is all an act, a parody, not meant to be taken overly seriously and designed to piss people off and live off the publicity. And I am sure if you asked him about kids listening to his music, he would be the first to tell you that young kids have no business listening to it.
Personally, Eminem is the only rapper that I own any music of, and I find his music really entertaining and funny as hell. And every now and then, he actually has something pretty good or intelligent to say.
Buazag Bonesteel
05-15-2003, 10:57 AM
Like I say...I dont own any Eminem and haven't listened to enough of him to really have an opinion. But satire or not the message in his music isn't exactly about peace, love and brotherhood ;)
And he may say that kids have no business listening to his music but if the very basis of his stuff is to piss people off....then that seems tailor made for the american teen population.
I'm not knocking the guy...he makes music and there are people who like it enough to buy it. Just not my thing is all.
05-15-2003, 04:33 PM
Before I realized that their songs were written in a religious context, I liked them... then, someone said they were a Christian band and the lyrics took on a whole new meaning which ruined what I thought they meant. :\
05-15-2003, 04:38 PM
Eminem is just playing the game to make money, that is all.
...if it'll sell a lot of albums/t-shirts/posters to be pissed off and abusive then, he'll do it. If he'll make more money trying to play it all off as satirical, then he'll do that instead. :P I'm not saying I don't get a kick out of him jabbing reporters and other 'musicians,' he's pretty good w/ lyrics, beats, etc. :)
05-15-2003, 08:49 PM
I agree that Eminem does it for the popularity, and hence the profitability.
Of course, so does virtually every single other entertainment act on the face of the planet. There are exceptions (Pearl Jam springs to mind), but not many. I think that's not something that you can really hold against him.
05-15-2003, 09:22 PM
Eomer, my band just smacks on instruments and has fun, but of course it just sounds like crap because we dont know how to play, but we do it for fun! not for fame!!!! :D
05-15-2003, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Eomer
(Pearl Jam springs to mind)
Yeah.. but that haven't written anything worth a shit since "10"
05-15-2003, 11:32 PM
Bashing Pearl Jam and praising Creed?
And, for why I don't like Creed: They may not be the worst band on the planet, but they're pretty mundane and I only have so many hours in my day, and, for that matter, life. I'm not going to listen to second or third rate garbage that just happens to be "ok", when I could invest my time more wisely listening to something good/great. (summation - boring/trite lyrics, derivative songwriting, and uninspiring delivery)
05-15-2003, 11:36 PM
pfft, there's some new pearl jam stuff that's ok! Not my favorite, but not crap. :)
You are absolutely right though, there are few singers/songwriters/performers in general that simply do what the want to because it is what they are having fun w/ or interested in at the time.... I think that The Beatles did and McCartney still does! :D
I love No Doubt but, I don't really like where they're heading atm... ack pop :|
Bush is great, Gavin solo is alright... but he seems to be doing the same song over and over just w/ different lyrics sometimes.
I love Eve6 lyrics but, where have they been!?
Fiona Apple, love her voice and lyrics but, some of her songs on Paper Bag were kinda boring. :\
I thought Sheryl Crow was cool, now I'm not sure anymore... her stuff is sounding more and more like candy-pop :\ Jewel had some cool lyrics but, same... pop is selling so that's what she is making...
There's just too many to name... don't get me started on people like erykah badu and jill scott w/ their beautiful and powerful voices. :D
I think in general any song, or other media for that matter, that 'preaches' whether that be religion, anti-religion, or whatever bothers me... When I think of preaching I think of one side 'knowing' their right and telling everyone else they're wrong and that is offensive! ><
05-16-2003, 06:27 AM
Elidroth, you just proved my point. Pearl Jam made a decision that they wouldn't spend their entire career rehashing Jeremy and Alive, and decided to try new things. Every one of their albums has sold less than the last. But they don't care, they are doing what they like. Personally I like their music, although I agree that their earlier stuff is their best (Yield was incredible though).
05-18-2003, 09:07 PM
It's funny that y'all brought up Pearl Jam. I mean, their newer stuff may not get all that much limelight, but their stuff from "Ten" and "Vs." has staying power. I still hear "Jeremy" and "Even Flow" on the radio once in awhile.
Anyway, when I was in like 6th grade, "Vs." came out and I believe it was their second album. I bought it and listened to it, not because I was some prodigal 12-year old who could relate to Eddie Veddar's sometimes tortured lyrics... I listened to it cuz it was cool to like grunge back then. Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Hole, Stone Temple Pilots (aka Pearl Jam 2.0 to some).
I since lost the CD and picked it up on sale for like $8 at Tower Records the other day, and eight years later, the CD is still badass and I like it for completely different reasons than I did before. It was nastolgic in a weird way to hear what were my favorite songs back then, "Go", "Animal", and "Leash", and still have them be my favorites even after almost forgetting what they sound like. Better yet, I'm now old enough to make sense of the lyrics... beyond the occasional profanities that would bring a giggle and a grin to my face back in 6th grade.
The thing is, I don't think Creed has the timeless quality to their music that Pearl Jam and other comperable bands do. And Eomer, I almost pissed my pants laughing when you commented on Scott Stapp's annoying meladrama in the videos. My friends and I make fun of it everytime we're watching TV and a damn Creed video comes on. I just think they take themselves too seriously, and shallow as it may be, I guess I really just don't like Creed cuz I'm sick of the lead singer gazing at me with his puppydog eyes while reaching out to me as if to lead me to the fucking light of God or some shit.
06-08-2003, 04:18 PM
Creed sounds just like Pearl Jam!
Seriously though, Creed makes me sleepy. What's this album for?
Everything Creed has done seems like it had been done before. Popular music just doesn't seem to be advancing.
<3 andriana
Andriana Duskrose
06-09-2003, 04:29 AM
Creed makes you sleepy? Damn... I think the same thing about Pearl Jam. Band has a decent three minute song, and then adds three extra minutes of Vedder going, "whoo whoo whooo AEEEEEEEEEE whoo whoo OHHHHHHHHH ohhhhhhhhhh yayayayayayayayayaya uhhhhhhhhhhh uh uhhhhhhhhh uh"
Zzzzzzz, is Vedder done yet? No? 3 more minutes of it? *Snore*
All day under the Cuban sun makes Tarissa go crazy.
06-10-2003, 03:50 AM
Haha, that whiny prima-donna WISHES he could sing like Layne. Layne had crazy, crazy range, and the scariest part of it all was he'd sit there and belt out some weird-assed high note with a completely straight face, no strain at all, giving you the impression that if he were actually trying to sing in his highest register, only bees could hear it.
Every day I prayed to the rock gods that they'd send a rock messiah to die on the rock cross and save us from nu metal and pop metal, but instead they sent Creed. So now I'm a rock atheist.
06-10-2003, 03:51 AM
By the way, did anyone else catch the story on Blabbermouth (they might've run the papers in TSG) about Stapp's wife beating his ass down with a cell phone? Funny, funny stuff.
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