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View Full Version : Clan Brigatta

09-05-2001, 07:57 AM
Hail and well met fellow adventurers!

Sorry i haven't posted this before, I just wanted to say hello to everyone on this board and thanks for letting Clan B join in.

Just a quick question, i think i know the answer to it already but i'd like to make sure. The golems in Fear are not on some sort of rotation are they? I'm asking because we'll be going up to Fear on the 15th and if we get enough people we'd like to take down a golem to help 4 people get epic pieces....if they all drop..hehe. anyway that's all i have to say for now, until next time.


09-05-2001, 09:18 AM
Hi - Welcome to IGB!

Golems in Fear are not on a rotation unless they are spawned when Cazic/Draco are up. Then the guild up for Cazic that day has first claim for them. Any other spawning of them is fair game for all.