View Full Version : Las Vegas bound

05-21-2003, 05:44 AM
Two things. First does anyone know how I can add <Hoss> guild tag to my Eqrankings?


Thanks for the guild invite folks. This really has been a goal of mine from waaaay back.

Anyway, tomorrow night I head to Sin City or Lost Wages for a International pool tournament. I am going to be there from May 22 through June 1st. Yeah, yeah, I know. Just got my tag and now I am going MIA. Sorry about that.

I need to flex on some folks and show em who the REAL Rackrunner is. Anwyay I couldn't get into Sol Ro's tower when my group of Invitees came along and so I missed getting PoFire flag. I really hate bothering everyone to come out and invite me into a raid so I can join (not to mention the experience ..../drool).

If you folks are to pop Sol Ro between those dates, may I leave my account info with someone just in case there is an opportunity for someone to get the flag for me?

If not, no problem.

Thanks again friends.


05-21-2003, 06:14 AM
Rack I pm'd you the instructions to add guild tag. Let me know if you have any problems.

05-21-2003, 07:50 AM
Thx Gemmi, I updated it.

Now I'm all set and looking GOOD!


05-21-2003, 08:03 AM
well I don't know about looking good

05-21-2003, 08:05 AM
100% correct. Rhedd knows nothing about looking good.

05-21-2003, 08:10 AM
ROFL Lola!

05-21-2003, 10:39 AM
Et Tu Rhedd?!?...


well all I know is ...

/e Rackrunner <notag> = lonely no cyber, can power level easy.


/e Rackrunner <Hoss> = too much cyber, hard to gain aa's.

Gotsta be the tag. They like us dark elf necros with Hoss tags. If nothing else, it portrays POWER!!

Either that or my Jobaner has been getting around the block.

05-21-2003, 10:55 AM
Lola, did I ask for comments from the peanut gallery? I DO NOT THINK SO

05-21-2003, 12:39 PM
Hope you kick some ass, see ya soon bro.

05-21-2003, 02:26 PM
So are we going to see you on ESPN 3 at 4 in the morning?

05-22-2003, 07:00 AM
NO. This is an international tournament but not a Pro Sponsored event.

I will be playing those after I graduate from college next summer and I can actually spend more time playing pool. I have a 9' ft table with pro felt and triple shimmed pockets in my house now. With college, kids, family, and EQ, I dont play near as much as I would like to.

Once college is out of the way there is no doubt you guys will be seing my mug on ESPN at 3 or 4 am. To me, playing pool is like riding a bike. I never forget any shot, any opponent, any game. I am like a walking statistician and my friends love to try and check me on that all the time. Over the last 2 years (college) I haven't practiced 100 games of pool. More like 50 if I want to be honest. When I was aggressive and really into the game, I would play 4 or 5 hours a night by myself. Stroke shots, finess shots, working on pattern play etc etc.

Right before I stopped playing I was a 3 state champion and certainly no one to take for granted. I got my nickname "Rack Runner" from my close friends about 10 years ago and when I started my first EQ character I wanted to portray my other hobbie as well. Ive gotten several other nicknames as the years went along but Rack Runner always stuck with me.

Buazag Bonesteel
05-22-2003, 09:16 AM
I kind of miss playing pool myself. I certainly wasn't in your league but I would usually play for drinks and manage to spend a lot less than I might have if I hadn't. I was good enough and played enough that I spent a decent chunk of change on a set of cues for myself.

Then one ill fated day we all went to the bar after work and I shot quite a bit of pool and won quite a few drinks.....enough so that when I left I was just foggy enough to leave my cue case sitting on a bar stool. When I realized it and went back it was gone. I really haven't played much at all since then :confused:

05-22-2003, 11:18 AM
Oh thats terrible.

I cant tell you the number of times that very thing has happened to my friends. One fellow lost a 1800 dollar Schoen cue that way. All his fault.

I personally am not your average gambler. If I see I have the "nutz" on a person I will let him out and stop gambling. If someone comes in jawing at the room then that person gets my cue rammed up his butt and carried around like a popsickle.

I have played $10,000 a game (not all my money, and in my prime). Of course that is way more then the standard $50 or $100. The biggest single amount I got a fellow to go off was $6000. $3000 was cash, $3000 was a check that was good and I put up another $1000 cash against his brand new sneaky pete pool cue he bought that same day, which I now play with. :D

I mentioned earlier I had many nicknames. My most common nickname was "clutch". I always played the tie breaker matches or the down 2-0 matches in races to 3 type thing. Or if we new an opposing team had just an absolute sledge hammer, that was my targeted victim. Im not flashy or brass, I dont talk my game. I would just sit back and pick off all those that did. ;)

I would reccommend getting another low end cue and picking the game back up.


Buazag Bonesteel
05-22-2003, 11:43 AM
The thought of 10 grand riding on how I shot a game of pool just made my heart stop beating for a few seconds :D

I mostly just played for fun with drinks being the usual extent of my gambling....I think 20 bucks is the most actual cash I ever had on a game at a time when a bunch of friends and I were really into going to the local pool hall and shooting 9 ball. They didn't have a bar so we couldn't play for drinks heh.

05-22-2003, 12:10 PM
Dont get me wrong, I was sweating haha. I just played with sweat in my eyes. :eek:

I find it very easy if you completely take the "stakes" out of the equation and only size up your opponent on a one on one basis.

My first objective isn't to go out and run every rack I play against everyone I play. I fancy pool as a very complicated chess game. When Im playing alot, regardless of how great my offense can be, its my defense that just guts my opponents. Most of your above average players are highly offense and can make most any shot on the table. But how do they like being froze to the back of my ball and a rail having to kick 2 or 3 rails just to make a hit? Nothing derails a train better then frustration.

Knowing when to run the rack is equally important as running the rack.

I made this quote years ago when playing a handicapped league competing in Las Vegas. In that particular league the better you shot the higher your skill level. So they both reward and penalize you for shooting good. So I gave my team a motto that we stuck with.

"I will not RUN until its time!" Simply put, take control of the table at first opportunity and then just work the table to your advantage. Wether by controlling a pocket or sets of pockets with your balls, or keeping one of your opponents balls in lockdown where they cant make their ball and yet you can still make yours. Then when you are very certain you can run all the balls without issues, do it.

Ahh pool. I truly love it. I can go on for hours and hours talking about it. Time to get back to work.

3 hours till I go to the airport from now. Now im feeling it.


05-23-2003, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Rackrunner
NO. I have a 9' ft table with pro felt and triple shimmed pockets in my house now. .

ok Rackrunner you are making your table sound like a sports car did it come with lots of buten to ! and what kind og tire did you get with it hehe.. Bring your MONEY and your STICK to Washington DC i well show you who the REAl sendain is... who and i mean LOTS of MONEY :p

05-23-2003, 07:28 AM
ROFL HEhe Rackrunner you need to be the BALL be the BALL

i see you play a lot of ball in hand 8-Ball LOL that not real ball man hiding the 8-ball behide one of your balls (offense defense) at the same time, not to bad i guest. good luck Rack :D

05-23-2003, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by Rackrunner
Oh I have played $10,000 a game (not all my money, and in my prime).

In your prime what does this mean ? are you not in college and going to graduate next summer ! i am 36 and still in my prime than when it come to Pool but thne Rack i am marryed to a pool goddess

05-23-2003, 09:33 AM
My son is 4 yrs older then me /boggle

05-23-2003, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by Ktul
My son is 4 yrs older then me /boggle

Wow Father i didn't that so you got your first pic of ASS at the age of 4 WOW you are indeed the Man