View Full Version : For those of you that knew him..

Buazag Bonesteel
05-25-2003, 08:10 AM
I just finished reading a very sad post on the IG boards. Apparently Tarkum and his son were killed in an automobile accident. being the truly great guy that he was he was a very popular figure on Druzzil and I'm sure many of you knew him.

I won't make the same super long post here that I did over there.....but I will sum it up a little at least. A tragedy like this makes all the ingame stuff that we have gone through over the years seem a little bit pale. It is at times like these that we are forcibly reminded that behind every set of pixels there is a real live human being. I have been lucky enough to be a part of two families here on Druzzil during my time in EQ. I won't list off all the names here but suffice it to say that there are many of you in Hoss that have touched my life in a positive manner. Even through all the joking and sarcastic banter there is at the core a real friendship with a lot of you. I may not be the best at keeping in touch now that I am not in the game but just the fact that I still love coming to these boards and seeing how everyone is doing says it all.

If anyone ever wants to chat about games or life in general...my aim is "Buazag" and my email is djminsterman@gohip.com

There are many people that I met through EQ that I know I would have a good time just hanging out and having a beer with. I never got to have that beer with Tarkum but tonight I will raise a glass in his honor and maybe in spirit he will be there.

He was a good friend and a fun loving person. He will be missed.

Geranon Morrowind
05-25-2003, 09:05 AM
Hearing this makes me really sad, Tarkum was a really good buddy of mine, for a long time he was one of my closest friends in eq, camping spawns together, and helping each other with our epics back in kunark.

I really don't know what to say, though it pains me to hear that a friend has passed away.

It shall be an honor to raise a glass in his name, for he was a truely noble person with a good heart, and a good mind. I always told him that his smoking would kill him, and now I really wish it was smoking in the long run, rather than this tragedy.

To Tarkum, a great gamer, a true friend, and someone that i shall never forget.

05-25-2003, 02:47 PM

Josh and I will miss Tark very much. :(

Nanaki Ikanan
05-25-2003, 03:13 PM
Tarkum was a great guy. I was guilded with him for quite a while back in the day.

I'll miss him a lot, he was a great friend...


05-25-2003, 03:28 PM
Tarkum was a great person and a good friend, he'll be missed greatly. I wish the best for his family. I wish I could say more, but I'm at a loss of words right now...you don't expect this type of tragedy to happen, until it does :(

We'll miss you Tark.

Nanaki Ikanan
05-25-2003, 06:49 PM
http://pub122.ezboard.com/fmythiclegion26862frm31.showMessage?topicID=341.to pic

Read that.

Guess it's good that he is still alive and well ^__^

Just need to figure out who would post something like that...

05-25-2003, 10:53 PM
thats fucking pathetic, and pisses me off to no end, im very thankful he is alive. I dont know about alot of you but some of us shed tears because of the news of him dying and were really sadened by the news and made me feel down. People were going to set up some type of thing to send his wife a flower basket or some token from EQ community that knew him, whom ever posted that shit you better stay anon cause i know alot of people that will shun you forever.

05-25-2003, 11:11 PM

That is so terrible and so wrong and SO NOT FUNNY!

Glad he's well..

Nanaki Ikanan
05-25-2003, 11:31 PM
Hopefully the Mythic Legion board admins will try to track the person down...I'm glad I found that though, it made my day a whole lot better when I found out Tarkum was ok.

05-26-2003, 01:02 AM
Post wouldn't load. I'm surprised Tarkum hasn't posted here.

05-26-2003, 02:54 AM
I've heard of this sorta thing happening twice before. In both cases the news was false and the players turned up on Ebay/PA...sometimes people have a strange way of breaking ties to the game. Guess they don't want people to think poorly of them for ebaying and they think it will some how lessen the backlash for the new owner.../shrug

05-26-2003, 03:30 AM
That post has been moved for the time being. Didnt want it moved at first, we didnt know that if it was true or not. Ill find out if we are looking into the ISP addy.

Geranon Morrowind
05-26-2003, 11:21 AM
First off, Glad to hear that Tarks ok. I was upset yesterday to a point that i didnt even wanna log into eq because I considered Tark a good friend.

WHO THE F*** would post something like that. I'm sorry, but thats just totally messed up.


Tark, love ya bro, Glad your doing ok.

05-26-2003, 04:57 PM
While I agree with you Forty, that's not Tarkum's style. He would just tell us, but I'm on the 'someone's life is gonna be hell soon' list soon..

/em cracks his knuckles..


Buazag Bonesteel
05-26-2003, 06:16 PM
People never cease to amaze me. Every time I think I've seen the lowest shittiest thing a person can do I see something worse.

I am very glad that apparently Tark is alive and well but whoever posted that is a serious piece of shit.

05-26-2003, 07:53 PM
This happened when I was in PM, prolly the same guy too...still wish I woulda found out who the fucker was. Seems some people got nothin better to do :confused:

05-28-2003, 11:16 AM
From the information from Dro.com's site, the IP and information points back to the person who plays Abrayer.

From Zyphe:

*** droling is Druzzilro@sdn-ap-024tnnashP0402.dialsprint.net (Druzzil Ro User)
*** on channels: #druzzilro
*** on irc via server irc.limelight.us (Limelight Networks - Phoenix, AZ)
*** droling has been idle 15 seconds, signed on at Sat May 24 01:39:08 2003

and was told it was Mell. He asked me to post on the boards saying that someone from ML had died. I told him I wasn't going to post something like that, because he could be some kid bullshitting for all I know. But I gave him the URL to ML's website and told him to post there

From Eadan:

Guys the person that posted on ML site was from Nashville

Hope that helps some.

Matife Danzabbar
65 Coercer
Havoc Unleashed