View Full Version : Zp`s insurance company.

05-26-2003, 07:44 AM
Secrets out Zp, The only people that will cover you from running over innocent dharrks,

05-26-2003, 08:12 AM
It sucks cause in reality, 16 year old girls pay like 1/2 what young guys pay :/

Of course, it IS totally justified. Sure girls can be shitty drivers, but they aren't the ones wrapping themselves around telephone poles on a regular basis.

05-26-2003, 08:16 AM
lies! women have 66% more claims on there insurance then men do!

and do things like below too :p

05-26-2003, 09:52 AM
rofl, that picture hits close to home, cause that happened to my mom and she drives a 540i :)

Wasn't her fault though, it was at a full serve station, the dude had finished pumping, came and took her Visa, came back and got it signed, said have a nice day and went off and started pumping someone else's gas. She figured he had finished up (which he should have) and started to pull away and fucked up the hose and her gas tank pretty good.

In the end the station paid for everything.

And I am not so sure about that claims thing. Might be possible I guess, but that doesn't tell the whole story either. The guy's claims might be 10 times higher etc.

05-27-2003, 09:24 AM
Due to the increasing claims from both sexes, the industry trend is towards an equalizing of the premiums. Very young drivers will still see some skewed numbers though. Companies make allowances for good students, drivers ed ect. But all in all, the trend seems to be females paying more as the premium reaches the males.

Brings up another point in Insurance, that of fraud. A recent survey was done, I will attempt to find the source, but out of 5000 people surveyed, 25% think it is ok to defraud an Insurance Company, 16% think it is ok to overinflate a claim and 8% have no opinion. The balance thinks it is wrong. That is 41% of people think some sort of fraud is ok. Shit.

Guess what, it just raises your rates.

05-27-2003, 09:39 AM
Heh, i`m thinking still you americans pay ALOT less insurance tho on cars then us... for example im after a 98 Civic 1.6 vtec... anf there quoteing me fully comp insurance £3100..... now thats Ghey!

05-27-2003, 10:19 AM
Well, when you convert that to Canadian currency that looks really high yeah Vestax. I believe that insurance is higher in Europe, but not by a huge margin.

When I turned 16 (7 years ago, damn I am old :/), full comprehensive coverage on a '93 Sunbird was going to be $4000 CDN. Insurance rates have sky rocketed since then because of the stock market crash (they take our premiums and gamble with them, you see), so I am not sure how high that would be now. The above price was to have myself as the primary driver. You can always lie and tell the insurance company your kid will only occasionally drive the car, then later have your ass sued off.

Right now, with a perfect driving record and not a single ticket, full comprehensive on my '97 Ford Probe (worth maybe 10K CDN, it's yours for 12!) is about 2200 or so. It's gone down since I moved up an age bracket or two and also cause I have lots of driving experience.

I don't like insurance companies all that much myself, but I can't really blame them for the cost of insurance. You have to blame all the fradulent assholes out there ripping everyone else (and themselves in a way) off.

It's the same mentality that leads to people milking social programs, launching frivolous lawsuits, and all that garbage. People in general are dumb, and figure the money just comes from some magic land where all they have is money.

05-27-2003, 10:25 AM
Giz a pic of your Motor homer!

05-27-2003, 10:27 AM
good god 3100 pounds a year for insurance!

I think my policy was something like 1600 dollars a year with a really bad deductible. I'm glad I don't have that expense while I milk the GTMO cash cow

05-27-2003, 10:45 AM
hmm, I thought I had posted one before Vestax. I will post later today when I get home. Be warned man, I despise after market shit people put on cars, so don't expect a 5' spoiler, neon ground lighting and chinese writing everywhere.

05-27-2003, 10:58 AM
Take a guess how much State Farm Insurance company grosses annually. *hint* they are one of the top ten(think top 5) RICHEST corporations in the WORLD. Not the US alone but the entire planet~.

05-27-2003, 11:03 AM
what better operation could there be when a company is paid for rendering you no service for the majority of the time you pay them?

Fux insurance, it's a scam!

05-27-2003, 11:48 AM
Apparently 41% of people think it's ok to gouge someone who has been gouging you for years. I can't fault them for this, you pay for years and then when you do get in an accident the insurance company does everything they can not to pay a dime. It makes a person cynical.

05-27-2003, 12:12 PM
Check this out!

Vehicle : Honda Civic VTI 3dr, 1999, Value of £7000

Drivers : Yourself Only

Use : SD&P Including Commuting

Cover : Comprehensive

It isn't always possible to display our best prices online. Please phone us at 4youngdrivers.com on 08 707 707 033 to get our very best quotes.

Annual Premium £5668.03 £5870.70 £5870.70
Deposit of (Includes instalment fee) £1733.81 £1794.62 £1794.62
8 Monthly instalments (including 12.0% interest) £ 552.82 £ 572.68 £ 572.68
Legal Cover Yes! Yes! Yes!
Courtesy Car Yes! Yes! Yes!
Driving Other Cars No! No! No!

brilliant huh? :D

05-27-2003, 12:25 PM

05-27-2003, 12:26 PM
gimme your dads car :(

05-27-2003, 12:36 PM
fu vestax :p drive on the right side of the road damnit =/

05-27-2003, 01:15 PM
Hey Q!



Do I get a cookie? :D notice numbers are in MILLIONS of dollars! I got in the wrong business....

Add insurance Co. with really good investments (well, for today's market) and you get a hell of a lotta pp! Err $$!

05-27-2003, 01:28 PM
State Farm are a bunch of cocksuckers for dropping me and 80% of their New Jersey clients for no reason. Well, no reason being the majority of New Jersey insurance companies left the state because are laws are gayer than Zappo.

So yeah, I'm having a hell of a time finding a new provider even though my record is perfect. Going to pay like $2,500 a year now. :\

05-27-2003, 01:39 PM
So yeah, like I said, insurance companies are losing their shirts right now. Look at those State Farm reports Q, they may gross a ton, but they haven't turned a profit in a few years.

05-27-2003, 04:13 PM
Turned a profit can be looked at in several different ways. How much money did they lose on investments back in the 90's. I remember reading a stock report back in 97(maybe 95/96..trying to remember) to vote for the board authorizing increasing their investment portfolio percentages to get in on the booming market. So yeah they lost their asses just like Joe Schmo in hillbilly, indiana. They got greedy just like a lot of insurance companies did(and the rest of us that invested). State Farm is a HUGE corporation that makes mega amounts of cash and tries to come off as the good neighbor. Their rates are too fucking high and their Agents are a bunch of pricks.

2500 a year for insurance??? Good god~. Thank god i am old and have two kids/married. I pay around 800 a year for full coverage on both vehicles:p.

P.S Remember Eomer there is so many ways to doctor reports you could write a thick book on it. Not all illegally either.

05-27-2003, 04:16 PM
wait until your boy turns 16... :p

05-27-2003, 05:44 PM
Hehe, I know Q, they can hide or doctor the books in numerous ways. However I don't think that insurance companies are "gouging" people, no matter what their profits are. If they were, some upstart would walk in and take away everyone's business. Unless you are also saying that insurance companies are colluding together to keep rates high.

Yes, most of the time you pay and pay and pay into insurance, and never get anything back. That's why it's called insurance. The occasional time you do have to make a claim, it sure is nice to have them footing the $20,000 bill.

Trust me, I hate insurance companies as much as you do. We recently did a reconstruction of a condo building that burnt down, and it's been tied up in red tape for 2 years now (I feel bad for the people who lived there) because of various legal problems with insurance companies suing each other and on and on.

05-27-2003, 05:51 PM
for j00 Vestax

05-27-2003, 08:47 PM
I understand insurance companies have to protect their money and i have no problem with that whatsoever. They know the good cases from the questionable scam cases. So why drag everyone through all that shit just to save themselves 25 grand or something, 25 grand to most insurance companies is like buying fast food at McDonalds one day. That amount of money might seem like quite a bit to most of the average people but that money is nothing. They could lose a 100k and still laugh about it, they dont start to worry until they start losing million dollar cases etc. or lose a TON of smaller claim cases(being relevant).