06-02-2003, 02:55 PM
I really liked Plane of Earth yesterday. I especially liked the ... DANGEROUS EARTH ARMADILLOS!
Which actually made me giggle every time I saw them. Sort of like a zone full of gnomes, or Nerf Sharks, or something. (Careful, folks, those razor sharp teeth are sharp as razors!)
To commemorate fighting the DEAs, I offer Teen Girl Squad ( (attack of the killer possums!)
P.S. My blood hurts.
P.P.S. Trog Dor ( is still the best. THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES!
Which actually made me giggle every time I saw them. Sort of like a zone full of gnomes, or Nerf Sharks, or something. (Careful, folks, those razor sharp teeth are sharp as razors!)
To commemorate fighting the DEAs, I offer Teen Girl Squad ( (attack of the killer possums!)
P.S. My blood hurts.
P.P.S. Trog Dor ( is still the best. THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES!