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View Full Version : Metallica - St. Anger

06-08-2003, 11:01 AM
After so many years of buildup, the rehab, the in-fighting, the new member.. every old time Metallica fan had high hopes for the new CD. Sadly.. what is delivered is best compared to Metallica trying to be Korn with some occasional glimpses of their past. This thing is so bad it makes Load and Reload sound good.

First off.. the sound. This works for Korn. It is/was original for Korn. It is a cheap knockoff by Metallica.

The production.. This CD makes And Justice For All sound good. Don't get me wrong.. the songs on Justice were fantastic.. but this recording and mixing was not. St. Anger is even worse. Guitars are muddy, the bass is non-existant, and the drums.. dear god the drums.. Lars should be strung up by his toes for this shit. The snare is perhaps the worst recorded sound ever in the history of heavy music. It sounds like nothing more than an empty 55 gallon oil drum.

The music.. hmm.. this is the hard part. There are actually some good songs in here I think.. they're just so bogged down by the horrible production, and being tuned down to B or whatever.. that they're lost. I can only hope this stuff comes across better live.. cause on CD, it's trash.

It's so strange.. from a band that cut it's teeth on not giving a damn about what was popular, to the current version that simply caters to the 'hero of the day', Metallica has become exactly what they despised; a whore to the trend.

Alas poor Metallica.. I knew him..

06-10-2003, 12:17 AM
Metallica jumped the shark with Black.

06-10-2003, 12:47 AM
Exactly and the new album has been getting poor reviews everywhere pretty much. Not like I expected differently heh.

06-10-2003, 08:39 AM
I was really shocked how much it sucked...

After Load and Reloaded I would have thought they would get it..

I think they have completely lost it.. :(

06-10-2003, 09:05 AM
I dunno if they were going for a "garage" sound or what, but the one song I have heard, St Anger, sounds awful. Like you said, it works for Korn or the Deftones, but not Metallica. And the singing is flat out awful.

Considering the decided to lead with that song, it makes you question how bad the rest of the album is.

Buazag Bonesteel
06-10-2003, 09:44 AM
It's really too bad. I was a big fan of both their music and their overall rebel attitude back in the day. Even with the shoddy production I loved Justice For All. Master of Puppets....one of my all time favorite albums.

Load....Reload....I didn't even bother to buy them after hearing a little of them. They didn't suck really but they were just plain generic. I would have to say that ever since Bob Rock started having an influence (the black CD) they have gone downhill.

I haven't even heard the St. Anger disc yet but honestly I'm just not interested.

I am, however, going to be seeing them live in Montreal next month.....hopefully there reputation as one hell of a live performance still lives up to it's name ;)

06-10-2003, 10:38 AM
They've never disappointed me live. Always a great show. The music on Loan and Reload even comes alive in concert.. I just can't stomach it on CD.

I really hope the St. Anger stuff does too.. but if Lars uses that fucking bent trashcan for a snare.. I'm leaving.

Buazag Bonesteel
07-02-2003, 09:29 AM
Finally have had the opportunity to hear at least the title track on the radio. Ouch :confused:

Not sure what they were going for with that but it seriously sounded like garbage. Very muddy and garbled sounding as if they used recording techniques of 20 years ago. I haven't heard the rest as I'm not interested in buying it.....but having the first single released sound like that doesn't bode well.

07-02-2003, 09:38 AM
so they been smelling like shit for years, now they look like it.

07-09-2003, 03:15 PM
And I thought I was the only person who thought this about the sound of the drums on their new cd (yuck!), Elidroth hit the nail on the head with his opinion. Funny thing is though, their cd still sold like crazy, regardless of how lukewarm it was for a Metallica production.
iolite vaporizer review (http://iolitevaporizer.net/)

Buazag Bonesteel
07-23-2003, 05:28 AM
Didn't get to hear much of it....they only played 2 songs. St. Anger and Frantic.....but the new stuff live is pretty awesome as opposed to the recording that blows. Plus I was pleasantly surprised that they absolutely nailed everything they played. No signs of aging yet ;) Thoroughly lived up to their reputation as one of the best live shows around.