View Full Version : just me

06-10-2003, 10:10 AM
Just wanted to update ya'll on my personal status.. not that I will tell all <grin>

I am moved.. The last few weeks have been stressful with a wedding out of state, kids finishing school, me packing classroom AND home.. but now settling in and dealing with Qaediin again on a daily basis.. /sigh...hassled him til computer hooked up, so a few days i was on his computer trying to reset up hotkeys and such.. plus just different than my own.

The lag problem doesn't seem as bad here on cable modem as opposed to DSL. I still need to upgrade my video card.. I will lag out for a few seconds.. then return, but in a rot - that isn't good. So will do it when I can as fast as I can.

I am a teacher.. so summer checks come this week <thank heavens> .. so will try to research and figure out what would best suit my system. Plust be the cheapest :) But also means playtime will increase this year.. small town as opposed to tourist-trap Orlando ... means closer drive times to work.

And no Qae isn't much help on these things.. altho I love him dearly :D

06-10-2003, 10:23 AM
No doubt Qaediin has already recommended this to you, but the best buys to enhance EverQuest are to make sure you have 512MB of RAM (you can use more if you have WinXP) and something comparable to a GeForce2 (GeForce4 FX's run about $100).

If you want more options turned on, you can get the GeForce4 Ti4200-4600 series, or pay beyond $200 and get a fantastic card, but the improvements are not as dramatic. A $100 card and sufficient RAM will keep you playing EQ smoothly. I buy the other stuff for newer games (that can take more advantages of the newer graphics cards).

Happy shopping :)

06-10-2003, 10:38 AM
I have the Ram.. not the problem..just the card

06-10-2003, 10:50 AM
depending on what u wanna pay. I picked up a Geforce 4 TI 4200 128Mb card for about $100 (with tax and shipping). Check here they got good prices. Newegg.com (http://newegg.com)

Geranon Morrowind
06-10-2003, 11:18 AM
Glad to hear things are working out for you Iilaa, hope to see ya in game soon, although I'll be out till wednesday afternoon due to finals. TWO DOWN TWO TO GO !! W00t !!

06-10-2003, 12:50 PM
Cool f/x on you sig Seeledieb=o