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View Full Version : Klandicar - Sontalak

09-10-2001, 09:49 AM
Both are currently up.

Hoss is up for Sontalak.

Are you guys planning on going tonight?

L'Malla is up for Klandicar. (Then CN, Then Hoss, Then VD)

Are you guys planning on going tonight?

Patch is tomorrow - I don't want to see any of these poof.

So far ML is the only guild to successfuly engage Klandicar 2.0.

I also don't recall seeing any successul Sontalak engagements in a while other than by ML.

Basically, what I want is clearance to go off these guys if you don't intend to rather than seeing them wasted by server reset.

--The Unconscious

09-10-2001, 10:14 AM
I also don't recall seeing any successul Sontalak engagements in a while other than by ML.
Not sure what the point in saying this was except to toot your own horn. Just because we don't, doesn't mean we can't. And you've had your share of failures as well.

Aside from that - not sure what Hoss will be up to tonight yet. Will let you know later this afternoon. Chances of us passing on Sontalak are high though, but I'll confirm that with you later.

Just posting here now so you didn't think we missed this thread.

09-10-2001, 12:01 PM
Ok, gonna plan on Sontalak then.

Klandicar... What's doin?

Need info here, if he's still up by the time we're done with Sontalak expect us to be killing him.

Hopefully that's enough time for the other people on the rotation to either get in there and try it or pass.

--The Unconscious

Dlgoth Riknueth
09-10-2001, 01:39 PM
Out of curiosity, when did Klandicar spawn/first seen? He wasn't up at about 10pm EST last night. Are we not honoring the "24 hour " rule anymore? If not, when did we decide on this, because I wasn't questioned..

09-10-2001, 02:02 PM
Note my first post...


Now, what I need to know is...


Or, if you try and fail, is anyone else going to kill him?

Either way, before patch I want him dead.

--The Unconscious

09-10-2001, 03:13 PM