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06-13-2003, 02:25 PM
man... its V A R R A N ... not Howard..

damn misspelling bastards

06-13-2003, 04:13 PM
You think you got it bad. =\

06-16-2003, 06:53 AM

Buazag Bonesteel
06-16-2003, 07:35 AM
At first glance this looks pretty good....then i thought about it in realistic terms and have decided that it really isn't.

Even if you drink it really fast.....in a mug that large you will have warming issues. Beer is at its best when it is ice cold, preferably in an iced mug as well. Big reason why I pretty much never drink beer from a plastic cup....the temperature change is just too rapid ;)

In a glass that size the last third at least will begin to show signs of warming thus reducing my beer enjoyment. This is not acceptable.

12-16 ounce mug made of thick glass fresh out of the freezer....fill with favorite brew and consume. THAT....is the way to go :D And screw the one drink limit.

06-16-2003, 07:38 AM
Depends though, that drink may not cool off all that fast, depending on what kind of glass it is. The reason beer warms up so fast in a plastic cup is because your 37C hand is wrapped around nearly the entire thing.

Personally I just think it would be a pain to drink from though.

06-16-2003, 10:12 AM
You're assuming it was served cooled in the first place.

Judging by the text on the wall in the background, I'd say they are in a country that doesn't serve beer cold.

But I'm guessing.

06-16-2003, 10:21 AM
One of those has to be Andaas hehehahh~

Buazag Bonesteel
06-16-2003, 02:04 PM
I can't beleive there are still backwards uncivilized countries out there that serve beer unchilled. I mean cmon....we've had refrigeration for quite a while now people.

06-17-2003, 12:34 AM
Hopefully they didn't use ice, or it would be pretty watered down.

06-17-2003, 07:59 AM
Grats Buaz on the Most non obtrusive yet biggest De-rail ever heh. Although i don't drink at all usually if i do it has to be cold.

Buazag Bonesteel
06-17-2003, 08:07 AM
True derailing is an artform ;)