View Full Version : New Run Animations

06-17-2003, 06:49 PM
How much do new run animations suck? Here are some quotes from shadowknight.org

Elves now run (no no, they PRANCE) like some gay pedophile creeping after someone.

EQDruids board has reported wood elves walking like chickens.

Iksar look like they're having some sort of spinal seizures as they run. Elves look ok (not great, just ok) from the waist up, but their legs move as if they're Liberace running downhill. Trolls look ok to me, but only because I hated the old troll run. Seriously, these new animations look like a hat full of assholes.

Trolls now swing their arms back and forth in this running Popeye pose. Now whenever I run I feel like I should be singing "I'M STRONG TO DA FINICH...."

Holy shit the new gnome running animations suck..looks like im running to the bathroom prarie doggin' it.
I have a friendly tip for you - when at this stage in the game you decide to alter model animations, one would assume you are using motion capture technology. With that in mind you need to hire actors (even if they dont have to speak a word) for gesture and basic movement animations, and atheletes for any action animation sequences - running, jumping attacking, etc. Do NOT point to the junior team programmer who has spent the last ten years turning himself into a hunchback reading D&D novels while walking to work, and say 'Hey you there - put this on and run around.'

One of my guildmates summed it up best about most of the female models: "We all look like ex-lax just kicked in". My toon runs bent over from the waist like she's trying to headbutt someone. :/

Erudite male run model is frightening to say the least. my loincloth is flying all over the place...

If it's not broken fix it til it is!

Ogres look like an albatross trying to land.

Went online with my Barb Shaman. His Beard drops below his face then back up while he runs. I hope the person who did the animation gets Fired.

LOL! I fell out of my chair when I saw my ogre running.... god damn the ppl responsible for this should be dragged into the street and shot for the better of the human race.

06-17-2003, 08:02 PM
Ha, you just gave me a reason to log on again.

06-17-2003, 08:11 PM
Sheesh, had a quick look, all I can say is, it looks like everyone is speed skating, as in the feet are gliding along the ground ie they are covering more distance with each stride than they would if friction existed.

Well, speed skating with the intend of ramming someone head first.

Looks like everyone is running in a flat out, GERONIMOOOO! mode.


06-18-2003, 06:33 AM
SoE strikes again. Do they have any sort of quality assurance personel, at all? Someone working there MUST have seen the new animations ahead of time and thought "Uhh... are we crazy? We can't put these in the game they're pathetic.".

Right.... ?

Loniel Bonewalker
06-18-2003, 07:10 AM
humans look ok to me didn really notice much of a difference

06-18-2003, 08:50 AM
Heh, it's sad that their newest animations, as well as the ones that came with SoL, still can't even come close to the quality ones that were made over 5 years ago. Milo D. Cooper is over at Sigil games right now, laughing his fucking ass off.

And it's not like they need motion capture, anyway. If I remember correctly, the majority of animations in Splinter Cell were NOT mo-capped, but animated by hand. And it looked great.