View Full Version : Rotation Schedule
08-30-2001, 03:17 PM
Trak - Hoss (9/11), CN (9/15), L`Malla (9/1), GAP (Joined 9/2), ML (T - 9/5), IG (9/10)
CT - Hoss (8/29), L`Malla (9/7), Vind (P1 - 9/12), ML (9/13)
Zland - Hoss (9/12), L`Malla (8/31), Vind (F - 9/7), ML (9/8)
Dain - ML (9/2), Hoss (P1 - 9/14), Vind (P1 - 9/14), L`Malla (F - 9/16)
Ragefire - ML (8/27), GAP (Joined 9/2), Hoss(T - 9/6 ), Seekers (T - 9/2), VE (9/9), CN (9/12), VH (T - L`Malla), L`Malla (T - VH 9/14), Vind (), IG (), TR (joined 8/25)
Sev - IG (8/8), L`Malla(8/22), CN (T - Vind 9/13), GAP (Joined 9/2), Vindi (T - CN 9/13), Hoss, VE, VH
Tormax - Vindi (F - ?), Hoss(9/16)
Dozekar - Hoss (8/31), IG (F - 9/7)
Lend - Vindi (P2 - 9/12), Hoss (9/13), ML (9/8)
ST Warders - ML (9/12), Hoss
Klandicar - Hoss (), ML (9/16)
You know the drill - follow with confirmed dates when mob is down
also double check to be sure you are in the rotations you want to be in
I know it is a pain sometimes - but please post a quick note when a mob is taken down by your guild so we can keep the rotation updated
There are now some (P) up there on various mobs, based on the fact they lived through the days those guilds were due for them. I'll be putting the dates with them and the F's as well.
[Brackets] are temporary removals from rotations.
Based on the guidelines, removing Vind from the Dozekar, Sontalak, and Yelinak rotations due to 3 passes in a row.
Based on the guidelines, removing ML from the Statue rotation due to 3 passes in a row.
Per Dlgoth request, removind L`Malla from Kland and Lend rotations.
Removing Sontalak from rotations, based on frequent passing by most guilds involved with him.
ST added to rotations.
Removing Statue and Yelinak from rotations, based on frequent passing by most guilds involved with them.
Removed Seekers from all rotations other than Ragefire, per Indecisive's request in another thread.
Current Rotations:
Trak = L`Malla
CT = Hoss
Zlan = L`Malla
Dain = ML
Ragefire = VH
Sev = Hoss
Tormax = Vind
Doze = IG
Lend = ML
ST = Hoss
Klan = Hoss
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-12-2001, 12:40 AM
Quint, go ahead and drop us from Kland and Lend for now. Between the lack of people lately and current rotations, we have enough going on. That and the fact that I hate Kland with a passion now ;)
09-12-2001, 01:32 AM
Hoss knocked Trak off last night.
09-12-2001, 02:00 PM
Add Hoss to the ST warder's rotation effective TODAY.
We will be taking them next spawn as a FFA method of sharing is not working out.
09-12-2001, 09:56 PM
Ragefire dead at approx 12:30am EST 9/13/01
09-12-2001, 10:14 PM
ST Warders 1-3 down 9/12.
09-13-2001, 11:24 AM
Zland died yesterday.
09-13-2001, 04:32 PM
Mid-afternoon 9/13 - Western Wastes was taken down for a small update/patch.
So the Klandicar spawn Hoss intended for tonight disappeared. We will be attempting him next spawnage.
09-13-2001, 06:21 PM
Wonder what they did.
09-13-2001, 07:46 PM
i just wanted to share :)
09-14-2001, 03:28 AM
Lend dead 9/13
09-14-2001, 05:08 AM
CT down 9/13
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-14-2001, 05:34 AM
Got word last night that Dain popped, couldn't confirm it, but its worth a peek.
09-14-2001, 06:07 AM
CN noticed Sev up last night. I contacted Vindi, and they said they'd like to trade the spawn with us. So mark CN and Vindi as a trade for Sev :D
09-14-2001, 07:13 AM
Dain pop was noticed and Hoss informed ~7PM pst last night.
09-14-2001, 08:48 AM
We were already busy on other things when we learned of Dain having spawned. PL hit us in a nasty way later in the evening and we called it an early night. So mark us down as a PASS on Dain for yesterday evening.
Assuming the rotation would have granted us 24 hours to make our attempt, we're unfortuately busy tonight as well.
Good luck Vind or L'Malla - whoever actually will get him next =)
09-14-2001, 09:13 AM
First off the trading of Sev with CN and Vind is bullshit. Secondly Im assuming you didnt leave Sev up over night. If you did, shame on you.
This goes back to my issue of guilds staying on rotations that they DO NOT need. Its obvious Vind doesnt need a green scale. I wonder how many other guilds are on rotations that they dont need. You are all greedy fuckers for staying on rotated mobs you dont need. And I say this to all guilds, not just Vind.
The IGB is in place so that we can all work together. Not to monopolize a situation because guild X is allied with guild Y. We all sat back in silence as we watched the old Hoss/Vind alliance monopolize ST keys. Well my days of siting back in silence are done. Any guild who thinks they can monopolize a mob through an alliance will meet my resistance every step of the way.
If Vind didnt need the Sev spawn, they shoulda passed and removed themselves from the rotation.
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-14-2001, 09:23 AM
Is there a vind rep that's still checking this board? I've noticed 3/4th of the guild seems to have vanished. Should I set up for Dain this evening, assuming Vind will pass? or do we let him stand for another day.
09-14-2001, 10:34 AM
Not excited about that trade either, since CN had just gotten Sev in the rotation and others in it had not yet.
Proper and precedented thing to do would have been to notify Vind, and if they were passing, notify the next guild, and so on, until it was either going to be killed or came back around to you.
Prior mob trades have been when both are due up for a spawn (see ML-Seekers w/Trak, Seekers up, ML was next, traded spots), not when one guild has within a rotation cycle already killed the mob in question.
ML is out of the Sev rotation, for the exact reasoning Thanatoz is upset, (we don't need Sev for Green Scales and pulled out before it even got to us), this affects us little aside from keeping that sort of trade from spreading.
09-14-2001, 10:40 AM
Vind's last rotation mob fight was 9/7, a fail on Zlandicar. I'd ping them in game Dlgoth, seen at least 2, maybe 3 of them on in the last few weeks. (Riccee, Darriuss, was Bandof in Vind?)
One other thing I just noticed as well, CN killed the last IGB Sev, before the Night Kids stealth kill, on 8/26.
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-14-2001, 11:48 AM
Heh, I don't think Vind would give Bandof a tag even to spit on him ;)
reason I ask though is that it's hard for me to ping someone in game when I can't get on until almost 7pm EST, and I need to know to plan and post on our boards like an hour ago :) Guess it'll just end up a late night kill if it does fall to us.
09-14-2001, 01:00 PM
Trak is up btw, as of 13:00PST, the 14th.
09-14-2001, 03:55 PM
Please accept our apologies guys if we have offended anyone. It was almost midnight when we noticed Sev was up. I informed Vindi that Sev was up and was told by Teutebod (the only person I knew that was on) that they were not taking him. I asked if it was okay if we took him in trade and that was fine with them.
Honestly, Night Kids would have probably killed him if we hadn't. Again tho, sorry for any misunderstandings. If necessary, take us out of the next Sev rotation if it causes any problems.
09-15-2001, 12:26 AM
Trak dead at approx 12:45AM EST Saturday morning.
Vindication passing on him or what? I'd like to get him dead asap so the rotation can move along if ya are ;) Thanks
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-15-2001, 10:29 AM
Well technically their 24 hours is up, so we'll be killing him this evening.
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-15-2001, 10:33 AM
As per a recent discussion with VH about zordak, we swapped places since they were having issues with getting people online due to the recent events.
Zordak was killed last night by L`Malla, and VH is now up for him. Good luck guys.
09-15-2001, 03:12 PM
Thanks Dlgoth
09-15-2001, 11:45 PM
Klandicar is up.
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-16-2001, 01:16 PM
Well, Dain's still up. Since Seekers are removing themselves from rotations, he's waiting for a smackdown from ML now. he's a 425 just so ya know. Had him to about 15%, but it was a bit late and people weren't quite on their "A" games so we said screw it.
He's got a hammer as well so you know going in (heads up on deciding who gets it ;) )
09-16-2001, 07:16 PM
Mythic will get him Monday evening.
Thanks for the info, Dlgoth.
09-16-2001, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Baramos1
Klandicar is up.
This was posted at 11:45 pm pacific time Saturday night.
Hoss made plans to kill Klandicar today, Sunday, after our Tormax raid. I learned this evening that ML killed him.
Please explain... how was "Hoss next in the rotation", and ML summarily moved in and took the mob without a word?
09-16-2001, 07:49 PM
Klandicar was up all day Saturday.
I did a /w all Hoss, /w all Andaas, and a /w all Sirensa at approx. 4 PM pacific time, saw a Hoss member in WW, no And or Sir to ping, and assumed Hoss was aware he was up based on that member in WW.
I'd have to look at your roster to tell you who was in WW yesterday, been a very long day today and I haven't even been online for message boards since about 7 AM Pacific till now.
Edit: Looked at my log. At 4:43 Pacific Time, Shinare was in West Wastes. Not exactly 4PM, but close enough.
09-16-2001, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
Klandicar was up all day Saturday.
Edit: Looked at my log. At 4:43 Pacific Time, Shinare was in West Wastes. Not exactly 4PM, but close enough.
Shinare is a cleric, and has been inactive for close to 6 months until this weekend I think when she first returned (I saw her for the first time outside of IRC today in game). I doubt she even knows what Klandicar is, let alone where he spawns. And being a cleric bound at the ToV entrance, there is a limit to the amount of scouting she would be able to do anyway. Was anything communicated directly to her - so that she might be able to communicate that to someone in the guild? Was anything communicated to ANYONE in Hoss?
The thing is, ML posted to this forum to alert someone that Klandicar was up (I am assuming this was to alert Hoss, since we had requested the rotation on Klandicar last week), that post was made at 11:45 pm pacific on Saturday. Did that post include a statement along the lines of "Klandicar was up all day Saturday and Hoss didn't engage him, so ML is taking him tomorrow"? No.
Anyway, a post here would have been appreciated. I'm really pissed over this, as Baramos' post last night triggered me to plan on doing Klandicar tonight. Thanks again for screwing us up. Hoss continues to wait for our 1st attempt at Kland 2.0.
09-16-2001, 11:10 PM
I gave a tell to Drakky yesterday before we did Klandicar.
He said hold on, let me ask the guild.
I waited about 2 minutes... then..
He said nope, we won't be doing Klandicar.
So, yeah, Andaas, Hoss was informed, asked, notified.
09-17-2001, 03:21 AM
Very well. That is what I was asking for really -- something a bit more substantive than Quintall telling me that "a Hoss person" was in WW on Saturday, so we should have known that Klandicar was up.
I wasn't online, and my update to our raid schedule got missed by some people, so Drakky and others online didn't know. Rohaise mentioned that someone in Hoss was spoken to, but had no idea who, and nobody online tonight knew anything about it, heh.
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