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06-24-2003, 11:02 PM
Showed up a few hours late so I missed some of the earlier shows (The Ataris, Glassjaw) :(

The acts I watched...

+Andrew W.K. was great. Good music, got down in the crowd, played volleyball with the crowd...great pit during She is Beautiful and Party Hard

+I'm not a fan of The Dropkick Murphy's but must say they arent bad live.

-Simple Plan sucks

-AFI sucks

+Rancid kicked MAJOR ass, as always. Great pits during Timebomb and Ruby Soho, crowd sang more of the songs than they did...great show.

+Thrice was excellent... good non-circle pit (circle-pits suck). Great music, great performance.

+Mest was amazing... a few days after the lead singer OD'd, and about a week after he messed up his back (He's wheelchair-bound most of the time) they put on the most fun show out of anyone. Lead Singer called AFI Poison, got the crowd to yell "Fuck You" to AFI's fans, and later Simple Plan's fans (Simple Plan was setting up at the same stage AFI just finished up at). Played in the pit. Best part was, they got everyone to mosh-rush Simple Plan's crowd-in-waiting during the song who's chorus is "fuck you". Was like a stampede at a soccer match... classic

+Suicide Machines werent bad at all, even though I didnt know their music it was easy to get into it.

-Some of the skaters and bikers werent too good
+Some were

I recommend checking out the tour this year...especially if Pennywise is on at your stop (They didnt come to KC, Booo!)
check out your local dates if you havent already missed it (http://www.warpedtour.com/dates.html)

06-25-2003, 09:20 AM
That stuff was good for like the 1 year I listend to it.

06-25-2003, 10:26 AM
Most of the new stuff is pretty good Vinen, and I don't mind some of the old either.

Website still lists Taking Back Sunday, although they dropped from the tour.

06-25-2003, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Lothbah

+Rancid kicked MAJOR ass, as always. Great pits during Timebomb and Ruby Soho, crowd sang more of the songs than they did...great show.

Damn you, I love Rancid! I'm so jealous! :|

Funnest moshpit I've been in was Oleander in the smaller Arena at Bumbershoot 3-4 years ago. I got to punch a 13-14 year-old boy that wouldn't stop pushing me! Stupid boys. :(

06-25-2003, 03:02 PM
Good to hear that about Thrice. I've been listening to them for a while now, hopefully they'll get noticed form warped tour

06-25-2003, 07:34 PM
both old thrice cds are good, haven't heard the new one yet.

06-29-2003, 11:00 AM
The Atari's are awesome!!

Thought it was really funny thinking how much they sounded like an 80's cover band on their first single, only to hear them do an 80's remake as their second single!! lol

Buazag Bonesteel
06-29-2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by nwinn
I got to punch a 13-14 year-old boy that wouldn't stop pushing me! Stupid boys. :(

ROFL....Nwinn owns

06-29-2003, 12:53 PM
No one is going to push me around in a moshpit!
And, if you have hair that's past your shoulders and you're a guy that doesn't know how to tie it back... you're on the list to get pushed into those holes that open up w/ people running into each other!

06-29-2003, 08:05 PM
Moshpits are funny, especially when there is some like 55 year old guy who looks like he doesn't belong at all, and he's trying to push people around.

06-30-2003, 09:38 PM
I dont like it when there's the little kid in there and you dont really want to shove them around but you want them to get out of the way :\ You kinda have to elbow them in the stomach (accidentally) and they leave for a good half hour

07-01-2003, 06:08 AM
Aug 2nd - Toronto - Molson Park

See you there! Hopefully most of the bands will get into Canada and not held at the border for not having enough Sars in their systems or even worse... drugs.