View Full Version : Unrotated Ubers
09-13-2001, 08:04 AM
In this thread, posting unrotated Uber type mobs, last known kill dates, and guild responsible for the slaughter.
Sontalak: ML (9/23)
Statue: Hoss (9/21)
N ToV: Hoss (9/10)
Yelinak: ML (9/21)
Gorenaire: L`Malla (9/15)
Talendor: L`Malla (9/18)
Venril Sathir: Hoss (9/20)
Telkenor: Vind (9/19)
VP: ML (9/22)
If you are interested in fighting one of these mobs, this is the place to post intentions. Do not post intentions if you cannot follow through, or give timely notice if your plans change (ie, >24 hours).
For mobs that we all agree should be handled in this fashion, whichever guild was last to kill the specified mob give a 24 hour time frame upon respawn for others to make an attempt (not 24 hours per guild, just a single 24 hour period).
This 24 hour period can be waived if the repeating guild confirms with other proven capable guilds that they are not interested in the spawn on respawn day.
After 24 hours, the repeating guild can have there way with the mob.
09-13-2001, 10:35 AM
What the fuck. "Unrotated Ubers"
Hoss kills Statue every chance we get and thought it was being rotated. L'Malla has been killing him as well. I see you removed it from the rotation order - what the fuck is up with that? Do we not count?
Klandicar - we missed ONE turn of ours out of months worth because we were busy on something else and you completely write it off as being unrotated? Just because ML has been the only to kill the new version of Klandicar so far does not mean that other guilds are incapable.
Yelinak - finally our turn comes up when we have time. But unfortunately our guild was crippled last night due to guildmates mourning loved ones. Every other time we have had to pass we have given you ample notice and you have killed him no problem. Obviously you're not losing out here as you benefit from killing him once a week regardless.
With so many things to do - sometimes we need to make choices and pass on mobs we'd really like a chance at. I seriously doubt any guild is being fucked out of too many mobs they want a chance at right now.
If you remove the rotations completely from these mobs - then what? I come in to post like I did yesterday about Hoss having plans for warders only to be told "so sorry, already on ML's schedule". So we ask for the next turn - and POOF - back on rotation. Why even bother ending it in the first place.
While I feel Sontalak should very much be FFA since everyone fails him often, you have zero right to remove the rest of these mobs from the rotation schedule. I understand you might feel this post is our "discussion", but you already removed them. Giving the rest of us little chance to review the history of who has killed those mobs in the past month or so.
I dunno maybe I am cranky and a bit out of sorts from various things this past week - but this post pissed me off.
09-13-2001, 10:53 AM
From Baramos on another thread:
If it's not on rotation, it's no one's business.
In a friendly relationship between guilds, we'd naturally have shared that information, but the relationship between HoSS and ML is not friendly, it's businesslike.
Suffice to say that ML holds HoSS in the same contempt that HoSS holds ML.
For the most part our guilds ignore each other in game. We are not the ones who make malicious efforts to wipe out ML during a raid and outside of my "quarrels" with Quintall on this board, I can say that I, at least, hold ML in no contempt. But as I have said in the past - I would rather the quarrels be here, than in game.
Removing mobs from rotation arbitrarily only fosters this kind of contempt. And haven't we all seen more than enough of that lately?
09-13-2001, 11:30 AM
If the statue was getting killed every time, why was it not posted every time then so it could be rotated properly? 5 day respawn, yet many times it was 7-10 days between notices. If Hoss and L`Malla are the only two killing it, and you guys are gonna report it, then by all means I'll toss it back up there.
Yelinak, you haven't even attempted him since being put into the rotation for him. 4 times your turn came around, 3 times you passed, this last time you ignored him entirely. Not even attempting it once while on rotation shows a lack of need to have you on the rotation at all, it holds back guilds that want to do him (would you rather ML got on Tormax and just passed every week late in the evening of our rotation day?).
Sontalak we agree on.
Klandicar is a complete and utter bastard that makes Sontalak look like Nagafen. Don't believe me, ask Dlgoth, he's at least attempted the new version, whereas Hoss passed on him 3 times. I track the pass and fails too Sirensa, you didn't just pass on him just once. At any rate, with Klandicar being more of a bastiche than Sontalak, it makes logical sense to add him here.
N ToV, let's call it being here a precursor to a rotation. Maybe we should have done something like this sooner to have avoided issues like your complaint about ST, eh?
ST has been addressed, issue is closed.
As far as the history of these mobs, give a bit of credit here, even as much as you may personally dislike me, I keep the record pretty tight. Hoss' last kill of the Statue was 8/31 per posting here, L`Malla's kill was 9/9. That's ten days, who killed it in between there? Who killed it yesterday, or is it still up? That's 2 spawns right there unaccounted for or left alone, hardly a driving force for a rotation.
I'm not arbitrarily removing Mobs, just the ones that have people wasting their time or other's time. ie: Statue, Yelinak, Sontalak, Klandicar. If there comes a time where we see huge interest in them again, (see Trak a couple of months ago), it's very easy to begin another rotation on them using the current postings as to when each guild plans on killing it, and adding other guilds as they request.
Edit: Missed a word.
09-13-2001, 12:10 PM
Hoss knowingly passed on Klandicar one time. It just so happened to be version 2.0. This was last week due to our week-long raid in NToV (on September 5 per your records Quintall).
If you don't recall, Hoss killed the last version 1.0 Klandicar. Which is why it has been so long since our turn for him has come around.
Please tell me when our rotation spot for Klandicar is up, and we will go kill him. And put Klandicar back into the rotation. Thanks.
09-13-2001, 12:30 PM
As a side note on this topic. For mobs that we all agree should be handled in this fashion, I would propose that whichever guild was last to kill the specified mob give a 24 hour time frame upon respawn for others to make an attempt (not 24 hours per guild, just a single 24 hour period).
This 24 hour period can be waived if the repeating guild confirms with other proven capable guilds that they are not interested in the spawn on respawn day.
After 24 hours, the repeating guild can have there way with the mob.
09-13-2001, 12:39 PM
1) HoSS passed on Kland more than once. If HoSS wasn't paying attention to the spawns, ML certainly was, as this was during our "push for keys" time.
2) A single 24 hour period is fine with Mythic Legion.
3) Kland is up, and HoSS is up for him.
09-13-2001, 01:00 PM
Mythic Legion plans to kill Yelinak tonight, after CT.
09-13-2001, 01:00 PM
Klan put back up for the moment. My bet is once you see him, you will agree a friendly FFA on him is warranted.
09-13-2001, 01:05 PM
ML will be heading up to Yelinak tonight.
09-13-2001, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Baramos1
1) HoSS passed on Kland more than once. If HoSS wasn't paying attention to the spawns, ML certainly was, as this was during our "push for keys" time.
2) A single 24 hour period is fine with Mythic Legion.
3) Kland is up, and HoSS is up for him.
Hoss is the name of our guild, not HoSS.
Please specify the dates other than September 5 that we passed Klandicar, even in ignorance please.
09-13-2001, 01:44 PM
What difference does it make, the date, or dates, Andaas. Quint's our recordkeeper - I trust him. Point is now moot. You requested a renewal of rotation. You got it. Now you're up for your rotation mob.
However this does point the need for all guilds to be diligent to point out the date that rotation mobs pop.
Mythic Legion will be sure to inform Hoss when the Warders are up, again.
09-13-2001, 03:01 PM
It makes no difference other than the fact that your "recordkeeper" isn't keeping very good records, at least in terms of Klandicar.
Quintall posted:
Klandicar is a complete and utter bastard that makes Sontalak look like Nagafen. Don't believe me, ask Dlgoth, he's at least attempted the new version, whereas Hoss passed on him 3 times. I track the pass and fails too Sirensa, you didn't just pass on him just once. At any rate, with Klandicar being more of a bastiche than Sontalak, it makes logical sense to add him here.
Here is the record of rotation schedule posts from last month regarding Klandicar:
Mystari's last edit on 8/30
Kland - Vind (8/8), Hoss (8/12), ML(8/24), L'Malla, CN, Seekers
Quintall's edit on 9/4
Kland - Vind (), Hoss (), ML(), L'Malla (), CN (P 9/3), Seekers (P - 9/3)
Quintall's edit on 9/11
Kland - Vind (P - 9/4), Hoss (P - 9/5), ML(9/6), L'Malla (F - 9/10), CN (P - 9/3)
I did not see Klandicar up at all during the span of 8/24 to about 9/1. Are you saying we missed him in there someplace?
Did Hoss miss a rotation spot sometime between the 8/12 and 8/24 killing?
Please tell me what I'm missing, because I only know of Hoss passing on Klandicar once, and that was on September 5th, as you mentioned.
09-13-2001, 03:26 PM
This is not something to argue about now, in the light of the fact of the new rotation.
In other words, this is a stupid detail to ponder. I'm sure most of us have better things to do than to chew on this.
This subject is closed, as far as Mythic is concerned.
Good luck on Klandicar, tonight.
09-16-2001, 03:23 PM
Since this isn't a "rotation" list, can we please add Gorenaire, Talendor and maybe even Venril Sathir to this list too?
Just as a courtesy and a heads up so everyone has an idea when mobs were last killed and might be up again.
Just a thought :cool:
09-16-2001, 08:55 PM
Done to here.
09-18-2001, 06:24 AM
Andaas, please make this post a perma post like the rotation schedule and guidelines.
Thank you.
09-18-2001, 11:44 AM
ML will be starting into N ToV 10/5, and likely be there all weekend to do the crawl.
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-18-2001, 01:32 PM
Gore was the 15th, and the last to drop Statue I believe was Vind sometime this weekend.
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-18-2001, 08:44 PM
Tal down 9/18
09-20-2001, 03:23 AM
VS died around 2:00 am Thursday to Hoss.
09-20-2001, 11:04 AM
Telkoranar or whatevah his name is dead 9/19. I'm new to IGB here just tryin to figure out how it works.. For those that don't know im in Vindi~
Just going to do a little drifting in here today to see where we are on rotations or how to get back into them or what have you.
09-20-2001, 01:22 PM
Mythic Legion plans to kill Sontalak tonight.
09-21-2001, 01:18 AM
Hoss is planning on hitting the Statue Friday night.
09-21-2001, 03:15 AM
Sont dead.
09-21-2001, 06:26 AM
ML is looking to kill Yelinak tonight, checking here first to make sure the guilds who might be interested are not interested.
Vind, you are up for Lendiniara, are you passing it, and/or fighting Yelinak tonight?
L`Malla, you guys are on CT tonight I believe, intend to try Yelinak too?
Hoss, you guys are taking out the Statue tonight and are up for the Dain, are you looking at Yelinak as well?
09-21-2001, 11:12 AM
We will be fighting Lendi tonight.. guild has not expressed interest in yelinak so we will not be looking at that as an option.
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-21-2001, 01:39 PM
To answer your question, yes on CT, no to anything else.
09-21-2001, 01:49 PM
Thanks Lorenia and Dlgoth.
We're going to go ahead and plan on Yelinak then, from what Hoss has posted for tonight (Statue, HoT Drakes) they are likely focused elsewhere.
09-21-2001, 02:22 PM
I was under the impression that Dain did not spawn with a server uppage? Is this not true? So I didn't think he would be up tonight.
We are not intending Yelinak tonight.
Still waiting to hear back from Thanatoz to make our plans more definitive. IE - Statue or Halls of Testing first.
Dlgoth Riknueth
09-21-2001, 02:32 PM
99% sure your right on Dain, Sirensa. If I recall they changed it about 3 or 4 patches ago.
09-21-2001, 02:41 PM
Ya, someone else pointed that out to me as well, which is why I didn;t mention him in my last post.
Thanks for the response Sirensa.
09-21-2001, 08:54 PM
Yelinak Down 9/21.
Done to here.
09-22-2001, 02:14 AM
Sont's up.
09-22-2001, 02:46 AM
Going to put in a request for Hoss for Sontalak right now... not 100% sure if we'll have the people for it tomorrow or not, if plans change, I will post by 3:00 tomorrow.
09-22-2001, 11:29 AM
Statue dead 9/21
09-23-2001, 04:16 AM
Sontalak still up.. tried to take him out with 30, but we were just a little too thin today. Thats what I get for trying him on a Saturday. :(
If he's still around after Tormax Sunday night we might mess with him again... no biggee if he isn't.
09-23-2001, 08:22 AM
ML was planning to give em a go around 2 pacific I believe, so I kinda doubt he'll be up after you kill Tormax.
Speaking of Tormax, should he be moved here, as well as Dozekar? Just noticing that both of them either lived days after patch without any fights, or the fights weren't mentioned on the rotation schedule page.
09-23-2001, 12:47 PM
Vindication wants a shot at sont next time hes up, also if nobody is looking at yelinak yet we'd like a shot at him when he spawns again.
09-23-2001, 04:35 PM
Does VP belong in this thread? I think L`Malla is ready to go in and we'd like to do it th weekend of the 28th.
09-23-2001, 04:41 PM
Sure, we can toss VP in here, consider it done.
09-23-2001, 07:48 PM
Sont down 9/23.
Done to here.
09-23-2001, 09:32 PM
Mythic is burned out on VP - I doubt you'll see us in there for awhile.
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