View Full Version : Applying LVL 1 MONK

06-30-2003, 08:20 PM
hey people i would like to apply to your guild ... i am a lvl one monk w/ no weapons but its ok becuase i do sick dmg... I killed like 30 hoss members of urs... like Lhite =D.. i do probably about 10 damage at max.. and like 100 or so hp. i know i know itz godly if you want advice i understand why. Well i heard this is the place to go if u want to become uber either this or Pactus but Hoss has 4 letters so it must be better.. I am a leezard too so dun mess w/ me.. im very useful with my tail... well ill cya guys on some raids.. mayb ill go beat more of ya in duels.. Ty .. post here if u want some uber advice!!

06-30-2003, 08:32 PM
neo-Lhite isn't in Hoss.

07-01-2003, 09:08 PM
rofl Id seizure all over your ass Brian.