View Full Version : Are you a Sex God !!! Kallaill Take this :|

07-01-2003, 10:37 AM

07-01-2003, 10:44 AM
Are You A Sex Goddess?

A brilliant bolt of lightning descends! SHAZAAM! The oracle has spoken!

The smoke clears to reveal that inside you is a divine being,

PERSEPHONE, Goddess of the Night,

a woman in touch with her deepest inner desires.

As the most sexual of all the female deities, you are very comfortable in the bedroom. Your skill at pleasing a man is unmatched, and you know exactly what you need for your own pleasure. As a woman of passion, you're very comfortable with expressing your desires to anyone. You are a proud and confident woman who exudes sensuality. You cherish the intimacy of physical attraction and know what it takes to win a man. As a woman deeply in touch with your sexuality, you definitely know how to thoroughly enjoy yourself! Your polished bedroom performance always keeps them coming back for more. When everything is going right, a light shines down from the heavens. Behold, the skies proclaim, here lies a goddess!

These quizes crack me up. :p

07-01-2003, 10:48 AM
Where do you live Vini? Where ever it is, Im taking a vacation there soon! :eek:

07-01-2003, 10:53 AM
Hark - the oracle speaks! A bolt of lightning falls from the sky! SHAZAAM! As the smoke clears, the hidden deity in you emerges and is revealed to be:

VULCAN, God of Fire.

In a world full of philanderers, you are a cherished god. Though you might not be incredibly suave, your irresistible good nature makes you every woman's sweetheart. While all the other guys are stuck in their adolescent ways, you've got a maturity that all women ultimately desire. You present the perfect package to the ladies, with your combination of ingenuity and charm. They call it "marriage material." But let's not forget your erotic side. Between the sheets, you are unmatched. Your passion is like a volcano waiting to erupt. In your hands, a woman is simply a pleasure machine and you are the mechanic. Be careful not to make her overheat when you begin to work your magic! One night with you, and they'll know why you're called a true sex god.

lol.. okay ;p.


07-01-2003, 10:55 AM
Good Heavens! For Outstanding Bedroom Performance, you have been nominated Zeus, the God of Thunder. Charming and popular, you're every woman's dream lover. To find out all the details of you new godliness, sign up with Emode.


Hark - the oracle speaks! A bolt of lightning falls from the sky! SHAZAAM! As the smoke clears, the hidden deity in you emerges and is revealed to be:

ZEUS, God of Thunder.

Like a ten-megaton bomb, you drop from the sky and into the arms of your lovers. Seduction is not just a simple game for you, it's a way of life. With your handsome looks and masculine charms, you wow the ladies until all resistance has worn away. As ruler of the gods, you like to remain in control of your relationships. From casual discussions to techniques in the bedroom, you like to call the shots. You may have many admirers, but you might tend to fall a little short on some virtues -- such as fidelity. Your mind wanders at the slightest provocation. You have been known to have several women on your mind (and in your bed) at once. But, hey, with such powerful feelings thundering inside, you need to spread your love around, right? What's certain is that once you get busy, your godly nature starts working overtime. As you perform your magic, that special someone will know exactly why they call you a true sex god.

They don't call me Kallsex for nothing!...

07-01-2003, 10:57 AM
Hark - the oracle speaks! A bolt of lightning falls from the sky! SHAZAAM! As the smoke clears, the hidden deity in you emerges and is revealed to be:

ZEUS, God of Thunder.

Like a ten-megaton bomb, you drop from the sky and into the arms of your lovers. Seduction is not just a simple game for you, it's a way of life. With your handsome looks and masculine charms, you wow the ladies until all resistance has worn away. As ruler of the gods, you like to remain in control of your relationships. From casual discussions to techniques in the bedroom, you like to call the shots. You may have many admirers, but you might tend to fall a little short on some virtues -- such as fidelity. Your mind wanders at the slightest provocation. You have been known to have several women on your mind (and in your bed) at once. But, hey, with such powerful feelings thundering inside, you need to spread your love around, right? What's certain is that once you get busy, your godly nature starts working overtime. As you perform your magic, that special someone will know exactly why they call you a true sex god.

Yup yup, its all true. Look out Kall, you've got competition now!

/em does the mouth noise of confidence.

07-01-2003, 11:34 AM
A brilliant bolt of lightning descends! SHAZAAM! The oracle has spoken!

The smoke clears to reveal that inside you is a divine being,

VENUS, the Goddess of Love and Beauty.

Let's just say that you are a deity with quite a fan club. Popular and pretty, you fill men with desire. Taking pride in your appearance, you have a very feminine way about you. Although you have perfected the art of innocent flirting, beneath that naive exterior lies a woman ready to hit the sheets and get busy. And once you're in the bedroom, your divine instincts take over. Smooth as silk in sexual situations, you know how to make your lovers melt. And you awe men with your sexual confidence and skilled performance. You are a diva of delight. Suddenly, like a light from the heavens, your partner discovers your true inner nature. Behold, the skies proclaim, here lies a goddess!

07-01-2003, 11:37 AM
rofl. and the same people that made this quiz made the iq quiz!! :D

07-01-2003, 11:57 AM
A brilliant bolt of lightning descends! SHAZAAM! The oracle has spoken!

The smoke clears to reveal that inside you is a divine being,

HESTIA, the Goddess of Family and Peace.

She's a deity who embraces all the aspects of womanhood. As a woman in her image, you exude femininity and sensuality.

You view men as the perfect counterpart to your womanly ways. But you probably don't appreciate casual encounters. Rather, you prefer purity and tradition. Because of these predilections, you tend to attract men who understand your nature and possess maturity and seriousness beyond their years. When you finally arrive at the bedroom and your divine qualities are released, you reveal such sensuality that the experience is unforgettable. In other words, with the right guy, you really know how to get wild in the sack. In fact, when the mood strikes, you can easily drive your man crazy. But out of respect for your inner nature, you require love and devotion from your partners. You are an attentive and giving lover who knows how to make your man feel sexy, appreciated, and fulfilled. When you show your stuff, it's like a light shines down from the heavens. Behold, the skies proclaim, here lies a goddess!

hmm ^ ^

07-01-2003, 12:16 PM
Hark - the oracle speaks! A bolt of lightening falls from the sky! SHAZAAM! As the smoke clears, the hidden deity in you emerges and is revealed to be:

DIONYSUS, God of Ecstacy.

You are one sex-loving deity! And you sure know how to turn any bedroom into an unforgettable party for two. You are sensual and fun-loving, and you will do just about anything to get some play. You have an insatiable desire for sexual pleasure. You have a young, playful spirit that makes the bedroom your personal playground. Because you are housing a god within you who used orgies as a method of worship, you have no limits to your exploration. Your experimentation and lack of inhibition make your sex life all the more interesting. Your open-mindedness and irrepressible energy allow your sexual energy to keep going and going and going. And when the day is through, you've left a trail of satisfied mortals in your wake.

07-01-2003, 12:18 PM
Well...the people that made the Sex God/dess test probably scored a 60 on the IQ test =\

Anyone that uses the word Shazaam is mentally...not right.

07-01-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Maegwin
Well...the people that made the Sex God/dess test probably scored a 60 on the IQ test =\

Anyone that uses the word Shazaam is mentally...not right.

haha :p

07-01-2003, 02:01 PM
A brilliant bolt of lightning descends! SHAZAAM! The oracle has spoken!

The smoke clears to reveal that inside you is a divine being,

the Goddess ATHENA.

You're a powerful woman who knows what she wants and just how to get it. Of all the deities, you come closest to the modern woman. Strong and sensual, you're someone who doesn't shy away from a challenge. In fact, it's precisely the challenge that excites you. You have no tolerance for traditional gender roles, so seduction is your specialty. You probably have no problem being the aggressor, nor do you mind being in control of a relationship. In bed, you might even take the lead and make sure that nothing's over until you are thoroughly satisfied. Your self-confidence and security have allowed you to use your sexuality exactly the way that pleases you. Your lovers undoubtedly sense your inner divinity and worship your ways. You demand and receive respect from whomever you decide to bed. And like a light from the heavens, your partner discovers your true inner nature. Behold, the skies proclaim, here lies a goddess!


07-01-2003, 05:37 PM
Hark - the oracle speaks! A bolt of lightning falls from the sky! SHAZAAM! As the smoke clears, the hidden deity in you emerges and is revealed to be:

EROS, God of Love.

As a devotee of this long-neglected virtue, you are a committed romantic. You prefer to savor the joys of seduction before you step into the bedroom. This quality makes you incredibly attractive to women, who seem to melt in your presence. They sense your strong character and respect your ideals. They dream of stealing you away and making dreamy love to you all day long. Not to say you wouldn't be happy to oblige, but you want to make sure that there's some emotional or intellectual compatibility between you and your partner to carry the relationship along. By the time you are ready to show them your godly performance, they're hooked. You take sex seriously and show your lucky woman a passion that has only existed in her wildest dreams. You are probably an emotionally expressive and sensitive person whose pleasure comes from pleasing others. Your chivalrous ways have probably earned you a following of fans and a trail of satisfied mortals in your wake.

Buazag Bonesteel
07-01-2003, 07:07 PM
Shazam and shit....I'm Eros....like every woman's dream lover :D

07-02-2003, 12:24 AM

Good Heavens! For Outstanding Bedroom Performance, you have been nominated Ares, the God of War. Master of power and strength, you're every woman's dream lover. To find out all the details of your new godliness, sign up with Emode.

07-02-2003, 12:54 AM
Heavens above -- you are an absolute goddess in bed! Your feminine charms and deep sensuality drive men crazy with desire. Hestia, the goddess of family and peace, is your inner deity and she guides your every move. To learn more about your divine bedroom talents, sign up with Emode.


Buazag Bonesteel
07-02-2003, 06:13 AM

Maelikki's a MAN :eek:

07-02-2003, 06:58 AM
areeeeeew my true nature have been discovered :/
beware mortals because this discovery will cause your dismise !

and humm ya welcome to 3 years ago buazag ;)

07-02-2003, 06:59 AM
I like these little tests and all, but this one is by far the most self-inflating egocentric one I've ever seen. :) It's like the people who wrote it are too afraid to tell a person when they're a dud in bed. My result was Venus, and then I took it again and answered every question as lamely as possible, just to see what I'd get. On that one I got:

Heavens above -- you are an absolute goddess in bed! Your natural sensuality, and a strong moral resolve drive men crazy with desire. Diana, the goddess of chastity and virginity, is your inner deity, and she guides your every move.

Goddess of chastity and virginity is an absolute goddess in bed? LOL.

Buazag Bonesteel
07-02-2003, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by Maelikki
and humm ya welcome to 3 years ago buazag ;)

Yeah :confused: Partly I was kidding....and partly well....some stuff just slips by me hehe. I guess the gender of my EQ guildmates has never been something I am terribly concerned with. Hell you could all be trained monkeys for all it really matters to me as long as we have fun ingame :D

Except of course for Tari....when I found out he was a man I was really crushed. I had such beautiful dreams for us :p

07-02-2003, 08:17 AM
an army of trained monkeys designed to play EQ wouldnt surprise me either !

07-02-2003, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Maegwin
Well...the people that made the Sex God/dess test probably scored a 60 on the IQ test =\

Anyone that uses the word Shazaam is mentally...not right.

HEY HEY HEY...do NOT go making fun of Shazzam

07-02-2003, 01:46 PM
Good Heavens! For Outstanding Bedroom Performance, you have been nominated Eros, the God of Love. Master of romance, you're every woman's dream lover. To find out all the details of your new godliness, sign up with Emode.

If you like online quiz/tests, try here


They have some of the most fun ones I've seen.

Andriana Duskrose
07-02-2003, 11:16 PM
Wow, that's a lot of tests in that link Myztlee. Going to need a whole stack of new topics to cover them all!

Buazag Bonesteel
07-03-2003, 07:35 AM
139 on the IQ test in Myztlee's link....overall I think it's a bit better than that other IQ test. Still not long enough to be truly indicitave of anything.......but more interesting questions IMO.....plus it's sort of timed although I didn't see any penalty for taking longer.

Took a few of the other tests too but most of them seemed kind of lame :rolleyes:

07-03-2003, 10:38 PM
The original IQ test was great. It asked you a bunch of fairly simple questions...FOREVER. page after page of questions. Down at the bottom was a button to 'click here if you want to quit the test'. Eventually, you'd get tired of the questions and click the button, and it'd judge your IQ on how long it took you to have given up on the questions and clicked the button.

Congratulations, it took you 12 pages before you quit our stupid test, you're 33% smarter than most people, or something like that. I laughed.

The new one has some pretty tough questions, that's for sure.