View Full Version : Wuwu...happy 4th

Buazag Bonesteel
07-04-2003, 06:40 AM
Hiya Hoss and friends. Happy holiday. Time to unplug for a bit and go enjoy some sun, food, drinks, and fireworks.

Looking promising here for being a gorgeous day for my cookout and fireworks show tonight. Hope you all have as much fun as I'm planning to have :)

07-04-2003, 07:02 AM
Wow totally forgot it was national day in the US :/

All have fun and beer !

07-04-2003, 07:32 AM
Gonna be 30+ degrees ALL weekend up here in southern Ontario!! Beach, here I come!

Buazag Bonesteel
07-04-2003, 07:48 AM
Rawr....wood elf in a bikini :D

07-04-2003, 08:49 AM
300bucks worth of chicken, beef, hotdogs and drinks. Sunny and warm at the beach. Todays gonna be a good day.

Andriana Duskrose
07-04-2003, 02:37 PM
Have fun celebrating, my capitalist american pig friends. I hope your national celebration day of world imperialism is going well.

07-04-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Andriana Duskrose
Have fun celebrating, my capitalist american pig friends. I hope your national celebration day of world imperialism is going well.


07-04-2003, 05:46 PM

07-06-2003, 04:11 AM
Wow seems like this board is becoming more like Dro ro boards, with this influx of Anti-American posts. Its sad, Buazag posted a Happy posted and Andriana had to ruin it :(

07-06-2003, 05:23 AM
Respect! Any execuse for a party has too be good :) Have a good one guys¬

Buazag Bonesteel
07-06-2003, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by Andriana Duskrose
Have fun celebrating, my capitalist american pig friends. I hope your national celebration day of world imperialism is going well.

<3 Andri

Our day of celebration doing fairly well.....our world imperialism....not so good ;)

Andriana Duskrose
07-06-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Eadan
Wow seems like this board is becoming more like Dro ro boards, with this influx of Anti-American posts. Its sad, Buazag posted a Happy posted and Andriana had to ruin it :(

*Cough* *Wink* ;) :D :eek:

07-06-2003, 10:06 PM
Eadan is Serious Sam. :cool:

07-09-2003, 10:03 AM
haha I'm pretty sure the Bimbo er Bunny Queen was joking... mostly...

Besides, who takes Andri seriously?!?

Buazag Bonesteel
07-09-2003, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Dharrk
Eadan is Serious Sam. :cool:

Serious Sam is a fun game :D
