View Full Version : And more excitement.........

07-05-2003, 08:49 AM
Just wanted to post a quick note of thanks to the crew that showed up in SSRA and let a few of us come along for the adventures of keeeeeling Sssnakes.

Had fun sorry I had to bail so early. Getting up at 4am gets to me :-/

Geranon as always you are fun to be around. :) /wink

65th Archon of Tunare
Evening Reign

07-05-2003, 11:55 AM
damn lynn... I joined late (just for AL), so guess I missed ya. woulda been nice to hang together even if only for a short while...

07-07-2003, 08:17 AM
Well Shoot That would have been nice..:-/ I had to go after the HP thing I was falling asleep at the computer ..I had a bad dream at about 4am and decided to get up and tradeskill. I sure wish someone would smack me for that LOL. So I was really Tired otherwise I woulda stuck around. It sounded as tho more ER joined in on the fun. Maybe we will be able to group soon :)