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08-30-2001, 03:17 PM
Trak - Hoss (9/11), CN (9/15), L`Malla (9/1), GAP (Joined 9/2), ML (T - 9/5), IG (9/10)

CT - Hoss (8/29), L`Malla (9/7), Vind (P1 - 9/12), ML (9/13)

Zland - Hoss (9/12), L`Malla (9/19), Vind (F - 9/7), ML (9/8)

Dain - ML (9/17), Hoss (P1 - 9/14), Vind (P1 - 9/14), L`Malla (F - 9/16)

Ragefire - ML (8/27), GAP (Joined 9/2), Hoss(T - 9/6 ), Seekers (T - 9/2), VE (9/9), CN (9/12), VH (T - L`Malla), L`Malla (T - VH 9/14), Vind (), IG (), TR (joined 8/25)

Sev - IG (8/8), L`Malla(8/22), CN (T - Vind 9/13), GAP (Joined 9/2), Vindi (T - CN 9/13), Hoss, VE, VH

Tormax - Vindi (F - ?), Hoss(F - 9/16)

Dozekar - Hoss (9/17), IG (F - 9/12)

Lend - Vindi (P2 - 9/12), Hoss (9/13), ML (9/8)

ST Warders - ML (9/12), Hoss

Klandicar - Hoss (), ML (9/16)

You know the drill - follow with confirmed dates when mob is down
also double check to be sure you are in the rotations you want to be in

I know it is a pain sometimes - but please post a quick note when a mob is taken down by your guild so we can keep the rotation updated

There are now some (P) up there on various mobs, based on the fact they lived through the days those guilds were due for them. I'll be putting the dates with them and the F's as well.

[Brackets] are temporary removals from rotations.

Based on the guidelines, removing Vind from the Dozekar, Sontalak, and Yelinak rotations due to 3 passes in a row.

Based on the guidelines, removing ML from the Statue rotation due to 3 passes in a row.

Per Dlgoth request, removind L`Malla from Kland and Lend rotations.

Removing Sontalak from rotations, based on frequent passing by most guilds involved with him.

ST added to rotations.

Removing Statue and Yelinak from rotations, based on frequent passing by most guilds involved with them.

Removed Seekers from all rotations other than Ragefire, per Indecisive's request in another thread.

Current Rotations:
Trak = L`Malla
CT = Hoss
Zlan = Vind
Dain = Hoss
Ragefire = VH
Sev = Hoss
Tormax = Vind
Doze = IG
Lend = ML
ST = Hoss
Klan = Hoss

09-16-2001, 11:10 PM
I gave a tell to Drakky yesterday before we did Klandicar.

He said hold on, let me ask the guild.

I waited about 2 minutes... then..

He said nope, we won't be doing Klandicar.

So, yeah, Andaas, Hoss was informed, asked, notified.


09-17-2001, 03:21 AM
Very well. That is what I was asking for really -- something a bit more substantive than Quintall telling me that "a Hoss person" was in WW on Saturday, so we should have known that Klandicar was up.

I wasn't online, nor any other officers, and my update to our raid schedule got missed by some people, so Drakky and others online didn't know. Rohaise mentioned that someone in Hoss was spoken to, but had no idea who, and nobody online tonight knew anything about it, heh.

09-17-2001, 05:15 AM
Just giving you the info I had Andaas. As I mentioned, I didn't log on yesterday, so was unaware of events in the game beyond seeing Klan up Saturday and Shinare in WW.

Seeing as how we've been told that Hoss members know when they are up for a mob, I just followed the logic that you would know he'd been up.

09-17-2001, 10:03 AM
Ragefire should be up today for VH. Will Vind be passing on there Ragefire?


Dlgoth Riknueth
09-17-2001, 01:46 PM
/em taps on Ciner's foot

I think he's talking to you!

(Simpson's humor for those that think i'm nuts)

09-18-2001, 02:33 AM
Trak up 2am PST

09-18-2001, 03:42 AM
Dozekar died to the hands of Hoss on 9/17... we didn't find the named drakes with him, heh.

Dlgoth Riknueth
09-18-2001, 04:33 AM
Thank's Blam, figured he'd be late spawning so we're going to be dropping him this evening.

09-18-2001, 05:21 AM
ML offed Dain last night.

Thanatoz, is IG still attempting Dozekar? Let me know please, I haven't heard anything about attempts on him by you since you failed on 9/7. If you aren't, I'll move him to the non-rotation thread.

09-18-2001, 08:48 AM
Yes we still try him. IG failed on him wed 12th. I musta spaced posting it. To my knowledge Hoss killed him on the 9th or 10th before the patch on the 11th. Then we didnt try till wed because of the WTC. Still had shitty turnout, but thats expected. Tried him with 24 ppl and failed.

09-18-2001, 08:57 AM
Thanks Than.

09-18-2001, 11:40 AM
Any word on Sev? 5 days since last posted kill. Or is he not a 3 day spawn?

09-18-2001, 01:46 PM
He is random to an extent - and we have not seen him.

09-18-2001, 04:58 PM
5 PM Pacific time.

ST Warders have repopped, good luck Hoss.

09-18-2001, 07:13 PM
We'll be in ST tomorrow for the warders, had other plans for tonight.

09-18-2001, 07:28 PM
Didn't Hoss already use their extension this month?

Dlgoth Riknueth
09-18-2001, 07:42 PM
Trak dead (9/18)

09-18-2001, 09:50 PM
Spawn notification: Zlandicar up, 9:45pm PST 9/18

09-18-2001, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
Didn't Hoss already use their extension this month?

Are you serious about this?

ML requested to do North ToV nameds on October 5th... that fact means that the zone will require NOBODY to set foot in it for up to a week before that (September 28th), in order for ML to get a shot at the spawns.

Hoss waits 24 hours to go to ST, and you bitch about extensions? WTF.

Especially considering that with ST ONLY keyed people can go, I think the allowance of 24 hours to even notify the few people that can even go on an ST raid is kind of important.

09-18-2001, 11:49 PM
Spare the righteous indignation.

ToV North has exactly nothing to do with this discussion.

ML is not bitching about anything.

We are exactly adhering to the rotation guidelines, and we expect you to do the same.

You have 24 hours to kill the rotation mob.

Not killing the ST mobs tonight is the definition of a "pass".

There is no mystery about that. It's what we've done all along.

If it's not convenient to you, that's tough.

Using the rotation guidelines to your guild's advantage is something ML is very acquainted with.

We plan to follow the rotation guidelines to the letter, as we always have, even as your guild was repeatedly passing on mobs that you seemingly had no intention of ever killing, pushing Mythic ever behind as the absurd "rotation" of ST key dragons wore on.

If you're claiming your one month extension, fine, we'll note it as such and 31 days from now, you can claim another one.

In any other condition, you can expect to see Mythic Legion killing mobs on rotation exactly per the guidelines, on a pass.


09-19-2001, 12:07 AM
Sleeper's Tomb warders are now on the rotation list.

Because there are 2 guilds that are competing for kills there, we need to adhere to the Rotation Guidelines which have been put in place.

That means the current guild up (Hoss) is allowed 24 hours to take their turn. If the warders are still up at 5pm PST on Wednesday it becomes Mythic Legion's turn.

If Hoss chooses to kill a non-rotated mob (Tormax) over a rotation mob, that is a decision that affects other guilds on the IGB; Hoss must adhere by these rules if you wish to engage a rotated mob.

There were 11 Hoss on the /who all list when the original spawn notification post was made and a Hoss member (Karendra) notified (no Officers online). Your Tormax raid had not even begun to gather, so there was ample time to adjust your plans if you still wished to maintain your rotation order.

The fact that the zone is keyed has no impact on the IGB schedule. Being on the rotation means you are capable of killing, or attempting, the mob(s) within 24 hours of when they spawn. If you are unable to kill or even mount an attempt on these mobs you should not have asked to be on the rotation.

24 hours is a more than fair amount of time.

09-19-2001, 12:51 AM
This stupid fighting between us started simply because ML had inadvertantly interfered with Hoss plans for Sleeper's due to OUR not thinking that we had to post our intentions to go into that zone. ML had been getting ST keys, and had been going to ST for a few weeks -- good for you guys, I'm really happy that you all have been doing it -- the problem is, your doing so and not even saying word one to other guilds that were capable, meant that we had no idea we needed to schedule around you.

As you know, I clearly stated that Hoss prefer's to do ST on Saturdays. It is not a problem for us to do ST during the week, however, given that our members with keys are used to going on Saturdays, it *does* require a bit more than an hours notice to get everyone with a key to log on for the raid.

Several members of Hoss have cut back their play time during the week to accomodate for school now that the summer has come to an end, and it does require that our members have advance knowledge of things on occasion -- especially when we have to get specifically 24 or so members who *have* ST keys.

Now, considering that it was Quintall that added ST to the rotation, and not Hoss (since Quintall edits that thread), why was ST added to the "Rotation" schedule, and NToV added to the "Unrotated" schedule?

I see no difference between the two, as Hoss has NO intention of going to ST every opportunity given to us (we simply don't need to). However, we *do* intend to go there every 3 or 4 weeks as we get enough people that need primal.

So, considering that there really isn't a rotation on ST, just a formal request from Hoss that we get to take out the warders this week, I think this discussion is a waste of everyone's time.

Hoss will be in ST tomorrow, with our without ML. If you intend to go into the zone, it will just incur a silly race to the warders as has been seen before in other zones. I don't want to see that, as I'm sure you don't.

09-19-2001, 02:20 AM
>it *does* require a bit more than an hours notice to get everyone with a key to log on for the raid.

/who Hoss in Kael for your Tormax raid showed 45 people with the Hoss guildtag. You were able to gather that many (up from 11) within 3 hours to stage that raid, all the while knowing that Warders were up. In that context, your statement above carries little validity.

You simply put your own priorities ahead of the current IGB rotations. There's nothing wrong with that, and you're free to do whatever you want with your time; however that means you have to abide by the IGB agreements with regards to the rotation that was missed.

>Now, considering that it was Quintall that added ST to the rotation, and not Hoss (since Quintall edits that thread), why was ST added to the "Rotation" schedule, and NToV added to the "Unrotated" schedule?

ST was added to the rotation schedule because Hoss asked it to be added.

>So, considering that there really isn't a rotation on ST

What are you talking about? HOSS specifically asked for a rotation in this (http://hossguild.com/forums/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=930) thread, where Sirensa wrote: "Ok - forcing a rotation onto these then since this isn't the first time we have wanted to head there to find them all dead already. "

>Hoss will be in ST tomorrow, with our without ML. [sic]

Hoss has until 5pm PST, 9/19 to take their turn in ST. After that time they are taking the risk of breaking their IGB agreement, and incuring whatever penalties such a breach of contract entails.

09-19-2001, 02:52 AM
As I said before, Hoss will be in ST tomorrow.

Anyway, Hoss made plans to do ST on Wednesday, due to ML's clearing of the warders last Wednesday. I will not plan a raid where I have no way of verifying that a spawn is up on the 6th day after a typical weeklong spawn has been killed.

I'm really not sure how you all check that the spawns are up, since I don't believe the warders can be tracked from the zone entrance. Perhaps you have a character permanently camped in the lair, maybe you use ShowEQ or something, unfortunately, we don't have ST keys to spare on twinks and alts, and give them to our primary characters, and have no way to check (unlike Zlandicar, where I have a level 2 camped in the lair).

I do agree that Hoss did have near 45 people online at our peak tonight, which is seemingly a strong enough force to enter ST -- if half of those online had keys. Here is a snapshot of our raid attendance at just after 7:00 pm pacific (about the latest possible time for us to feasibly start an ST raid):

Taken at: [Tue Sep 18 19:09:16 2001]
Players on EverQuest:
[60 Phantasmist] Mintin (Gnome) <Hoss>
*[60 Warlord] Drakky (Barbarian) <Hoss>
*[60 Grandmaster] Isomas (Human) <Hoss>
[60 Sorcerer] Montaro (Erudite) <Hoss>
[60 Grave Lord] Dharrk (Ogre) <Hoss>
*[60 Warlord] Elkay (Human) <Hoss>
[59 Conjurer] Frostboo (Human) <Hoss>
*[60 High Priest] Sirensa (Dark Elf) <Hoss>
[57 Revenant] Minro (Ogre) <Hoss>
[ANONYMOUS] Semele <Hoss>
[60 Warder] Tilea (Wood Elf) <Hoss>
[60 Sorcerer] Torrid (Erudite) <Hoss>
[56 Troubadour] Absinthe (Wood Elf) <Hoss>
*[ANONYMOUS] Kenthia <Hoss>
[58 Troubadour] Mirawind (Dark Elf) <Hoss>
[60 High Priest] Beja (High Elf) <Hoss>
[60 High Priest] Amberel (High Elf) <Hoss>
[60 Warlord] Opiie (Troll) <Hoss>
[60 Grandmaster] Rika (Human) <Hoss>
*[60 Oracle] Vegar (Barbarian) <Hoss>
[60 Warlord] Xuen (Half Elf) <Hoss>
*[60 Oracle] Karendra (Unknown) <Hoss>
[59 Templar] Poppabup (Erudite) <Hoss>
[60 Grave Lord] Shindar (Human) <Hoss>
[ANONYMOUS] Klerik <Hoss>
*[60 High Priest] Rhedd (Dwarf) <Hoss>
*[60 Warlord] Famor (Barbarian) <Hoss>
[55 Templar] Kupo (High Elf) <Hoss>
*[60 Warlord] Torrin (Barbarian) <Hoss>
[60 Virtuoso] Bolien (Half Elf) <Hoss>
*AFK [60 Phantasmist] Phantasym (Dark Elf) <Hoss>
[ANONYMOUS] Geranon <Hoss>
*[60 Grandmaster] Zyklan (Iksar) <Hoss>
*[60 Sorcerer] Nuuk (High Elf) <Hoss>
[59 Templar] Eomer (Human) <Hoss>
[60 Sorcerer] Amuel (Dark Elf) <Hoss>
[ANONYMOUS] Andaas <Hoss>
There are 41 players in Kael Drakkal.

I have placed astirisks next to the people online that have ST keys, which totals 14 at this time. I agree that yes, we could have probably done the first 2 warders with these people, now that I look at the list, however, the people that aren't shown on this list are the core of the reason we planned on going to ST in the first place (ie, the people in the guild that are lacking primal weapons).

Now, since Hoss based our plans on the warders spawning 7 days after being killed - we made plans to do Tormax tonight, and several of our ST key enabled members, who are well aware that we are planning on doing ST on Wednesday, didn't log on tonight (mostly because of RL commitments, ie, school/work, etc).

I also received tells from a few of those members late tonight before I camped, confirming with me that Hoss would be in ST, as they were going to make special arrangements to be there for tomorrow (again, since ST up until this raid, has been a Saturday event for Hoss).

You are right that Siren requested ST to be added to the rotation, and I missed that - however, I am now pointing out that if you look at how every guild on the server will be using this zone (ie, as a primal weapon supply house), that each guild will reach a point where ST will not become their top priority (as it has for Hoss). Thus, the need for it to be on a full rotation is not there, until there are 2 guilds that are truly fighting over *every* spawn of the warders.

Unless ML is trying to control the primal supply on Druzzil, the entirety of this argument has just wasted the time of everyone involved.

09-19-2001, 03:14 AM
Oh, and as for the relevance to North ToV to this discussion:

ML is making plans to do NToV starting on a weekend day (ie, you would prefer to do that zone during a Friday - Sunday period - possibly because it is easier for you to get people to commit to play for longer hours over that time).

Hoss plans our NToV raids during the week (more like a Sunday - whenever thing - this is our primary raid time).

ML does ST during the week (its a 1 night thing, and you probably have lower general attendance during the week, so you put less people out).

Hoss does ST on Saturday or Sunday (its a 1 night thing, and we have lower general attendance on weekends, so we put less people out).

As you can see, there are a lot of similarities here. Since one guild preferring to do a raid in a particular time frame, may hinder another guild's timing to do a similar raid in the same place several days later when it is convenient for them.

Will this cause difficulties for both guilds in the future? Yes. Since we both seem to have different scheduling needs for North ToV and Sleeper's. We are going to need to work something out I would say as the time comes.

Hoss has no issues with ML planning to do North ToV starting October 5th. Your requesting the dates is where Hoss failed in the beginning with our desire to do Sleeper's again (of course, we didn't really know anyone else was in there at the time - so seemed like no reason to make a request).

Of course, when Hoss posted our request, it was denied, but I can deal with that due to the short notice of our request. However, would our request had been treated differently given 48 hours notice? I'm not sure that it would have.

Dlgoth Riknueth
09-19-2001, 05:25 AM
Thanks Roh, been thinking someone might have knocked him off all stealth-like ;) Keep checking on him and he's never there.

09-19-2001, 08:26 AM
Since the question of when Hoss used its last extension is in question, we consider that Hoss is using its extension tonight, and Mythic Legion will not be in ST killing the Warders.

From now on, extension use will be noted in the rotation thread.

We plan to continue to follow the rules of the IGB. I've said this several times in the last couple of weeks. I noted specifically in an earlier thread that we would not be "lax" about this, as Andaas proposed.

Nothing has changed.

Hoss's prior plans on a night the Warders are confirmed up will not be considered by Mythic Legion with regard to a "pass" situation.

As to the question of whether ML uses any type of exploitative program to determine whether the Warders are up, the answer is "no".

ML doesn't use exploits to do anything in the game, as other guilds are well-known, and publicized to do.


09-19-2001, 08:30 AM
Oh, one more thing.

Andaas's comment that:

>Hoss will be in ST tomorrow, with our without ML [sic]

implies a breach of rotation rules.

This is moot since Hoss is using an extension.

However, for future reference, if this comes up Mythic will consider that rotation mob to be FFA.


09-19-2001, 09:32 AM
Not sure really what the point of this is except I think you are all acting like fucking children and should be embarrassed about your pathetic whinings.

Sooo lets get these hidden problems out in the open?

ML seems to have a burr up their collective ass about "adhering to the rotation guidelines". Clearly this burr has been stewing for awhile, so let's get to the real issue - wtf is your problem here? The blatant bitterness and resentment is old. Going to hold a grudge forever? Grow the fuck up.

Do you people realize your fighting is just fucking silly? Do you not realize that not a single night goes by where chances are more likely that not that you will have to pass on something to kill something else? Do you not see that there is plenty to kill around here?

Obviously none of us signed our names in blood when creating the IGB - obviously it has grown and changed over the months. Our server has changed and grown over the months as well. Yet we are unable to adapt to changes because people are unwilling to being anything other than assholes.

Are ML and Hoss both so hateful of each other that we would spite our own guild just to piss the other off? Unfortunately, seems so. Do we want to go through this crap every fucking week? Seems so...

I've had just about enough of you calling all of Hoss exploiters and cheats for something that happened with a small group of people months ago. I am sure you've had more than enough of us laughing at you for being Zerglings. I know it is probably difficult to stop the collective mindset of the members of each of our guilds - but it only makes things worse when officers cannot set a mature and respectable example. Why don't we all STFU and just drop the shit from the past?

Remember, way back about a year ago when we actually got along? Or is being bitter and resentful actually fun?

We really should TRY at least to be flexible and TRY at least to communicate on a decent level with each other. And if you are unwilling - then I really feel sorry for you.

09-19-2001, 09:54 AM
I'm not swayed by any of that, Sirensa.

If you want to communicate on a reasonable, mature level, write a reasonable, mature post.


09-19-2001, 10:49 AM
So unwilling to be mature, eh?

That's too bad. And really sad.

09-19-2001, 11:36 AM
Sirensa -

Your post is immature and full of childish profanity.

Our aim here is not to be your friends, but to conduct business, briskly.

Andaas once said, on your main board, "I don't know where people get the idea we're nice guys. We go after what we want, and we take it." [sic]

This has been the experience of ML, with regard to your guild, time and time again.

Yes, I remember when we once got along. This was before Hoss's attitude re the above quote by Andaas was proven time, and time again.

Hoss has repeatedly used the IGB rules to their advantage, the most recent example being the ridiculous Sontalak rotation.

We didn't scream. We didn't post WTF. We moved along.

Hoss was well aware of what they were doing, and nothing will make Mythic believe that this was not a deliberate "tactic."

Let's not pretend we don't know what I'm talking about here. I am not going to recite an entire litany of issues, only the most recent of which was this nonsense rotation.

Your actions and attitude toward Mythic Legion represent an unchanging pattern of behavior, regardless of our attempts several times at diplomacy, and friendship between the guilds.

It's enough to say that Mythic Legion does not trust Hoss.

Now it seems it is to your advantage to say it's time for compromise, and let's be flexible.

Too late.

Your personal flames mean nothing to me, Sirensa, and your above post suddenly requesting cooperation while at the same time telling us to "grow the fuck up" speaks volumes.

As for what "you're personally tired of," I assure you Mythic does not care about that in the slightest.

Don't expect any concessions from Mythic.

I don't see amicable relations or a thawing of relations any time in the near future, unless an intelligent, mature, considered, honest attempt is made by someone with those qualities, in Hoss.

If such a person exists, I'm willing to talk to him any time, in game, or can be reached through email at chronogr@ix.netcom.com.


edit: clarification

09-19-2001, 12:32 PM

I know it's inevitable that there will at times be disputes and/or disagreements here. Most of the time everyone seems to deal with eachother with a fair amount of respect in this forum. When someone makes me angry involving EQ matters, I always try to remember that it's a human being behind the character they play, and also to never forget that this is a game :confused:

*passes out special brownies to everyone and hides the recipe*
*waits for the laughter and munchies to ensue....*

09-19-2001, 01:11 PM


Advil anyone? Some of you clearly need it more than others.

mmm brownies ;P

09-19-2001, 01:25 PM
On to important news......

Whats the status of Ragefire? anyone...

And Dlgoth FU! I come to help you and you act that way to me? Man your a prick. Die you bastard!

Dlgoth Riknueth
09-19-2001, 01:31 PM
Bah Than, just when I think we're friends you bitch at me. So immature. Why don't we settle this over a nice game of Magic: The Gathering(tm)!

Kattoo Tacit
09-19-2001, 02:05 PM
Do flames like this erupt often here? Biggest Ive seen so far. Kinda reminds me of when I was level 12, I had an arguement over what group had rights to derv 2. CN VH and TR made a compromise in chardok the other day that impressed me a lot. Holding old grudges and flameing each other isn't going to accomplish anythig guys. I really do hope you can set aside your differences and work out a solution that will be lasting.

I am betting most everyone is reading this thread often today, so I would like to ask for the third time to have access to this forum granted to Erurat. He is the TR Guild Leader and I would like someone other than myself to have access. If you would like for me to explain what our plans are and why I feel we need to have a second person with access then you can email me and I will respond promptly. If I am not mistaken Andaas is the person I need to have take care of this. Let me know what the hold up is if you can find the time.

Kattoo Tacit 56 Knight
Raid Leader & Officer
Twilight Requiem

09-19-2001, 02:23 PM
Erurat now has access Kattoo.

Baramos posted:
Hoss has repeatedly used the IGB rules to their advantage, the most recent example being the ridiculous Sontalak rotation.

We didn't scream. We didn't post WTF. We moved along.

Please ellaborate how Hoss used the IGB rules to our advantage on the Sontalak rotation? If I recall, ML had killed Sontalak 2 or 3 times, and Hoss raised question over it, and ML took yet another turn after that before Hoss was given a shot. How did Hoss use any rules to our advantage? What did we gain?

I think Hoss has only attempted Sontalak on 1 evening since our last "discussion" about Sontalak, so I really have no idea what you are talking about.

As for all the arguing that has been going on, can we just try to settle things here as I tried to do last night. I apologize about any impliciation I made that ML uses any form of programs to cheat - however, I was curious how members of your guild were able to confirm that the warders were up, and will just assume that you have a character camped in the sleeper area.

I proposed in an earlier post that the warders be removed from the rotation. This was proposed based on the needs of Hoss, ie, we don't need to do the warders on every opportunity.

Doint so *should* be viewed as a positive thing for ALL PARTIES involved. This *should* allow us to get past this arguing, as it is all meaningless since there will be no rotation, just a bit of respect when the other guild wishes a run at them.

Please respond regarding this proposal (of removing ST from the rotation).

09-19-2001, 05:51 PM
I'm not going to elaborate any further on Sontalak. I think I made ML's view very clear there, and any further discussion of this, and other events leading to the very strained relationship between Mythic Legion and Hoss is a waste of my time.

Mythic Legion is perfectly happy with the rotation that Hoss requested, and will continue to follow, precisely the rules that we've established here, and continue to treat ST mobs as rotation mobs. If Hoss wants to pass them on their appointed day because they don't need to go, that's fine, just let us know.

I'm also happy that Hoss apologizes for unnecessarily starting little fires on this board, but in light of yesterday's claim that they'd ignore the rotation rules and race us to the ST spawn, I take this apology and peace offering with a grain of salt. Forgive my cynicism that yesterday you flout the rules and threaten, and today you offer an olive branch.

I'm also all for "Peace" on this server as discussed in my first post on this board at http://hossguild.com/forums/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=598.

Specifically I refer to this:

I propose we begin to open a dialog between guild leaders (the folks on this board) in-game, to prevent the insanity that we've seen the last week. I am always available for such dialog, and as I said above, I'm willing to work to foster good relations between us dynamically, online, by reacting to issues.

Last, and believe it or not, I propose that we incrementally move forward to a time when we can work amicably on the server, rather than in "trust but verify" detente mode.

If Hoss truly wants to work in this fashion, actions will speak for themselves, and maybe the two guilds will be able to begin to repair the rift between them.

I'm done with any further public discussion on this subject.

My email is open at chronogr@ix.netcom.com if any Hoss officer wants to continue to discuss this in private. I'm also available online.


Dlgoth Riknueth
09-19-2001, 06:01 PM
Sorry to disrupt the nice flow of flames, but just wanted to pop in to say Zland was dead (9/19)