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09-18-2001, 01:03 PM
DAoC Oct. 9?
which realm
which server

DETAILS people

oh, and dsl friday = irc friday :o

09-19-2001, 08:02 AM
ok, so after scoping info all day yesterday...
scout sounds pretty neato

any of you beta dudes have class info?

09-19-2001, 08:16 PM

L--Try this one hon :)

09-20-2001, 07:32 AM
already bookmarked :o!

are people planning on switching to camelot?

and if so, what be you playing!

09-20-2001, 12:59 PM
I got accepted yesterday - Started up a Saracen<sp> Rogue-to-be-Minstrel, Alita. I'm still trying to get a feel for a class before I make my final decision, however. We're playing in the Albion realm. Just do a /who Hoss and you'll see who all's on (Doesnt mean you'll know who's who necessarily :rolleyes: )

Update - I've grown attached to my Briton Elementalist, Elizabeth, now. I'm not sure whether she'll become a theurgist or a wizard, however.

09-20-2001, 02:50 PM
like i said, i think i'm leaning heavily towards scout (longbow sounds awsome in RvR, sniper and all, plus *maybe* backstab, good defense (with shield, can do some of those cool skills), and also stealth/scouting stuff)

my dsl gets turned on tommorow (finally), and i signed up for the beta a while ago so hopefully get in pretty soon.

imma hit some of you fools up this weekend though and see who wants to share their account temporarily :o i realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly want to try out the game before release... plus mythic said it was ok to share, just not sell, wewp


Lronius de la Mancha
09-20-2001, 11:01 PM
Scouts are very good rvr. They are, however, very item dependant. Lot of beta scouts (as well as other archers from other realms save midgard casting archers) complain about this. However recently our highest level Scout (38) got a bow from a high level monster in game recently. He then proceeded to McOwn everyone in RvR fighting. Scouts are definately good for rvr. However, the downside is they're kinda ok for soloing, especially at 20+. On average you can get 4-6 shots off before a mob gets to you. After that it's melee time. Starting from a rogue, you only get half melee weapon skills. So your melee frankly sucks a fat dick.

Class is fun however. I have a level 18 scout that I love to dick around with and take out for a spin.

Albeit lately I've been playing an Earth Spec wizard for fun. Those things are billy badasses for group warfare.

Lronius de la Mancha
09-20-2001, 11:02 PM
oh yeah, gimme a ring if you still have my number.

09-21-2001, 06:09 AM
i got in yesterday beta4 :D

rogue class and gonna choose infiltrator looks like fun and a challenge

09-21-2001, 07:02 AM
lrod, pm me your number and i'll give you a call later (like, 3-4 our time)... or better yet just get your ass on irc since dsl gets turned on today... woo

i was reading that scouts *may* get backstab (originally mythic designed it this way, may have changed though) which could help with our shitty melee.

though i am kinda wary of scouts being shitty at melee, from what i've read, RvR is the heart and soul of this game, so may as well be good at what i'll be doing alot of

from what i've read, i'm a bit put off by casters in general for some reason, and the melee stuff doesnt really appeal to me (though friar and paladins kinda do)... hopefully i'll be able to play some this weekend *hint hint* and get a feel for some of the classes

Lronius de la Mancha
09-21-2001, 04:03 PM
hint hint is received and well taken

Woooooooooootooooooooooooooooooo FRIDAY~#@@#!

09-21-2001, 09:32 PM
Scouts are a ton of fun, Soloing is good if you have a decent bow and arrows (which is harder to come by than Lrod knows when your not twinked ! bastard!), but it is doable. Can't solo yellows usually like some classes (hell oranges for some, especially my sorcerer heh), but blues usually fall quick. Basically it's all or nothing heh, stuff is near dead before it gets to ya.

I don't know about scout in RvR, only done RvR with my cleric, and he's pure rejuv spec, more of a grouping char, but it was a ton of fun (should've seen how long my group lasted against a few orange/red guys haha). He's only level 21, but we managed to find a group around level 25 to fight against, and I think the other group had a lot of fun too, i know we did (we were all 21-23).

Lronius de la Mancha
09-21-2001, 10:02 PM
bah my scout is not twinked. She was my first character and I lived off of free arrows for a long time until I got enough cash to afford flight. Armor was a bitch :|

09-23-2001, 11:56 PM
he lies! =o

09-24-2001, 07:13 AM
dsl = activated but msn = gay
they had to send me a cd with a different login b/c the one they gave me is fuxored on my modem and wont authenticate...
anyway, maybe today or tommorow...

probably shoulda just switched isp's since my line is on ;\