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View Full Version : Wut hi RL is blah

09-19-2001, 10:20 AM
Well guys, I was having a great time getting to know all of you and keeling all the big stuff and then WHAMO, real life jumped up and bit me. So, lately I haven't been able to play much :mad: .

Anyway, I hope to be back on more these next few weeks since rl is starting to calm back down and I can't wait to join you for some more nasty killing :D . Till then I hope everyone is ok.


Amuel Daemon
09-19-2001, 08:44 PM
Glad to have you on raidss Elyahu. Just contact us whenever you get a chance to come on a raid :)

09-21-2001, 09:57 AM
Poor Elyihu

RL = Wife tells Eliyahu, "Get the hell off the computer now!"

See you when you get back Elyihu ;)

09-21-2001, 02:16 PM
Lol Exxile...so you can read in between the lines.

Wife_01 tells Eliyahu, "All you do is sit in front of that damn game!"

Eliyahu tells Wife_01, "Not now honey, I'm raiding ToV with Hoss and it kicks butt."

Wife_01 tells Eliyahu, "You better hope they cyber cause that's all you'll get if you don't take a break from that damn game!!"

Eliyahu /q's out and takes a break.

See ya when I see ya guys.

09-21-2001, 02:49 PM
Rl is for people who dont have a computer
those who do are not meant to get one :)

09-25-2001, 02:41 AM
Eliyahu Wife_01 > Eliyahu
Darkang > Valgar- Aikon- Anfini

...wait a sec this is not IG board
grrr must be the gnomes