View Full Version : Our new Recruitment Push ....

08-04-2003, 05:15 PM
After being prodded for a guildinvite by a level 28 ranger...


But yet ... does he despair, NO!! after his initial confusion... he yet asks for ....



Now this is the caliber of palyers we always seek!!!!

- Card

08-05-2003, 03:04 AM
Was this the guy asking everyone for a ring in the nexus?

08-05-2003, 08:00 AM
Well... yes, it's funny. But imagine it's some kid trying out this game for the first time, their dad plays it, and helped him create this character so he could play. He doesn't have any friends in the game, doesn't know anyone, other than the little things his dad has shown him. He's been sitting at home playing when he can, having a lot of fun on his own, kind of shy since he doesn't really know anyone. His dad tells him all these big things about some group of people called Hoss doing things he didn't even know existed in the game, never seen Nagafen let alone any of the original gods, what does he know, maybe he can tag along.

And I'm sure people will make jokes about my post too. Because it's easy. I don't expect everyone to suddenly care about every person playing, and when you get the "d00d gimme plat" tells, put them in their place, but it'd be nice if people stopped to think about the other person before they ridiculed them. Yes, there are a lot of dumb people playing, but there are also a lot of shy people on their own who don't know any better.

"HEE HEE HEE! It’s funny because I don’t know them!"
--Homer Simpson

Imagine you do.

08-05-2003, 10:47 AM
That is true, and I am sure you will get flamed for saying it. Of course there are alot of scammers out there, alot of idiots out there, and I am sure they beg the crap out of the members of Hoss. We are not seeing the full story here. I do hope it is someone that did know what they were doing and not some young kid.

Buazag Bonesteel
08-05-2003, 10:52 AM
That's pretty much the way I always played myself. When I got the obnoxious d00d tells they definitely got the brush off and they were usually easy to spot. But other than that I always tried to treat everyone pretty well up to and including helping out plenty of newbie players when I had the time. Everyone has to start the game somewhere and I well recall my own days as a rookie when I didn't know the first thing about how to play or where to go. It was Opop (anyone remember this little gnomish guy?) who sort of took me under his wing in one of my first forays out into Innothule swamp. His kindness to a newbie really helped me to enjoy the game early on and I have always tried to pass that along myself.

Fact is....we as Hoss don't owe anyone anything but simply because of our status as the elite of the server we will always draw the admiring eyes of other players. When that eye fell on me and the inevitable questions about the high end game followed I did my best to be cordial and forthcoming. You never know.....that newbie just might be on the verge of getting hooked and will be a huge powergamer that 8 months or so down the road will lead him to want to apply to Hoss and actually be an asset ;) Always plan for the future I say.

08-05-2003, 11:05 AM
Opop was a female gnome, but yes a guy in real life.

In terms of people that bugged me, I never made up anything to them, and I did answer their questions, whether detailed or not is how much time I had.

Anyways, about the quotes...I really didn't find them funny. Just seemed like quite an uninteresting conversation about something that is so played out and joked about. No, I didn't find it offensive at all, I would have laughed had the conversation conatined something funnier.

But lastly, it was done with the intent of humor, a joke is a joke, its not a malicious attack. And then same kid who stumbles upon his quote here can also stumble upon a million other offensive and perverted jokes on the internet. People need to lighten up. Especially people who post multiple jokes that offend other countries at a quite frequent rate. :D

08-05-2003, 01:14 PM
I usually just ignore beggars and the like, BUT after they keep it up, they deserve to reap whatever they sow. This particular guy kept at it and kept at it, after a certain point there is no sympathy and I could have been far far crueler.... if only there was a TL to HATE......

. . . . don't even get me started on the guy who bugged me for a res on sister island while my cleric was sitting in PoE ..... oh the joys of /anon I guess.....

- Card

P.S. and the only part I did find humorous, was the fact that after accepting the blow off, he came back and asked for directions, which did strike me as entertaining ... to each his own....

08-05-2003, 02:13 PM
I get the occasional rogue /tell about low-level stuff. A lot of people like to ask questions that are very general and VERY time encompassing! Someone was asking me for the ingredients to several poisons or where to collect components for what. So the quick one-liner is just to read the poison FAQ on the Safehouse!

I don't mind answering questions, but like most others - they come at 8PM EST or later, so there isn't much time for an answer!

Last week, a young rogue asked me how to pick locks, and I told him to head to Befallen. He gave me the play-by-play of his journey to WC, and the giant bear which mauled him to his death, and the druid who went LD on the port!

I really must admit, hearing that story was probably more exciting than whatever we were raiding at the moment just because it brought back a lot of nostalgic memories. That's really why I like answering those questions, I think. Because it reminds me of when I was there, scared of the griffons in EC and the gnolls of Black Burrow, or running over the hills of WC waiting to come head to head with a fierce hill giant!

08-05-2003, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Myztlee
Well... yes, it's funny. But imagine it's some kid trying out this game for the first time, their dad plays it, and helped him create this character so he could play. He doesn't have any friends in the game, doesn't know anyone, other than the little things his dad has shown him. He's been sitting at home playing when he can, having a lot of fun on his own, kind of shy since he doesn't really know anyone. His dad tells him all these big things about some group of people called Hoss doing things he didn't even know existed in the game, never seen Nagafen let alone any of the original gods, what does he know, maybe he can tag along.

And I'm sure people will make jokes about my post too. Because it's easy. I don't expect everyone to suddenly care about every person playing, and when you get the "d00d gimme plat" tells, put them in their place, but it'd be nice if people stopped to think about the other person before they ridiculed them. Yes, there are a lot of dumb people playing, but there are also a lot of shy people on their own who don't know any better.

"HEE HEE HEE! It’s funny because I don’t know them!"
--Homer Simpson

Imagine you do.

Oh come on now. If this is the hardest little jab at being made fun of the guy has to put up with then I would consider him lucky.

08-05-2003, 03:01 PM
I remember some jerk trying to rush me for the Gunthak Harpoon. I hated that chick!

08-05-2003, 09:59 PM
The noobie tells have gotten so bad for me I have gone /role and almost constatly stay invis now. OMG link me your club. Where does that come from? Is anyone in Hoss selling a white scale? Can you ask your guild if they want to buy a lodizal shell shield? If I give you 100pp can you tell your guild I'm your alt so I can get in? Can I have some plat to buy my level 1 spells? Do you have any gear for a lvl 1 monk :D? I see that your lfg in timea, but would you like to come to upper sand in BoT? OMG U R UBER, can I have money?

Kattoo Tacit
08-06-2003, 01:14 AM
And this one gets old too.


08-06-2003, 01:19 AM
yeah... gets hard sometimes. I try to be pleasant at least but most of the time it just ends up biting me in the ass anyways.

"can you come res me in DL?"
uh... sorry, would love to but just about to start a raid"
"fuck you... what, just cause you're in hoss you're too good to come res me?"

my favorite is when I turn someone down for their PoV group, and then get tells from them right after saying "it's ok... our tank/chanter/whatever didn't want to group with a hossling anyways" well then why ask me buttmunch?

08-06-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Kattoo Tacit
And this one gets old too.


Dude, next time just forward that to me...I can take care of that kind of business for you married types :)

08-06-2003, 02:46 AM
The group invites to PoV groups when I'm sitting LFG in Time A are getting beyond old.

SOE needs to implement a checkbox to make LFG 'in-zone' only if we want.

08-06-2003, 09:06 AM
I never get invited to any group when I'm LFG. :(

08-06-2003, 09:19 AM
I usually only get invited to groups when I don't have the LFG tag up and I'm sitting in distant_from_your_group_zone_01.

Buazag Bonesteel
08-06-2003, 09:30 AM
The random times I went LFG in valor or whatnot I could sit there forever and not get a single tell. Let me go LFG while we're setting up raid groups and invariably I would get someone from Seb or some such place asking if I wanted in a "killer xp group".

The irony kills me.

08-06-2003, 01:33 PM
I had some n00b asking me how to evade last week during a Saryn kill. Took a few minutes for the gal to understand the concept!! Oh yea, it was Tarissa!

You should edumacate your playerz, harpoon-man!

08-06-2003, 01:41 PM
PS: The culprit's name begins with a "V" and ends with a "anuiil!!"

08-06-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Talas
I never get invited to any group when I'm LFG. :(

Hrmm... I wonder why?

08-07-2003, 10:32 AM
trazz is mean :(

08-07-2003, 10:57 AM
trazz has a nice ass =\

08-07-2003, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Talas
I had some n00b asking me how to evade last week during a Saryn kill. Took a few minutes for the gal to understand the concept!! Oh yea, it was Tarissa!

You should edumacate your playerz, harpoon-man!

Dude you are CROSSING THE LINE. I wrote the book in evading. Well. I wrote the prologue. And the index.

OK, I drew the cover. Besides, I know how to evade. Start button, right click on eq and close.


You != Poon

08-07-2003, 11:23 AM

ummm pooon.

08-07-2003, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Tarissa
Dude you are CROSSING THE LINE. I wrote the book in evading. Well. I wrote the prologue. And the index.

OK, I drew the cover. Besides, I know how to evade. Start button, right click on eq and close.


You != Poon

06-01-2004, 10:03 PM
Hey I now u gguys r crzy ubrr so i wuz wunderin if u could spar some platinum peices 4 a lowly monk. i just strted pleying and i hve no frends. i hve no equip. i hve no frends. plese send me tell in the game EQ. (everquest) i will luv u 4evr and give u lotz of cybor. also get me flagged. i ned equip. i ned frends. thanks.

Gonlron Tranquillfists
65 Monk Druzzil Ro
(Guildless) wonder why? read the above post.

06-09-2004, 10:13 AM
You also need a dictionary and a clue.

06-10-2004, 01:47 AM
And a sense of humour. Or humor, for the english-impaired.