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09-19-2001, 02:38 PM
I just wanted to make a non-antagonizing, non-threatening post here, since I'm sick of fighting in the rotation thread for a bit.

When the IGB boards were moved here, I believe that there was some hesitation about any guild hosting the forums, as that guild would have "more" control over others.

I just wanted to say that I have gone out of my way to ensure that ALL guilds here are represented on equal ground. I have never, nor will ever, delete a post here. Everything will get hashed out by the contributors to this forum eventually.

I have never questioned, nor denied, giving any official guild representative access to this forum, based on disliking them, their posting style, or whatever.

The concept of this forum is that we are all adults and can act as such. I think that both Hoss and ML need to take a step back sometimes and get away from the knee-jerk reactions that tend to get us fighting with eachother.

I won't lie, I will fight for my guild to get our fair share of what we want to kill. I expect everyone in this forum to do the same, as not doing so is just selling yourself or your guild short.

Sirensa mentioned to me once that I seemed to pick "strange fights" in this forum. I suppose that is true to some degree, and that I have created more drama here over small things because I am bored. For this, I apologize, as I should just concern myself with the major issues and not start crap on small things.

Anyway, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I think things are run pretty fairly here for everyone involved, and outside of a few big fights between Hoss/ML, I think we do a good thing here.


09-19-2001, 06:02 PM
The IGB idea actually began on Fennin as a way to arrange Vox and Nagafen raids, and resolve disputes between ML, Seekers of Norrath, The Mystical Order, and Valorous Union.

It's actually a fairly civilized way to get past some of the idiotic disputes we have in this game, and creates for us an atmosphere a far cry better than that I've seen on other servers.

The "wars" that occur here notwithstanding, I agree that we do indeed, do a good thing here.


09-19-2001, 10:37 PM
Not to incite yet another disagreement... but the IGB in its current form was created in October/November of last year at the Seekers site due to encouragement from me to Cinder. As I wasn't a guild officer back when we were on Fennin, I'm not sure what existed then. :)

Basically, I wanted some place where Seekers/ML could settle their differences so that little Hoss wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. Funny how the world has changed since then, hehe.

09-20-2001, 08:45 AM
Personally - I still think the IGB is a great idea. Instead of having whole guilds flame each other every time there is a disagreement, the argument stay between only a handful of people.


09-20-2001, 10:44 AM
It appears as though several posts in the Rotations thread were deleted. Where can I locate those missing threads?

09-20-2001, 11:02 AM
Once the rotation thread gets to be about 2 full pages, I move the posts into the archive (which should be visible at the top of this forum).

09-20-2001, 11:15 AM
Archive is not visible to me.

Post a link?

09-20-2001, 11:17 AM
Hehe... I just checked with a test user, and realized that the archive forum hasn't been visible to anyone but forum admins. Doh!

Fixing access rights for all IGB people now.

09-20-2001, 11:21 AM
Thanks Andaas.

09-20-2001, 11:24 AM
Kind of funny, since I created that archive about 2 weeks into the forum being moved here, and just figured everyone had access, lol.

Roh was the first person to comment on it, all the while I thought I had made a nice archive of all the rotation posts. :p