View Full Version : Finger Eleven (self-titled)
08-13-2003, 08:28 PM
This album is without a doubt their best work in my opinion. It's just a fucking musical/emotion rollercoaster - I cried, laughed, and peed my pants (not necessarily in that order.)
It is really worth a listen, especially if you haven't heard of them. Their previous albums "Tip" and "The Greyest of Blue Skies" also warrant a listen if it's to your liking.
I don't think you'll be disappointed. :D
First listens -
Thousand Mile Wish
Would probably list the whole album but these have been getting the most playtime from me. :x
Their single, "Good Times", is probably playing on your local rock station. :o
08-15-2003, 01:02 AM
i downloaded all those songs and every :30 or so the music fades out and an obnoxious fucking -whew-whew-whew- sound effect comes on for about 3 seconds, then it goes back to the song. What the shit is that? Some kind of lame copy protection?
08-15-2003, 02:01 AM
yes sir
try looking at the file names, usually the ones with 01-band-song-company-who-ripped.mp3 are good
eventually you'll find ones with out the stupid fading noises
or you'll be like llain and fucking listen to the same song over and over with the noises in it and not mind
08-15-2003, 10:14 AM
I think it's what they do with advanced review copies of CD's, actually. It's not copy protection, those beeps are in there on purpose. I found the same thing when I was trying to find Evanesence songs before their album came out.
And yeah, Finger Eleven rocks. The new album is very very good, and also comes with a pretty decent bonus DVD (5-8 songs live). I wouldn't say it's any better than their other albums, they are all excellent (however, their real first album under the band name Rainbow Butt Monkeys, kicks significantly more ass). Good Canadian band making it big elsewhere, it's nice to see.
If you ever get a chance to see them live, DO NOT PASS IT UP. They are excellent live, and Scott Anderson sounds better live. Their guitarists do some pretty cool looking shit too, while the bassist stands off in the back trying not to get in their way. They are good shit, fo sho.
Lexoon, if you like this check out I Mother Earth. They have 4 albums out, avoid Blue Green Orange like the plauge. Quicksilver Meat Dream and Dig are their best two. You will like, I promise.
08-15-2003, 07:15 PM
The first finger11 album was released under the name "the rainbow butt monkeys" (it was s/t) It was pretty decent also, but yeah, their new album is quite impressive.
And as for I Mother Earth .. I love the song 'levitate' .. it was one of my favourites when I was in early highschool.
08-21-2003, 01:06 AM
i like the greyest of blue skies, and tip... I dont like this new album... dont dislike it... just.
08-22-2003, 06:41 AM
I don't know, besides the songs that Lexoon mentioned...I'm quite disappointed that I actually bought the CD. It sounds like they are trying to become Disturbed (only lighter). That and most of the songs give me a headache fast....not sure why. It's an ok CD, but nothing like their last.
08-24-2003, 09:50 PM
I dont even like the songs Lexoon mentioned.... this album sucks 'le cocke' :p
08-25-2003, 10:35 AM
fu! i love em =\
08-25-2003, 10:05 PM
Holy shit! I Mother Earth owns heheh and I remember hearing that finger11 they had a previous CD but I was too lazy to research and dig it up =\ gonna check it out soonish.
And I love the lead guitarist's (james i think) drawings and stuff~ but yeah they are great live, I live in Athens GA, like half hour away from Atlanta (Hi-Fi Buy's Ampitheatre, The Tabernacle, American Pie, and random other places in Buckhead) always someone to check out on friday/saturday nights =p seen finger eleven a couple times actually~
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