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08-14-2003, 04:57 AM
well just 1 question but well :)


08-14-2003, 04:57 AM
and fer result :

We would expect you to be a happy, well-balanced person who likes people and is liked by others. You question whether many conventional views on morality are valid under all circumstances.

Men: Do we detect a sense of chivalry and idealism under the sophistication?

08-14-2003, 06:11 AM
I waffled forever between two combinations, finally picked one that gave the following, but it was almost a tie with the one Mae got.

You are fairly broadminded romantic and reasonably contented. You value kindness greatly and try to live by your ideals. You do not conceal from yourself, or from others, your strong need for security, which may be either emotional or material.

Men: Perhaps you tend to idealize women and credit them with virtues they don't possess.

Buazag Bonesteel
08-14-2003, 07:00 AM
Heh...Me and Myzt picked the same combo it seems.

You are fairly broadminded romantic and reasonably contented. You value kindness greatly and try to live by your ideals. You do not conceal from yourself, or from others, your strong need for security, which may be either emotional or material.

Men: Perhaps you tend to idealize women and credit them with virtues they don't possess.

08-14-2003, 07:35 AM
Marion was willing to sacrifice everything short of her life (possibly that too) to save the ones she loved. Yes, she slept with another man, but while morally unsavoury by traditional standards, in the greater scheme of things, it's nothing compared to letting someone you love die, which to me, is even worse, morally. And she told Robin right away. So she's honest.

Little John saw all of this, and recognized it for what it was, and loved her because of it and told her so.

Those were the two I couldn't chose between being first. I ended up putting Little John first because he did no wrong. He loved her even though she just slept with a man she didn't love, because it was to save his life. He could overlook the act because the reason for it was sound, and in doing so, was also being honest.

Marion came in second only because Little John came in first. I would prefer the woman I love not have to sleep with any other man, but if it's just sex, just once, not to mention to save my LIFE so we can be together, I could live with it. But I do have some traditional moral sense in me that I wouldn't completely overlook the act, no matter what the reason. But not enough to die for. Whatever it takes so we can be together.

Now who was worse, Sheriff or Robin? In a way, Robin should be the worst, because he just had his life saved and was completely ungrateful. If I were Marion, I'd say "ok, let's go back in time, I won't sleep with the Sheriff, enjoy being DEAD". But... Robin was only telling the truth about how he felt. His morals were he'd rather be dead than have her sleep with another man, he held her virtue above his own life. In one sense, that's very honourable. The thing that lost it for him though was how he reacted to her. Insults show immaturity. If he did have a moral issue with it, but was mature, he'd have honestly told her how he felt, that he'd have rather died than her sleep with another man, and while he was grateful to be alive, his morals were such that he couldn't be with her anymore.

If he'd handled it gracefully and maturely, then I'd have to rethink his rating, because he had his own morals, stuck to them, and was honest about it. But I just don't agree with either his morals or how he acted, and because of this, I almost put him last.

Personally, if I'm about to die, and the woman I love has to sleep with another guy to save me, and we can then spend the rest of our lives together, then it's just sex, it's just once, and we have our future. If this is the love of my life, then I want that life, no matter what. Yes, all you girls are saying "easy for you to say, you didn't have to spend the night with some pig". So would I sleep with another woman, or even a man, to be with the woman of my dreams? What would I be willing to do?

Dunno, questions like that are impossible to answer - you can say what you THINK you'd do, but until you're in that position, you can't know. You can watch a horror movie and when the guy is confronted by someone with a bloody chainsaw, you scream at the screen "run you dumbass", and can't understand why the guy either stands there, or when he does get to the door, fumbles with the lock long enough to get killed. It's easy to say what you think you'd do, because you're not actually there. Who is to say that when confronted with a blood chainsaw wielding maniac and your imminent death, that your brain wouldn't just shut down and you fall to the floor.

So what would I do? I don't know what I would do, I know what I think I would do, but that's none of your damned business!

Finally, the Sheriff is last because he forced a woman that loved someone else, who didn't love him, to have sex for his own pleasure, no matter what the consequences. He didn't lie about anything, but that doesn't make him honest, and he's far too immoral or amoral to score anything but last place.

Marion/Little John were almost interchangeable in first place, Sheriff/Robin were almost interchangeable in last, but all did a few things that I personally either do or don't agree with that decided the final order.

08-14-2003, 07:49 AM
Robin Hood, The Sheriff, Maid Marian, Little John.

Hahah holy crap perfect.


Men: We think you are unhappy, although you probably will not admit it. As a ruthless authoritarian you are as moral as it suits you and no more. You do not apply the same rules to men as you do to women.

Buazag Bonesteel
08-14-2003, 07:54 AM
I didn't go into detail about the what's and why's of my answers....but reading Pete's post above makes me realize that not only did we think almost identically.....we probably spent way too much time thinking about it at all :p

08-14-2003, 08:23 AM
I can never spend too much contemplating morals and honesty. It's good to question your beliefs, otherwise you might find out, too late, that you've been wrong.

A month from now Robin realizes what an idiot he was, that what she did was so they could have the rest of their lives together in love, but because he was too pig-headed to think that way, he just lost the one true love of his life, and won't get a second chance because she's now with Little John, who has made her happier. Or maybe he will, if she realizes that Little John was the "rebound" guy and can't offer her all the things Robin did that made her love him the first time, and now that he's accepted the truth of what she did and that his reaction was wrong, they do get another chance and make it work.

The timing on this quiz is mind-blowing...

08-14-2003, 08:24 AM
Little John, Maid Marion, The Sheriff, Robin Hood

You are the slightly romantic realist. You respect truth, and are broadminded and flexible. Whether you are a man or a woman you are probably a happy person. You like people and they can readily make friends with you. You are not very adventurous, but this does not bother you.

I couldn't decide between the Sheriff and Robin Hood. What finally did it for me was the simple fact that Robin abused Maid Marion after she told him the truth and saved his life. Maybe it's cause I'm a girl, but domestic abuse is 100% not cool EVER.

08-14-2003, 08:45 AM
Maid Marion, Little John, Robin Hood, the Sheriff

We would expect you to be a happy, well-balanced person who likes people and is liked by others. You question whether many conventional views on morality are valid under all circumstances.

Women: You will expect high standards from the men to whom you give your love.

Pete is pretty right on, but Marion sacrificed her own dignity for someone else's life... that's amazingly selfless and so I gave her first slot, Little John is a standup guy, Robin Hood flipped out, took a blow to his ego a bit too hard and overreacted but the Sheriff is just a pig plain and simple... ;)

08-14-2003, 09:32 AM
Maid Marion, Robin Hood, Little John, The Sherrif

"If you are not happy - and we suspect you are not - it maybe because you feel guilty about your own emotions, and lack confidence in your opinions.

Men: No doubt you consider yourself a moral man, and a fair one. Your fuzzy ideas about morality may make their mark on your sex life. "

I think Little John is an ass for going after Robin Hood's girl so soon after they just split up. Granted he didn't do anything wrong or illegal...just something I don't like.

Robin was probably just angry that his girl slept with his ARCH ENEMY, a man he so detests that he'd do anything to kill him. Given a day or two Robin would probably come to his senses and forgive Marion...but that slimy weasel John had to jump right in.

It didn't say how Robin Hood abused Marion...physical abuse would be wrong and if it was the case I would rank him lower than John...but if it was just some sort of verbal and/or mental abuse then I think he was just angry and standing up for himself.

Sheriff comes in last for having to pay Marion to have sex with him, in return for Letting Robin Hood go...thats just low.

08-14-2003, 10:06 AM
Little John The Sheriff Maid Marion Robin Hood

You too, believe that morality is another word for commonsense and suitability, and not something which is universally valid or a religious truth. Your feeling for security is strong, and you would rate reliability as one of your virtues.

I wanted to try to answer as quickly and instinctively as possible, without thinking about it too much. In retrospect now, though, I would have switched the Sherrif and Maid Marion, giving the same answer as Zsar.

Robin, to me, is CLEARLY in last place - everyone else's "crimes" were emotional or psychological - his was physical. Robin could have said "Thanks for saving my life", dumped her, and left it at that. The notion that he's justified at all in beating her for what she did makes me sick. Of course, it's not explicit that it was physical, but I thought at the time the implication was clear.

Little John I thought was pretty easy too. He was completely honest, he also acted completely morally, as far as I'm concerned.

The reason I ranked the Sheriff above Marion at first was because it's not clear how long the two would be imprisoned - for all we know, they would've been released the next week.

Now, though, I think the Sheriff's abuse of power in making the offer to Marion (possibly in imprisoning them as well - nowhere does it say they have committed a crime) is worse than the sacrifice Marion is willing to make for love. Especially if it is a death penalty case.

So, edited response to my new order of LJ, MM, TS, RH:

You are the slightly romantic realist. You respect truth, and are broadminded and flexible. Whether you are a man or a woman you are probably a happy person. You like people and they can readily make friends with you. You are not very adventurous, but this does not bother you.

08-14-2003, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Maegwin

...but if it was just some sort of verbal and/or mental abuse then I think he was just angry and standing up for himself.


!! Maegwin tell me it isn't so!! Verbal and Mental abuse is contemptible! You don't have to strike someone to cause the highest degree of pain and suffering on a person.

Let me give you an example, this is a true story:

A man and a woman saved some orphaned kittens only a few days old, and hand fed them etc until they pulled through to little cuties.

The man got upset with his girlfriend, who had decided it was time for them to separate for reasons, and held the kittens up, stood by the microwave, and threatened if she walked out, the kittens would go there.

So she had to stay there, that day, frozen, trying to calm, trying to not let the kittens be hurt, dealing with hell.

Don't think the damage verbal and mental abuse can do to someone is less than what hits would do. In fact, the wounds heal far slower, if ever.

08-14-2003, 11:16 AM
While I do agree with Gemmi that non-physical abuse can be just as bad or worse, in this case all we know for sure is that he calls her a slut, and abuses her, in some fashion. It isn't clear, either, whether the abuse it is referring to is him calling her a slut.

I do think though, that if you assume the abuse is physical, it is way worse than him calling her a slut.

And, I don't know if i'm just being insensitive, but being called a slut seems to me to be miles away from the kitten example. So I guess I'd pose the question to the women reading:

Would you classify being called "slut" as verbal abuse, and of what severity?

08-14-2003, 12:35 PM
My response was a bit of a derailment from the topic. (Was a reaction to the verbal/mental aspect, and nothing to do with the facts in this story. Sorry for the derailment, I just had a need to tell the world that verbal/mental abuse is never justifiable, and not "less than" physical.

And to answer Lola's question, I don't think there is an answer. There are infinate possibilites that come into play; relationship, how much a person individually can take before they are hurt, history, infinite variables.

So no some wouldn't. Some would. What if the woman you just called a slut, was raised by an abusive drunkard who told her she was a slut since she was born? What if she was sweet and innocent and been sheltered all her life? Pretty sure this could set her off.

08-14-2003, 12:51 PM
I don't see it as a derailment at all - part of the "test" is how you interpret the facts that just aren't there.

Were they in prison for crimes they didn't commit?
What was the nature of the sentance? Life, Death, 24 hours and a 5 gold piece fine?
Did the Sheriff have jurisdiction?
Were Robin and Marion explicitly or implicitly monogomous?
Was Robin in love with Marion?
What was the specific nature of the abuse?
(Any others I'm missing?)

How we fill in the gaps has a lot to do with how we answer the question.

08-14-2003, 04:05 PM
"Forget any preconceived ideas you may about them"

"Now in terms of realistic everyday standards of behavior, put Robin, Marion, Little John, and the Sheriff in the order in which you consider they showed the most morality and honesty"

RH, Sherif, LJ, MM

"You have a very chauvinistic and outdated outlook on life. Your values and principles are defined not by clarity of conscience but by popular beliefs.

Men: You see women as objects and possessions. You demand complete loyalty and devotion without offering it in return. "

My assumptions are:
Were they in prison for crimes they didn't commit? Enough to warrant prison
What was the nature of the sentence? Life, Death, 24 hours and a 5 gold piece fine? This was not an intelligence of MM quiz so I assumed it fit the crime.
Did the Sheriff have jurisdiction? I assumed yes.
Were Robin and Marion explicitly or implicitly monogomous? I assumed to some degree since MM "pleading her love for Robin" wrt how MM felt towards robbin.
Was Robin in love with Marion? Made no assumption but if he did love her, what gives him reason to trust her ever again. Either she lied to sheriff or she is willing to compromise her love to get both of them out of punishment that was dished out.
What was the specific nature of the abuse? Made no assumptions cept above

I also made an assumption that there is some value in monogamy wrt morality.

This quiz seems a bit off on the “truth” of the matter side but I am sure it’s an interesting social experiment.

Now if the punishment was unfair, or unwarrented I would have answered totaly different.

08-14-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Lola
How we fill in the gaps has a lot to do with how we answer the question.


I find this is also true in analysis/interpretations of literature as well... You'd be amazed at how people fill in blanks and how much those fill-ins reveal about them.

I'm learning some very interesting things about you all! ;)

08-14-2003, 05:24 PM
I'm learning some very interesting things about you all!

That's a rather neutral way of putting it :P

08-14-2003, 06:08 PM

We would expect you to be a happy, well-balanced person who likes people and is liked by others. You question whether many conventional views on morality are valid under all circumstances.

Men: Do we detect a sense of chivalry and idealism under the sophistication?

08-14-2003, 06:21 PM
Men: We think you are unhappy, although you probably will not admit it. As a ruthless authoritarian you are as moral as it suits you and no more. You do not apply the same rules to men as you do to women.

so like, R was a cock
S got all he could take in this situation where M needed to get R and J free.
J wasnt so evil~

08-14-2003, 06:25 PM
Then why did you list J last?

08-15-2003, 01:02 PM
IMO they did not "Forget any preconceived ideas you may about them" when they made their analasys.

First of all if the really expected ppl to not have any pre-concived notions they should have picked tom, dick, harry and jane (hmm... maybe those are bad names now that I think of it).

Second all the analasis seem to me to only make sence if you feel like the traditional robbin hood story was relevent to the question.

Edit: seems to me that zap just listed them backwards. maybe he is not as evil as this quiz makes him out to be.

08-15-2003, 01:07 PM
ha! you know I had typed that out but killed it because I figured everyone would tell me I over analyzed it:) But for all we know Little John and Robin Hood were axe murderers:) So picking either first after reading "Sheriff of Nottingham throws them in jail" is a preconceived notion of them committing noble crimes that the Sheriff was unjustly imprisoning them for.

The writer of the poll had a preconceived notion when he wrote the results for Little John being in first place:) How honest and moral can a guy be for being in jail with no backstory?:)

08-18-2003, 05:48 AM
You're missing the point :D

This is a psych test that is supposed to be about you :p

The way YOU list them is determined by the backstory you give the characters and so says a lot about YOU. ;)

Psych tests are tricky that way. :p

08-18-2003, 03:31 PM

I looked at it a lot like Myzt did, he he.

You are the slightly romantic realist. You respect truth, and are broadminded and flexible. Whether you are a man or a woman you are probably a happy person. You like people and they can readily make friends with you. You are not very adventurous, but this does not bother you.

Oh, damnit! This is nwinn, I didn't realize I wasn't signed in as myself!

08-19-2003, 06:39 AM
We would expect you to be a happy, well-balanced person who likes people and is liked by others. You question whether many conventional views on morality are valid under all circumstances.

Men: Do we detect a sense of chivalry and idealism under the sophistication?

Sheriff is the easy pick for worst in the story...he forgot his duty to the law and his job to get a little nookie, no morals or honesty there.

Robin is a hypocrite and a moron for not appreciating what Marion did for him, and pretending that she's somehow a different person than the girl he loved...fuck him, #2 on the shitlist.

Marion and Little John were a little tough, but I put gave Marion more points because she went the extra mile for what she believed in...she loved Robin and was true to her love. Little John ended second by...well, by default.

So my order was Marion, John, Robin, Sheriff.

08-19-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Amadis
We would expect you to be a happy, well-balanced person who likes people and is liked by others. You question whether many conventional views on morality are valid under all circumstances.

Men: Do we detect a sense of chivalry and idealism under the sophistication?

Sheriff is the easy pick for worst in the story...he forgot his duty to the law and his job to get a little nookie, no morals or honesty there.

Robin is a hypocrite and a moron for not appreciating what Marion did for him, and pretending that she's somehow a different person than the girl he loved...fuck him, #2 on the shitlist.

Marion and Little John were a little tough, but I put gave Marion more points because she went the extra mile for what she believed in...she loved Robin and was true to her love. Little John ended second by...well, by default.

So my order was Marion, John, Robin, Sheriff.

Yep, my reasoning almost exactly. ;)

08-19-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Vinilaa
You're missing the point :D

This is a psych test that is supposed to be about you :p

The way YOU list them is determined by the backstory you give the characters and so says a lot about YOU. ;)

Psych tests are tricky that way. :p

It says a lot about you, yes. But the analysis is not how I filled in the gaps, but how and what the makers of the test filled in the gaps they analyzing me based on what they think the gaps should be filled in by (this is not how this type of test should have been analysed but IMO this is what they did). That is why the analysis is total and complete crap, furthermore the analysis only makes sense if you take into account the robbin hood standard storyline and the test asked you to not take into account the story line. Any test that "expects" you not to read and follow the direction is a CRAP test, PERIOD. If they did this test with 4 other random names I don't think the analysis would make as much sense.

This would be a great test if they only took out "Forget any preconceived ideas you may about them"

08-19-2003, 10:27 AM
"Robin abused her,"

oops, I missed that phrase, going to do it again to see what I would have said in that case.

08-19-2003, 10:35 AM
ok, I went through the analysis of a few of them, and I guess only the ones I read here seem to be kinda story based, once I read the quested a bit better I got a much more accurate analysis:

You too, believe that morality is another word for commonsense and suitability, and not something which is universally valid or a religious truth. Your feeling for security is strong, and you would rate reliability as one of your virtues.

Men: Your estimate of women as the inferior sex suggests that you are a little uncertain of them.

LJ, Serrif, MM, RH

08-19-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by waright
That is why the analysis is total and complete crap, furthermore the analysis only makes sense if you take into account the robbin hood standard storyline and the test asked you to not take into account the story line. Any test that "expects" you not to read and follow the direction is a CRAP test, PERIOD. If they did this test with 4 other random names I don't think the analysis would make as much sense.

This would be a great test if they only took out "Forget any preconceived ideas you may about them"

I never said it was a good psych test :p But all the information is there to make a reasonable decision without needing to refer to the standard storyline... although I think many may have done just that. Of course that in itself is revealing. :p