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As most have found out we have a lot of people playing Warlords of Draenor. Many of them coming back after long breaks, and I would like to hear what people think of the expansion so far. I am really loving the fact that Blizz really brought the story and lore back to the fore front of WOW again, and with the additions to garrisons it makes dailies much more palatable. Even with the changes to crafting it hasn't been too bad as I am about to make my 3rd piece of crafted gear for Tenelen.
HE is dead a little late but we put a fork in his ass and BBQ'ed for Memorial day leftovers!
Hoss Draenor is not only alive, but alive and kicking ass. As the only 25 man guild on alliance we have kicked the crap out of Jin'rokh the Breaker and started working on Horridon last night! Feel the burn!!!
Raiding drunk, burning Pant's in fire, and Rhedd with no pants life good in Hoss!!
It's been a bit since I posted a blog here so I figured today was a good time to do so. As you know we have added a few new faces to the Hoss family. Nicely enough they seem to be fitting in with this hodgepodge of a guild full of drunks, pervs, assholes, and Pants (myself included in the first 3 items).
With new faces around it makes me look back at when I joined Hoss many moons ago when Lons didn't ever speak in vent, Andass was only half of a drunk, Pants died to all things fire
So I spent 7 years of my life killing myself in the video game industry and these are a collection of observations that I have had or conversations I have had with others.
1. (TESTER) It will be fun I will get to play video games all day!
This is one of the biggest misconceptions people have about testing. They think that testing is playing the game and looking for "bugs", this I am sorry to say is bullshit. Testing is not playing the game testing is doing the