WANTED: AoW Dead. Reward Payable Upon Confirmation.
OK.. so I had an idea.. to put up a reward for killing the AoW. I know there are a few guilds lately with their eyes on him.. so maybe this will be a little more incentive to give it a go.
1st guild to kill AoW (other than Hoss.. since we can kill him already) wins the prize.
Maximum 70 people in the raid. Do it right.. or not at all. As a reference.. Hoss (my guild) last killed AoW with 47.
Joint raids with multiple guilds is fine.. but still.. no more than 70 people.
Now.. as for the prize.. I'll put up 20,000pp of my own money. Obviously this isn't much incentive.. but perhaps others out there would like to add to it to spice up the competition. Realistically.. this could get to be a nice chunk of change for the guild banks of whoever finally drops him.
If you want to contribute to the bounty on his orange head.. just send me a tell in game, or message me here.
200,000pp on or before Sept 22
80,000pp on or before Dec 15