Originally Posted by Andaas
The real issue comes down to this Drakky, should I revoke the access of someone who ebayed and did not contribute as much to the guild, and not revoke the access of someone who ebayed and contributed a great deal more during their time?
I have asked the active membership for their opinion on this topic today, as this thread has generated some discussion on it. Though I think that maybe a veteran's forum may be something we can all settle on as a place where everyone can get together.
The fact is, our private EverQuest discussion forums are intended primarily for discussing current issues relating to EverQuest.
The act of removing access this weekend is more of an attempt to discourage people from selling their characters, because it has become increasingly common over the past few months.
You are 100% right in that, nobody has any right to say what you can or cannot do with your account. You paid for it, you earned the gear on it - it is yours to do with as you please - however, that does not mean that the action of selling your character is going to make the people who have played this game by your side for months or years very happy. In fact, it sometimes leads to people feeling that they have been used.
So, this was my answer to the recent rash of people selling their characters. I stand by this decision, and will hold to this unless the current members of the guild feel differently.