You should play Eve Online :)
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I barely have time to turn my gaming PC on these days :(
That's ok Aind, you'll have plenty of time when ya girl leaves you for working to much.
She's a workaholic like myself.
I believe I have a pic of her up on the RL pics thread.
One of these days I'll have to make her an honest women :)
Last drawing for the Facebook Diablo 3 beta give away will be Dec 12th. So we're probably looking at a mid-late Jan release date.
I didn't realize it was going to be so soon! Can't wait!
YEah but they made it so you have to have internet connection all the time. Even for single player. Im still working offshore so no internet connection. Blizzard can sick my duck.
I understand why they would do it, it still doesn't make it suck any less though :(
I can understand why too. The love of money. Cant access their Auctionhouse bullshit if you have no internet. Huge douche move. Any game that has a single player campain should 1 Not need an Internet connection, Steam comes to mind as being pretty irritating about this 90% of the time steam wont start in offline mode. And with blizzards turn around on fixing game breaking shit i have no doubt they will manage to fuck it up.
Norme you are one depressing guy. Post something positive bud.
He does have good news. Another year, no STDs!
Nah I had the clap about 3 months ago. Thank god for antibiotics.
Seems I just got a beta invite.
Same here.
I like the changes they made with the latest build.
You're all assholes.
This is so totally inspired by WoW it's hilarious.
And yet, so good.
I'm really happy they kept the same music style. The game looks amazing at 2560x1440.
wtf compensating much?
Huh? Who are you even talking to?
Hey, I signed up for the year thingie whatever too! Where's my invite???
Hey, did anyone else just get a beta invite?
See above... a couple of us have.
I was just rubbing it in a bit on Valdis and Pharea, as I had read above....
I got my beta invite too :) I'm looking forward to it!
No Beta invite for me :(
Allara, how is it like WoW? I'm curious
It's mostly in the user interface.
So far it's really well polished and exceptionally well-paced. It's the subtle stuff particularly in sound design and graphical effects that add up to a highly polished experience so far. The way they handled voiceover content is great.
- Quest objective tracker
- Help pop-ups
- UI elements when you level up and gain new abilities
- Action bar/experience bar/menu bar
- Mini-map
- Character creation/select screens
- Launcher/patcher
- Login screen
I love the "hunter" class so far, although with a monitor as big as mine is, it's really hard to keep track of my Hatred energy whilst defeating hordes of baddies. I find that to be a pretty big problem with combat, something add-ons would fix. But I don't think they're allowing add-ons for D3.
I really want them to port Evasive Shot back to WoW. Because that would make Dave really happy in PvP. *sarcastic face*
There's a nasty issue with texture/model streaming right now, where the game stutters quite frequently, making it very hard to play.
The Witch hunter is crazy fun, but I have played all the classes. I think the hardest class to play is the wizard as it is such a glass cannon. Even with the armor spells its just silly how much dmg they take. My Barbarian takes like nothing, I barely ever used pots on him.
What little I played of D3 a few years ago at Blizzcon made me excited to play it, I can imagine it is looking even better now!
Yea I was a bit disappointed with the Wizard at Blizzcon this year cause the damage was never great and the damage I took was brutal. But the Demon Hunter was a blast. I just wish they had a more melee type class that was like a paladin.
Well Blizz gave Kath a Beta Key....... So I guess, I'll be at her house this weekend.
Yea, so the Wizard was working pretty good. I'm not sure how fragile I was cause nothing really got close enough to me to worry over. But I'm only up to the graveyard.
No beta invite for me.. they can kiss my white ass.