I think im in love with erinonz
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I think im in love with erinonz
Red heads!
Now that I've taken the time to go have a look see at the CO pics it brings to mind a question I always had about something. How in the heck does having a pierced lip not get in the way when kissing??
Knowing me, I could never have a pierced lip or tongue....I would be constantly poking at it and wind up with the mother of all infections heh. But at least the tongue piercing is more or less out of the way ;)
That said...If those pics are all genuine then Erin is one of quite a few very attractive CO ladies =) It always somewhat surprises me to see the number of women that do play EQ and other online games. I guess to some extent I always sort of bought into the stereotype that video games are a guys world. Glad to see that I'm wrong....it gives me hope that someday I will find that Mrs. right that can actually at least understand and hopefully share in my hobby :p
lol well um I have never had a problem with the ring or kissing...don't really so much notice it honestly... after about the first month I barely noticed it being there...do have to take it out when visiting the parents lmao my mother hates it so!
so far as the pics...yeah CO has some real cuties...guys and gals and you would not believe how many couples we have that have have met and married in rl due to video games =) (we have an extraordinary amount of married couples in CO hehehe)
makes ya feel kinda warm and fuzzy to know that love can be found pretty much anywhere if yer heart is open to the possibilities =)
Originally posted by Erinonz of Crystal O
makes ya feel kinda warm and fuzzy to know that love can be found pretty much anywhere if yer heart is open to the possibilities =)
Well then....I definitely think Erin is hitting on me :D
Soooooo Buazag...why so never visit the CO MBs? huh? huh? huh?
Well it took me like 15 minutes of searching for an active link but I managed ;)
Now I have yet another venue in which to plant the devious little seeds that will result in your moving to NY and becoming my love slave....er...did I say that out loud? Oops :D
When I got around to introducing you to my Mother she would be all nice and polite on the surface while inside having a total hissy fit over that pierced lip. That is a plus in my book :p
rofl yer so bad Buaz!
guess I could have posted the link eh?
(not that ya really need it now hehehe)
ps... I should tell you that I am a small town girl...NY scares the hell outta me lol
Ahh but I don't live in NYC....I live in Syracuse. Much smaller ;)
I live in a very small town of about 9,000 people, have 5 piercings myself and 3 tatoo's (none you can see unless my shirt is off) also im much more handsome then buazag~!
look at both of your avatars tho :|
whats wrong with bogart?
looks like frankenstein to me...am I the only one?
looks like bogart with a cigarette in his mouth to me :P
I never had an idea what it was, it just looked creepy.
Burn's avatar has always looked like Bogart to me... I've never been clear on what Buaz's is supposed to be... :D
My avatar is Kain from Blood Omen ....an old playstation game that was actually one of the most fun gaming experiences I've had. I just happened to play it at just the right time I guess. Very atmospheric with a cool storyline and awesome voicework.
I don't have really any recent pictures of myself or a scanner to put them on my comp. I also never really had the ambition to try and mess around with photoshop or anything to make an EQ avatar. So I just went looking for premade ones out there on the net and found this one that kind of suits.
Bogart may be a little bit better looking...being human and all....but Kain could kick his ass :D
heheh you guys are crazy =)
and I agree with Buaz...Blood Omen was a great game...when Legacy of Kain first came out I had not seen or thought of EQ, so I got just as caught up in those games as I am with EQ now...unfortunately, with my addictive personality hehehe I am a one game at a time kinda gal...so EQ wins for now =P
soooo what kinda Tattoos Burnem? I like most tattoos so long as they are well done...have one myself in the small of my back =) gotta tell ya honestly though, if I had, had the foresight to have the guy hit me with that needle gun before putting ink in it...I would not have that one...hurt like hell and tickled at the same time because I am wayyyy ticklish lol I was so confuse... didn't know if I should scream or laugh the whole time!
Bet that would drive yer mother insane too eh Bauz? rofl
Nah not so much I don't think.....she only bitched for a little while when I got mine ;) I've got an eagle over a sunset on my right arm. I kind of lucked out because I did absolutely no homework on it....just went out with a bunch of friends one night and we wound up at the tatoo parlor. I've seen a ton of tatoos that really suck.....mine turned out really well. been 12 years now and it still looks as good as day 1.
I ended up drawing mine because after 3 months of looking I just could not find one that I liked enough to agree to...
mine is "v" shaped, located at the top of mah bottom (very bottom, middle of my back) lol...looks like two waves arching out with a pentacle in the middle...and the guy that did mine, did an amazing job with the coloring ...the way the blue / green blended for that ocean water effect is phenominal...I am very happy with it and am glad that I had it done instead of chickening out hehehe
so, Buazicakes...why did you decide on the eagle / sunset?
And we'll be back with "Flirting with Erinonz" after these commercials...
No doubt, CO women are very pleasing to the eye /roar Erin and Xonovia =o
lmao meeeeow!
Commercials huh? You mean we have sponsers? :D
Like I said...I really lucked out. In a way I picked it because it seems to represent a certain freedom....as well as patriotism (the eagle is clutching a banner that says Navy on it as well as the eagle being a national symbol kinda thing) After looking through all the guys books I settled on this as the one I liked best.
I also really like the job he did in coloring....it's as vibrant looking now as it was when I got it. I have seen a ton of tatoos that are either an ugly green color to start with or have just faded over time. Mine is quality work.
The luck part is that first of all we just happened to go somewhere that did good work. We didn't ask around or put much thought into it....it was just the closest place to the base. Second...we were all moderately drunk so it was entirely possible that I could have walked out of there with something hideous on me that I would have had to have removed when I sobered up ;)
In retrospect I do kind of wish that I had put more thought into it and maybe gotten something a little different sometimes. A dragon or some such fantasy based thing might have been a bit more suited to me....but overall I am pretty happy with what I have. I occasionally think about getting another but so far I just haven't really wanted to enough. 1 is cool but I'm not sure I'd want a lot and getting a tatoo at least for me is something you need to be totally sure of if you expect to be happy with it. I lucked out once with getting a tatoo on a whim.....wouldn't expect that to happen again =D
one tribal on each of my arms, "ELIZABETH" on my back (my daughter from my ex-wife) yes im single /wink.....pierced tongue left eye brow and both ears.
Bogart is less creepy then that description =p
You got elizabeth tattoo'd on your back, lol? What does your daughter think, she's old enough to read her name now isn't she? he he
This is my tattoo on my shoulder, so there I'm cool too! :P
...just the butterfly not the words, btw :|
And, on my ankle I have a little flower that's dime-size. It looks like my avatar flower but, green center, no smiley, and only 5 petals which are blue!
dis is mine, Getting my back one done soon, and jess`s name done on the top left of my arm soon.
No she is still 3, 4 soon...i dint learn to read till 5 so figured thats when we will teach her :P
very kewl =)
I have given thought to one more tattoo but will probably never get it done...I think I would like to have some Celtic knotwork design or tribal design done on the back of my neck....but I also think I am too scared to go through the pain again lol
but who knows...maybe I will get tuff one day and do it!
im kinda odd, where i am free with the piercings i dont think people should get tattoo's anywhere joe blow stranger can see if youre wearing normal clothing :P
Yerp...yer odd =P
If you have the idea for another tattoo, you'll get it someday Erin! I wanted the butterfly on my shoulder and talked/thought about it for about a year then... this guy I was dating said he wanted to get one also, why don't we draw them up and go together... then, he decided his ex-girlfriend was more interesting :rolleyes: SO, I went and got it to 'spite' him but since I'd been thinking about it for so long, I just needed that little extra push to go do it cause, they HURT!!!
So, like if you want your tattoo soon but need a little more motivation, talk someone into griefing you or something :|
at the moment I dunna think the amount of grief to push me to get another one, could possibly outweigh the amount of grief I would get if I DID get it hehehe so I guess I will wait it out and see what happens in the future
Hahahaha. Actually, I hear there was a rather large monetary transaction involving Lexi, that had more to do with it...Quote:
then, he decided his ex-girlfriend was more interesting
ull always regret the name part in the end~Quote:
Originally posted by Vestax
dis is mine, Getting my back one done soon, and jess`s name done on the top left of my arm soon.
Do not get a girls name permanently put on any part of your body! :D:D
Unless it says "mom"
I do a lot of art, and have drawn alot of tatoo's. Have 4 people actually wearing my art around, kinda cool to think about. While I do not have any tatoo's myself, nor do I plan on getting one, I'm currently designing one for my brother. A Giant Claymore with a Crystalline dragon woven around it with a celtic knot along the blade crossing the tip of the sword and finishing just below. When i finish it I might just show it.