A number of games are going this route (Robotech is another), this whole cell shading or whatever its called. It looks like garbage in screen shots, I agree.
BUT! A lot of summaries that I read on E3, everyone who mentioned Zelda said that the graphics are completely phenomenal when actually seen in action. I guess we shall see. Personally, from the screenshots, I don't like the graphics either, but who knows how good they will end up.
The graphics for Gamecube Zelda are actually quite nice when you see them in action (have a few clips from the game saved somewhere on PC). As to the original poster, I would have to say go with Neverwinter Nights if you want a good amount of gameplay and nice story. Sticks perfectly to the 3rd edition AD&D rules. I only give you one warning when playing it, especially since you can't patch due to lack of net connection.... Make backup saves often =) I am sure the people here who have played can all agree how damned annoying a severe script error is (hi all NPCs agro!).
Morrowind.... all I can really say is, after having played so much EQ, it was just plain dull. I think that is what killed it for me, but alot of people think it is a great game. Has probably the longest possible gameplay of any game I have seen in the last few years. If I had to choose, I would go NWN.
Oh, and by the way. FF3/6j is the best Final Fantasy to date, closely rivaled by FF2/4j. Thank god they remade those for playstation, because my SNES won't even turn on anymore =)
Svolthoh Lathundel - long dead shaman
Zelda and Robotech both look amazing. The screen shots cannot get across how good these games really look.
Zelda looks like a playable/moving saturday morning cartoon. You will change whatever opinion you have when you see it in person and play it.
Robotech looks like the animated movies and illustrated books.
I for one Love this new look on certain games. I never thought a Anime or cartoon look could be brought to life so well.. These 2 games do it..
"Just my opinion, I could be wrong"
/sigh does this mean I will have to by a game cube? lol... Did Metroid ever come out for game cube yet?
A fun game that I play every night on PS2 is Guantlet Legends. Its just like the arcade. Its fun if you play with someone. But it won't be fun if you can play it 8-9 hours a day b/c you will beat the game in about 3-5 days tops. I play a few boards every night. ITs a pretty fun game tho
The new Metroid is coming out for the gamecube in about 2 months or something like that, and it looks very impressive. Gamecube is only $149.00 US and it's a good little system.
Do you think Game cube will die like sega?
/shrug. I have a x-box and a gamecube. Currently I am actively playing more gamecube games then x-box games. Resident Evil, Eternal Darkness and Rogue Squadron are currently on my gamecube playlist. And there is a few gamecube titles that I rent for when friends come over for multi. I enjoy both systems however.
New Metroid - brought to you by the people who made Turok. :P