And to inform us Fucknuggets that we have a mob to kill!Quote:
Originally Posted by Nallick
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And to inform us Fucknuggets that we have a mob to kill!Quote:
Originally Posted by Nallick
And to call out people when they don't assist!Quote:
Originally Posted by Elidroth
I need a job in August, Coral! :p
ROFLMAO trazz! :p :D
Priceless :p
I guess i still don't understand why this is such a big deal. Why do you need private forum access? You have obviously found a great forum right here in the general area to bitch and complain about.... so that can't be it.
I for one agree with Andaas decision. If you ebay or retire you have no need to see the private forums as the "In Game" related material doesn't pertain to you anymore.
It doesn't really matter why you ebayed. If you needed to pay bills, wanted to buy something for yourself, or your brothers sisters cousins roomate needed a hip transplant. The fact is that you did it and now the result is access removal. (here is my Drakky analogy gone overboard) If you kill somone I doubt the police are going to really care if you did it because you just didn't like the person or just because you felt like it.
As for your time played and contributions to the guild. Sure you may have played every day all day and done everything in your power to help the guild progress and for that you got the items for your character. Effort in = effort out.... But tell me how many raids have you attended since ebaying / Retiering.... my guess is none. so lets look at this equation some.... effort in = 0.... effort out (what the guild and its members owe you) must also equal 0.
Why can't we all just smile and be friends, like here
Why can't we all format screenshots so there is no need to side scroll windows? :(
Boy...that looks like a failed Dragon Necropolis raid :p
Thunderclap! I remember I took a screenshot of her and Rhedd standing next to each other in Vex Thal and it looked like "Rhedd Clap" heheh.
whoa.....a thread that's 5 pages long before I even noticed it started. I don't have time to read through all of it now so I put in my 2 cents based on the first page or 2 :D
I don't know what proper etiquette should be for a message board based around a computer game and who should be allowed to post there or not. What I do know is that I put a lot of hours into playing Buaz and feel that I earned all the gear I was awarded.....should be mine to do with as I please once I'm done playinmg the game (*note....I chose not to ebay but that's beside the point) The message boards are in no way about a video game for me. I still come here on a fairly regular basis because I met a lot of people through playing this game with Hoss that I still enjoy sharing a little banter with. If all that was ever discussed in the private forums was related to in game conversation then I wouldn't bother reading it and wouldn't care if my access was removed.
It isn't though. I try to make time at least a few times a wekk to read through and see what everyone is up to.....sometimes I even post a random thought or two of my own ;) I guess what I'm trying to say is that through my time playing EQ as a member of Hoss.....I felt like I became a part of something that went a little beyond a mere game. I will probobly be 80 years old and still think of myself as Hoss (not that I'll say that out loud hehe) If another good game comes up and there's an incarnation of Hoss in it....I hope to be a part of that.
Plus.....I don't see how someone having access to any particular forums can really hurt anyone. Lock out access to the tactics forum if you worry about leakage.....other than's all just a bunch of people more or less shopoting the shit.
Buazag you have such a way with words! And who says trolls are stupid =o
Ps Maeg your memory must be off =\ I never did the Vex Thal key Quest!
Guys seriously, this is going way overboard than it needs to. It's fucking embarrassing to be arguing over something like this and attacking each other the way people have been.
Andaas made the decision to be consistant and remove private access for all players who has ebay'd, old or new. I'm sure it wasn't easy for him since most of the people he removed access from he has known/considers friends since the beginning of Hoss.
Personally I don't mind ebay'd players still having access for the most part, I know they did what they had to do for whatever reason and they would have still liked to keep in touch with some of the friends they have made in this guild and see how the guild has been progressing. The only players I would remove access from are the ones that left on bad terms or ebay'd soon after joining.
Anyways, whatever the case may be I'll be standing behind Andaas's decision 100% wheather people think it's right or wrong.
I could have sworn I took off my favorites :rolleyes:
Kallaill, with all due respect (and I do respect you and Andaas alike), this is not embarassing. What's embarassing is to be thrown out of the private forums without any warning or explanation. I don't imagine Andaas has the time or the energy to send us all a PM and perhaps many of you think we don't even deserve that much, but if this had been done with a little warning, maybe we wouldn't be discussing it in public now.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kallaill
This is what kills me:
Player A quits EQ. Player A posts to the forums that they are going to concentrate on RL or their family or FFXI or whatever. Player A is showered with posts of "Goodluck" and "It was a pleasure" and "Come back and say HI", etc. Player A discontinues his subscription and allows the account to go inactive. After several months, all characters are eventually deleted.
Survey says: JOLLY GOOD OL' CHAP!
Player B quits EQ. Player B posts to the forums that they are going to concentrate on RL or their family or Pong or whatever. Player B is showered with posts of "Goodluck" and "It was a pleasure" and "Come back and say HI", etc. Player B discontinues his subscription and allows the account to go inactive. After several months, Player B decides that instead of deleting their character, they will try to recoup some on their investment and sells said character on PA or what have you.
I fail to see how that makes any sense.
Personally, I can tell I am no longer welcome here as I am sure the PMs are flying over this and I have yet to receive a one. Turns out I didn't really have any friends in Hoss. And that's all the embarassment I really need.
Not everyone feels that way thanapur