"I said lump off, mom! IS THAT LUMPING CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU?!!!"
<3 LSP!
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"Aw naw. I am not getting eaten by zombies tonight! Get the lump outta here!"
Saw this article and it reminded me of the conversation we had when I asked you if the dude in charge of EQ Next (forget if you said it was Smed or somebody else) liked WoW. What Smed said in that interview pleases me greatly. It really gave me hope that we might get out of this MMOG dark age that we're in right now. EVE is like the Middle East after the fall of the Roman Empire; retaining the knowledge of the civilized world that was conquered by the barbarians. (WoW)
Although he did say he liked SWTOR, which is crazy. Also, hopefully Sony's new sandbox goodness won't be full of pay-for-power bullshit.
Loni, me and ebbing used to, more duo. BS pet etc worked good, never lost mana. Then of course the great 69.1 ae kite push for was it level 65? God that was crazy, kiting entire 69.1 instance and aeing the fuckers on turns. 5 levels in 18 hrs.
Looking back I forgot the quote . This had to do with kiting on page one single vs group
Phear my 69.1 pulls.....As well as phear the bitching from those who hated me for soloing 69.1. Heh getting them in a group so I could take the mission and zone in.... Honestly though out kite groups were vicious, lock pet actually had uses. our 69.1 groups. Such a toss up our duoing, and plane of tactics charm pit killing may be the only setup as much fun as our kite groups or other *insert here* weird groupings. Nothing used to top telling people "no, they can not have in the kite groups" (bastard warriors and clerics, teach them to not give us groups) lol.
Slight followup, though I really can't give any details.
I saw EQ Next finally. I'm not going to be on the team, because I'm now the systems lead on EQ, but what I will say is this. EQ Next (not the final name), is going to blow up basically everything we've come to accept as 'standard' in MMOs today. The team is going for something truly revolutionary, and so far they're hitting on all points. What I saw simply blew me away. NOTHING else compares to it. Have faith.
I'll hold you to that, Eli. WoW hit's 10 years next Thanksgiving. It's held sway, far to long. I cannot believe it's been fucking 10 years almost. FUCK!
Every game I've tried to play for the last 4 years have been nothing but WoW with a different flare to it, but not nearly the end game, nor the player base. I mean who can blame anyone for leaving? Why play a clone when you can just go back to wow and all your stuff?
Just don't keep it "under development" for to long. Vanguard took to long, it was still unfinished and it was pushed out and failed miserably.
I want something that makes me scared to die in a game again.
I want to be feared as a caster for caster things, not homogenized and all my abilities handed out to class after class until everything that made it special is held by every class basically or diminished to the point that it's a who cares thing.
I cannot tell you how pissed I was when WoW made fire land on fire, ice hit ice, shadow hit shadow, arcane hit arcane. I'm glad they never went the way of EQ tho and hand out resistance gear like candy and halved the damage magic did, so casters had nothing in pvp tho.
I want to kill a boss and have a loot table, not a piece of this or that that can be turned into someone I don't give a fuck for a piece of gear that is the same as what I just had on, but because it was a more difficult fight of the same boss it has a bit more stats on it.
It's been 6 years since I gave a fuck about lore or even read a quest. Mods ruined WoW. I mean some were great, but now, I have a mod that puts and arrow on my screen that tells me where to go. Heh... why waste time reading a quest? Especially since most quests are now "daily" quests so all you are doing is rep grinding until you hit exalted then never doing the content again.
I miss and don't miss at the same time, non instanced content. I'm torn, I liked racing for it, but I just don't think you can do a game that way anymore. People are to babied now. Games cost to much to develop to make it so hard that folks just never play and you wind up losing so much money you go f2p within 6 months, like most every game I've played other than wow since 07 have done or started off as. Which just creates a huge vacume of folks with money paying huge amounts of money to be better than anyone else without a single bit of skill of thought put into it.
Like Requiem, it actually was not a WoW clone, and it was great in beta. But as soon as it went live, it was f2p with a Mall. Within a week there were folks that were so geared up through their Credit Card that I lost all interest in playing. I mean why bother is you can just go to the mall and buy everything anyway?
I'm rambling now I guess, tired of MMO clone wars. Hell, I'm tired of FPS clone wars. Nothing is new, inventive, risky. But again, it costs to much money and you have to put to much of your neck out these days I guess.
I hate cut scenes.
Well, the first time I see them, sure it's great, but after you've seen it once, why do you have to esc out of it every fucking time?
I hate homogenization.
When WoW went live for instance... Mages could Sheep a Humanoid or Beast, Druids could sleep a dragon, Hunters could trap anything in Ice if they could get them to step in their trap as well as fear beats, priests could soothe beasts and mind control, Rogs could sap Humanoids, and Warlocks with a weak pet could charm humanoids and beasts or fear anything, but it was so random it was rarely used except in pvp and they could banish elementals and demons. All this lasted for 30 seconds.
Then PVP entered in, world pvp was fun, battle grounds were fun. But then folks hated being out of the fun for up to 30 seconds at a time. So they reduced to to 20 sec, 15, 10. Now I think it starts at 10, then goes to 8 then 3 then they are immune... Everyone has a trinket to get out of everything, everyone has a racial to get out of everything... Why have CC in pvp at all if that's the case?
But I digress even further...
Now Shaman can Hex, Mages can sheep anything, druids can both sleep dragons as well as banish anything, rogs can sap anything on and on it goes, but no one CC's anything in PVE anymore because...
When the game went live you have Mages with Arcane Explosion, Blizzard, Flame Strike, Frost Nova, I mean mages were aoe Gods. Hunters had volley, Locks had Hellfire and could dot everything, and that was it oh I think druids could do a hurricane thing too. Now every class has an aoe, every fight is nothing but a big aoe fest, even some boss fights, it lost anything special for anyone, but everyone can do it.
I can go on and on about how Hybrids are basically multiple classes and instead of being pretty good at them all, depending on spec, they can now just replace any class with anything that's needed.
I'm like, ok Mages have white, red, and blue that all do the same shit now. Plus DoT's
Why not just make everyone the same thing and be done with it. They've simplified the talent trees every expack for 3 expacks. This last one was such a joke I'm not sure why they even let us pick anything. Glyphs were neat, not they don't do shit. Tradeskills were money makers, now they are just side shows.
I guess that's what you get after ten years though and I guess I'm being factious as the game has kept me entertained for years in some regard. But I'm just pleading for someone, anyone to come out with something.
I'm hoping I get into Elder Scrolls, but I'm willing to bet it's the same shit different day. DAOC meets Wow is what it looks to be to me.
Boy I did ramble...
I want to have fun again though. I want to log on and be feared, but fear my rock or paper or scissors. I want to have to hunt in packs like eq. But with some way to make a group!
I loath cross server battle grounds, partys, raids, in wow. No sense of I'm competing with anyone on my server. Wow had that, I guess they had to change over time, but they jumped the shark for me.
We're revealing a lot of info at SOE Live next weekend. Just in case people are still curious about EQN.
Hard to say since I'm not on that team. Certainly people submitted by me have a BETTER chance than those picked randomly from the pool though.
I just hope its a game worth playing. I wonder how different it really will be. The hyperbole is really reaching epic proportions.
I hope it's really good =\
Just saw the SOE Live presentation this afternoon. I'm blown away at what I've seen. I don't know when I get to play it, but I want to play it RIGHT NOW. People are going to be impressed to say the least. It's nothing like MMOs have ever been before.
Oh.. and I'm sure it's purely coincidental, but apparently someone high up at Blizzard managed to see the presentation we did at E3, and now they've scrapped everything they were working on with their new game and are starting over. Hmmmmm
Well, can't wait to see it on Friday. Better not disappoint Eli!
I'm pretty interested in seeing what is shown as well.
Regarding Blizzard - the press was all over the Titan project had cut 70% of it's team and was undergoing a major redesign back in late May; which was pre-E3. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if they learned about EQN prior to E3 and decided to reroll.
This has promise then!