If we had one of these.. it's long gone, so thought I'd start a new one since I just redid my UI. Here's my current UI in both healing and shadow modes.
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If we had one of these.. it's long gone, so thought I'd start a new one since I just redid my UI. Here's my current UI in both healing and shadow modes.
Any chance we can add what your generally using? I know the list is probably long but I'm just looking for ballpark.
Current UI.
Hoping its one of the last screenshots I take, canceled account is in effect!
Sleek and minimalistic is the name of the game here.
How do you guys manage you UI so well? My UI always looks like a cluster of fuck, similar to Allara's in raid.
Allara has so many empty slots in his inventory!
HAHAHAA - Kak said Allara's UI is a cluster fuck....oooooh--this will anger the Gods!! LOL :smile:
I'm still tweaking mine after the overhaul last weekend. Going to move a few more status bars around, but it's getting there; I'll post an updated shot from the raid tonight to show the current evolution.
Agree with Ain. Please post up some of the UI names you use with the pictures. I find it's helpful if for no more then to jog my memory when i'm messing around with ui changes. =)
My little work in progress. I like it, but I don't know that I'm entirely satisfied with it yet. And I think I have too many addons running (you can't see most of them luckily). Anyways it looks more cluttered up when raiding, but since I haven't raided yet with it, I can't really post a shot now can I? :D
Join AV and you can take more PiX of nakedness!
Example of how my gui looks while idling in dalaran. Also included a screenshot of how it looks with 25 raid frames.
Resurrecting from the dead as I think my new UI is pretty damned nifty! Can't figure out how to show my keybinds though :(
Beelze: I like! Clean, minimalist, plenty of extra screen space.
Here is mine. I decided I'd do a complete overhaul after I activated the dr00d again.
Obviously, this is my rogue, but you get the idea.
I've been asked to share information about my UI. My post earlier in this thread was quite out of date, so I'm starting a new one. I'll add in-raid screenshots to this later. For now, here's out of combat.
Here's a list of the add-ons I use along with a brief description. Hope it helps widen your horizons when it comes to add-ons!
- _NPCScan and _NPCScan.Overlay - Recently featured on MMO Champion, these add-ons continuously scan for rare NPCs in the world around you and pop up a notification when you find one.
- Acheron RL - Captures up to 60 seconds of combat log data leading up to a player's death.
- AckisRecipeList - Helps you locate all recipes throughout the game.
- AdvancedTradeSkillWinow - Just what it says.
- AlgalonObserver - Absolutely essential for all players during the Algalon fight.
- Atlas - Maps of all instances.
- Auctioneer - The quintessential auction house add-on suite.
- Auditor - Tracks money gains and losses, shows my account-wide balance.
- BadBoy - Suppresses spam and automatically reports it.
- BigBrother RL - Reports to me all Misdirects, Tricks of the Trade, and crowd control breaks.
- Broker_CalendarEvents - LDB feed that lets me open the calendar.
- BuffEnough - Red box when I'm not fully buffed. Green when buffed. Hover to see which buffs you're missing and the player who last gave you the buff.
- BugSack - My choice for best Lua error capturer. Includes an LDB feed.
- ButtonFacade and ButtonFacade_Apathy - Skin for all buttons. Apathy is my choice of skin at the moment.
- caelNamePlates - Very lightweight nameplate add-on. Aloft broke my framerate as of 3.3, so trying this one out.
- Carbonite - Questing/leveling add-on, I only turn this on for alts.
- Chatter - Chat add-on.
- Chinchilla - Minimap add-on, and lets me move a lot of other frames around.
- Clique - I use this to add a Shift+Click action to all unit frames which casts Misdirect.
- Combuctor - All-in-one bag add-on.
- Deadly Boss Mods - You should know this well. I'm thinking of trying out DXE at some point.
- Decursive - Only active on my paladin and Esmeralda, you should know what this is.
- Dominos - My bar add-on. I've tried others; this gets it done easier and more lightweight.
- eePanels2 - Creates the black gradient effect at the bottom of the screen.
- ElkBuffBars - I do a million things with this add-on, it's one of my biggest tricks for high raid performance.
- EnhancedFlightMap - Shows you a timer on flights, places all flight points on your map, etc.
- EnsidiaFails RL - Outputs failure messages to our hossfail channel.
- Fatality RL - Modified Outputs player deaths to hossfail along with what killed them.
- FeignResistMessage - Notifies me when a Feign Death was resisted.
- ForteXorcist - My DoT timer.
- Fortress - LDB output add-on. Arranges all my LDB feeds around various places on screen.
- FreeRefills - Refills my bags with items from the bank, buys items from vendors automatically.
- FriendsWithBenefits - Automatically synchronizes my friend list across my alts.
- FuBar_FactionsFu and FuBar2Broker - Still the best reputation add-on out there. Since I don't use FuBar, I had to adapt this to LDB.
- GatherMate - The best gathering add-on.
- GearScore - A direct correlation to player skill.
- Gladius - Arena frames.
- HeadCount RL - Our raid tracking utility.
- HoloFriends - Enhanced friend list. Lets me categorize friends into groups.
- ItemDB - Lets me pull item links out of my cache at random to link stuff to people.
- ItemLevelDKP RL - Determines our DKP prices for items.
- LDB_PitchSpeed - LDB feed showing me my current pitch and velocity, to maximize flight speed.
- LightHeaded - Attaches to your quest log and gives you all the WowHead comments for quests.
- LinkWrangler - Lets me have up to 4 item tooltips up at one time, persist them, relink them, etc.
- LoggerHead RL - Automatically turns on combat logging in raids.
- MagicTargets RL - Summary of all raid targets along with how many players are targeting them.
- MikScrollingBattleText - I only use a few features from this, mainly rep gain, loot, in/out of combat, etc. I don't use the combat text anymore, it was pointless. This add-on also generates a huge KILL SHOT! warning when my target is in execute range.
- Mongoose - Tells me to turn on/off Aspect of the Viper.
- Mounted - Randomly picks a new mount for you based on a variety of options and weights.
- MozzFullWorldMap - Reveals the entire world map, even if you haven't explored it yet.
- Omen - Threat add-on.
- OmniCC - Puts my skill cooldowns directly on the buttons. Amazingly helpful for executing a tight rotation.
- OpenAll - Adds buttons to the mailbox to let you grab all items or all money automatically in one click.
- OPie - Puts all my lesser-used buttons such as tradeskills into off-screen "rings" that you can bring up with a keypress.
- oRA2 RL - List of tanks. Invite the guild to the raid. Auto-promote players, etc.
- Outfitter - Best and most stable outfit change add-on. Start cooking? Equips your chef's hat. Fishing, PvP, etc, all automatic.
- Overachiever - All kinds of achievement enhancements, I highly recommend this if you like achievements.
- PallyPower - Only turned on for my paladin.
- Pawn - Gives all gear a score based on a user-defined set of weights. Used for snap judgements on gear upgrades when the spreadsheet isn't handy.
- Pitbull4 - Unit frame add-on. This is the most fully-featured, fully-configurable, optimized unit frame in existence.
- PowerAuras - Adds proc effects to my screen when my trinkets go off.
- QuestGuru - Quest log replacement, quest tracker replacement, tracks your quest history.
- RaidComp RL - With one click I can see exactly which buffs/debuffs we have available in the current raid. I can see which classes and specs would provide missing ones, create hypothetical raids, etc.
- RangeDisplay - Range to your current target.
- RankWatch RL - Recently featured on MMO Champion, this will send you a "wall of text" if it catches you using a spell not at max rank. We already fixed Zeyla's battle rez, and Better's rank 1 Mortal Strike. Fear the spam!
- RatingBuster - Adds on to an item tooltip and displays a summary of the item's stats after all conversions. Shows deltas when comparing items.
- RedRange - Turns your buttons red when out of range, or blue when out of mana.
- Routes - Combine with Gatherer for ultra-efficient gathering.
- Scorchio RL - Tracks Scorch and Torment the Weak effects on my current target. Can do more for mages, but I only use those features.
- Skada - Damage meter, etc. Better and more lightweight than Recount. Can have multiple windows up simultaneously, this is how I can monitor DPS and healing all at once.
- SLDataText - Most of the text on-screen comes from this. Mail, zone, guild, friends, etc.
- SpeedyActions - Skills will fire when you press the key down, instead of releasing the key.
- tekKompare - The item comparison tooltip will always be on with this add-on.
- tekMapEnhancer - Scales the map down so it doesn't cover the entire screen.
- TimeToDie RL - Predicts how long it will be before the target dies.
- TinyTip - My tooltip add-on of choice.
- TomTom - Waypoint add-on with 3D arrow. Combine with Gatherer and Routes for amazingly efficient gathering.
- Track-o-Matique - Fixes my tracking for max DPS.
- TweakWoW - Exposes lots of hidden configuration options in WoW.
- Utopia RL - Mostly used to track debuffs on bosses, I turned that part off. Utopia tells me when any player in the raid changes specs. Also adds who casted a buff to the buff tooltip, shows the amount of improvement through talents, and whether the buff is max rank or not. Utopia also records every fight in detail, and provides a graphical display of the fight afterwards, which highlights important moments such as deaths, Heroism, rebirths, etc. Tracks aura uptimes during combat, etc.
- XLoot RL - Loot/roll window replacement, makes it very pretty and functional. This is how I link boss loot after a kill.
You make me feel inadequet. I'm definately gonna DL some of those next time I'm at my pooter though...
ElkBuffBars - I do a million things with this add-on, it's one of my biggest tricks for high raid performance.
Looks like it shows buffs/debuffs or am I missing something?
Correct. The trick is, and many people don't know this: you can create as many "groups" of buffs/debuffs as you want. You can set those groups to show any collection of buffs/debuffs, put them anywhere on the screen, make them look however you want, etc.
I will try to get some raid shots up later next week as we do some 25s, to show you exactly what I mean.
Take Hodir -- ElkBuffBars (EBB) is almost entirely the reason I topped the meters last week on that.
I have set up a few of these addons so far. Thank you for the list. The following is what I'm currently using.
Still need to set up an action bar modifier that I like. Tried bartender and didn't really like it. Probably try pitbull at some point but one step at a time.
Only thing that I'm missing and really want to include is an addon that that I can set up to alert me when my Improved Shadow Bolt debuff (Shadow Mastery) is not on the target. Forte shows it with a dot timer but I want an announcement that flashes in the middle of my screen. I only have to worry about it during my execute phase (below 30%) when I stop using shadowbolt as a filler, but still need to cast it every 30 seconds to reapply SM. Anyone have any ideas?