Welp Here is me~ Vinen
Really bad picture half asleep right now as I took it with friends Digital Camera.
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Welp Here is me~ Vinen
Really bad picture half asleep right now as I took it with friends Digital Camera.
I plan on shaving Soon :|
eh what the heck
i can use this and make a eqfaces account
please save us all
I'm glad your detox isn't going so bad Vinen! And zappo, the sign of a digital camera newbie is CAPTURING EVERYTHING IN 823892x84273217321 pixels and posting your 3 meg jpeg to a forum!
lol wtf make that pic smaller
Yeah, well, you knew I'd post this...
How you'll see me at the Oscars either next year or the year after. Unless I stick with the Hawaiian shirt thing...
Well here's me.
If I got it to work.
You're a gnome!
what does that mean exactly
gnome or human...i c hoohoos!
boys are easily amused
lets Rave
Someone feed that boy!
Well, you could always offer him an egg...
You'll do no such thing!
Vestax=perpetually wearing a wife beater
kk, the better half... also the reason i aint playin eq :(
Is she a mime?
a mimeŽ? wot the fook is that homer?
FU hoo hoos! wots a mime! :p
Someone who doesn't talk and tries to convey things thru actions.
*gives the finger to vestax*
zappo, that's the only pic I've ever seen of you when you're not doing something that makes baby jesus cry.
and zsar is cute, leave her alone ;\
I don't think giving the finger qualifies as miming. Without running to the dictionary, I think you have to move in such a way to imply that there is an object/force there that really isn't there. Wind, a box, a rope, etc.
I really just wanted an excuse to give vestax the finger after all the lewd tells.
Mime is a type of dramatic theatre. Players are dressed usually in black and have facial skin painted white or wearing a white mask. They do not speak, only act out emotions and/or situations.
A common example is where a mime pretends he/she is in a box trying to escape, etc.
Like your hoo hoo`s then zp... they always look like there trying too escape from your top ;)
What's up with that?? A humongous picture of Zappo where he doesn't appear to be doing anything wierd??
And Zsar....I applaud your bravery ;) It's always been a given to me that there are in fact actual women that play EQ...if not so many as the number of female avatars might have you believe. Many of those women are no doubt quite attractive. You yourself are quite beautiful :) You have now shared that fact, however, with the entire male populace of Druzzil Ro that reads the Hoss boards. Half that population is fairly normal and you'd be OK. The other half has an average mental age of about 9 where women are concerned :D
Prepare to get spammed with a constant stream of lewd tells from Zappo ingame....and consider yourself very lucky that vestax is no longer playing..../shudder
:D ;) :D ;)
*edit* Vinen....Dude.....take a nap man....EQ will still be there when you wake up ;o
I thought she was already getting those from him!Quote:
Prepare to get spammed with a constant stream of lewd tells from Zappo ingame....
Well I look horrible in most of these pictures, and only decent online ones I have are with Autumn. "sigh" lol oh well I'll post my ugly mug.
Aint she perfect?
Me by my computers, gotta love two boxing laptop/desktop all on a nice and slow t1 line. Too bad my school connection sucks ass.
Notice the stack of stapled papers in the background, eq spell lists. lol.
a bit large I know ~ "shrug" ugh red eyes
And last, I had to post this one, of me back when I use to rave alot, god I love this pic :p
here is a pic of.... zaphoe~!
it happens to loook alot like vestaxs x-girl frnd btw!!
I hope that's a gob of white paint or mayo above her eye.
vestax am dead >< Here he is in all his glory ;)
Nice pics ger...you 2 DO look good together :|
I know everyone is really just dying to know what the troll looks like ( ya right;) ) Unfortunately not only do I not have really any camera nuts around very often meaning not too many pics of me floating around that are at all recent....but I don't have a scanner. If I ever remember I'll try to bring a few of the pics that I do have out to either my Grandmothers or my Dads place and scan em in. Please try to contain your suspense til then mkay =)
He only had 10$ to give her so he couldn't touch....just stand across the room and look while he uhh...ya know :DQuote:
Originally posted by Myztlee
I hope that's a gob of white paint or mayo above her eye.
Vinen wtfak. Get some sleep or cut back on the bowls of weed before the pic. P.S SHAVE YOU FOOKING HIPPIE FREAK! Zsar is cute. I thought you would be pasty white~ since you live in Alaska:p . Vestax is a freak!~. You're right Geran, Autumn is cute. ROAR. Yes so are you hotstuff/moan/hump.
I will post some pics of myself and family soon as i figure out how, i am computer challenged:(.
Heh, I said Vestax's GF looked like a mime cause she does :D. In that picture, she has pretty white skin, with red lips and makeup around the eyes. So she looked like one!
I am surprised Vestax that you haven't heard of it, I thought that miming was a pretty well known thing. It started in France I think, or at least they do it a lot there. A famous one was Marcel Marceaux (I think). I think he still does it maybe?
Yeah, here you go!